One of these women is a “plus-sized” model! Guess which one! If you click the picture you can see it larger.
For guessing purposes: there is a back row of six standing models, a middle row of four models sitting on a step, and a front row of three models sitting on the floor.
I’ll reveal the answer later.

Click photo to see it PLUS-SIZED
Huh? One of these is supposed to be plus sized? Is this a joke or something?
I’ll show them plus sized! *shakes fist*
Giselle- In the cosmic sense, yes it’s a TOTAL JOKE. In the sense that one of those women is too fat for regular modeling–no, I’m afraid it’s not a joke.
Ok, I tried to cheat and find the answer on line myself. Not for cheating sake, but because I was SO DAMN CURIOUS.
I have no idea. Maybe the back left girl? But she’s not “plus sized”, she just looks less anemic than the others…
The most healthy looking one (and therefore the “plus sized” one) I think is bottom left.
Hey, I like you’re Attempt The First plan. I’m trying it today. I just ate an apple! Good for me! Next I will eat pizza. Oh wait. Maybe I’m not so good at this afterall.
Maybe it’s a riddle. Maybe the answer is, “you squish all of the together and they will have the body weight and brain capacity of 1 plus sized model.”
That’s my guess anyway.
Top row middle. And it irritates the heck out of me. We were watching the show that first week, when Tyra said she was really too thin to be a plus size, but too big to be a “normal” model. Mr Jay calls her an “average sized” model. Have I ever mentioned how big of a crush I have on Mr. Jay? I am addicted to this show (I even got my husband addicted to it) but I sometimes hate myself for it because it does enforce unrealistic expectations of “perfect” on our young girls. I actually (because I have all the time in the world, and who needs clean floors anyway?) wrote an email to Tyra, asking her how she reconciles this with the talk show she has. On the talk show, she dedicates a lot of program time to helping young girls feel good about themselves. Then this, at night. Really, they have plus sized (supposedly, but they’re all quite thin) models compete but they are usually out by round 5 or 6 at the most. I have run on, haven’t I? This is just a big peeve of mine.
the only way i’ve been able to differentiate on past seasons of ANTM is to find the one girl who still has boobs. therefore i pick… chickadee on the bottom right.
ok wait, mrsgrumpy sounds like she knows what she’s talking about. and i have STARED at the 2 girls in the top row middle trying to figure out which one could POSSIBLY BE plus sized, because NO SERIOUSLY PEOPLE.
ps: i have missed the past two weeks of this show and am devastated. i can be as uppity as i want about blah blah plus sized but i have to admit i love this show more than is healthy.
I’m going to guess back row, third from the left, just because it seems like they’re trying to hide her massive bulk. But seriously, I would never see any of them and think plus size.
Kidding. This is absurd; plus sized now means “marginally healthy” as opposed to a “normal” model who is three calories away from starvation. And I have no idea who the plus model is.
I too was going to say top row third from the left.
What a crock!
This comment has been removed by the author.
OK, let’s try that again.
I was just thinking the other day that I wish there were *real* plus-sized models. When I see what clothes might look like on me, I want to see them on a real person. I am plus-sized, and I laugh at those models. Until you squeeze a giant belly and flabby arms into that shirt, don’t tell me that’s what it will look like on a plus-sized person.
I just think that picture is sad. They are all more skinny than I would be if I wasted away to skin and bones.
I picked bottom right – didn’t you notice her gigantic (read: ever so slightly curved) tummy and thighs???
D and I were guessing and we say it’s the 3rd from the left, back row. We say that because she has boobs and it looks like they’re trying to hide her. *roll eyes*
uhhh…is that “plus” in the sense of very tall?
Perhaps *plus* as in larger than size ZERO? Not negative numbers?
I’m gonna guess top row, all the way right with the braid. That flabby arm of hers, sticking out from her hip, gave it away.
I’m just not sure. They all look a little bit chubby to me. Disgusting.
I now have a huge crush on Omaha Mama.
My guess is the one in the back row middle (because she has boobs) or the one on the bottom right sitting down. I think her body looks more “average” than “get this girl a sandwich now!” Am I right??
Top row, third from left. What a tub o’ lard. I watched this week and I’m soooooo sick of the cat fights and “hood talk”… classy
“I’m going to guess back row, third from the left, just because it seems like they’re trying to hide her massive bulk”
LAURA: HA HA HAAAAAAAAAA! I snorted my wine over this comment. Massive! Bulk! So hilarious!
I was GOING to guess front row, last on the right, but then I don’t know after reading the other comments.
I agree with Penny–squish them all together and they *might* actually equal an average woman.
This is retarded.
Okay. Every comment I read makes me laugh harder and harder! Bethany is killing me now about the “flabby arm.”
I worked in the modeling industry for a little while. It will SUCK OUT YOUR SOUL.
In one of the lowest points of my life I had to tell the most beautiful 14 year old that she was “too big to be a missy model and too thin to be plus sized”. She was a size 8. I would die to be her healthy and beautiful size. I told her over and over again that she was unbelievably beautiful, and PLEASE don’t change yourself for this silly industry, etc.. but I could see it really affected her.
The only solace I take is that she got mad at me, not sad. She sat across from me and basically told me to screw myself. My hope is that she felt empowered to change the industry, not herself.
I quit a few weeks later.
I’m not reading anyone else’s guess first…. just to be fair.
My guess is the model seated on the right.
Wow. Plus sized. She must weigh 100 whole pounds. Fatty.
Sittin’ down, far right.
What do I win??
I stared and stared, and my only guess is that it’s the one sitting down on the far right. But also, this is horrifying.
It’s got to be the girl on the bottom right. She doesn’t look plus-sized to me but she looks bigger than the others.
Bottom right corner.
I left my comment BEFORE I read the other comments. I am also interested to know the comment that was deleted. It could not have been nice.
Since when did “plus size” ever mean some MICRO-FUCKING-SCOPIC-SMIDGE of belly roll? I realize that my language is NOT great right now. And for that, I do apologize.
I have ALWAYS had big boobs. It irritates me to no end that I cannot find actual clothing that IS NOT CLOWNLIKE! I want to look nice. I have had issues with THREE KNEE SURGERIES AND TWO BABIES. In the last FOUR YEARS. I hate that I am so defensive.
I am actually losing weight as of now. It has been very difficult, made more so from the long-ass list of things that I can no longer do. EVER.
My point? FINALLY!!
I am enraged, as well.
I love you even more. For your outrage.
As you were.
Bottom Right. And to be fair, they called her real size on the show, since she is “toobig” for a normal model and on the small side for plus size modelling. To me, that is like what a size 8 girl? I freaking wish.
can someone hook me up with jenny h.? hehehe
OH,I’m mad. Real mad.
Seriously? I can not even believe it….
But, I guess what I’m wondering more than anything is; how often does the “plus size” model bathe her kids? (hehehe)
Hmmm… plus sized could also mean “tall” right??
I’m guessing the one on the bottom right.
Only because she has boobs.
I’m guessing the one on the bottom right.
Only because she has boobs.
I’m guessing the one on the bottom right.
Only because she has boobs.
I gave you a shout out on my blog, only because I know you are sale addicted at the Childrens Place like I am
So, 40 comments? You’ve hit a nerve here!
My guess (without ever having seen this show) is top row, third from left, only because of the aforementioned “massive bulk” (snicker!) hiding going on there.
So, who is it?!?
Guess is bottom right — she has boobs! and it looks like she has a bit of a “pooch” comparatively…
I agree with the commenters who said bottom right because she does indeed have boobs. That’s always who they call “plus-size.”
They all look unhealthy is all I have to say. Plus sized. Bah.
oh my goodness!
Thanks for your comments on Jodifur.
If one of those girls is considered ‘plus size’ I do not think i want to know what I’m classified, since you know, I have boobs.
I know who the supposed “plus sized” model is, and I showed my husband and made him guess who he thought it was. He couldn’t make a guess, because, obviously, NONE OF THEM LOOK PLUS SIZED. I told him which one it was and he refuses to believe me. I refuse to believe it, as well. There’s no words for this! Except crazy, maybe. So very very crazy.
Yes Miss Swistle, I have a Childrens Place Outlet with stuff for 99cents. I knoew you would love LOVE LVOE it since you are always the queen of TCP bargains……..
Although I must admit I WAS SHAKING at the sale, I have hit a lot of $1.97 stuff before but this is by far the best I have ever seen, I have never broken the $1.00 barrier before!
I looked and looked at those ladies and for the life of me could not find one that looked plus sized to me.
So if there is someone in that photo who is considered plus sized…then I must be ginormous sized.
And now I’m depressed.
I’m going to click on the red X in the upper right corner and go cry myself to sleep *sniff*
Bottom right?