The Children’s Place is having one of their good sales. Did I basically walk into a TCP store, hand over my wallet, and say “ONE OF EACH FROM THE TODDLER GIRL SECTION KTHANX!!!” Yes, I did. And now I am planning to place an additional order online (their shipping is $5 flat-rate; flat-rate shipping makes me h-a-double-p-y), to get a few things that were out of stock in Elizabeth’s size at the store today.
A little TCP color terminology first, so we all know what we’re talking about:
flora = dark pink
mud = brown
rubble = brown
winter white = not quite white-white
fern = green
robin = medium blue
(Best TCP color name ever, in my opinion, was “cupcake” for a yellow-cake-mix yellow.)
I bought the lace-trimmed long-sleeved bodysuit in flora and winter white.

(image from
I bought the appliqued raglan tee in flora, fern, and robin. I tried to choose just one, or even narrow it down to just two, but couldn’t. Part of it was because I was disappointed that many other long-sleeved shirts were out of stock in the size I was looking for. (Because, duh, we are going into long-sleeve weather right this minute.) Part of it is that these shirts are even cuter in person: they have the girly-girly-tough-girl look of a flower tattoo.

(image from
I bought the graphic tee (short sleeves, for next year) in…um…I don’t want to tell you how many different ones I bought. As I said above, I was still miffed about missing out on long sleeves. Several of the ones I bought weren’t on the web site anymore, so I couldn’t get pictures of them anyway, even if I were willing to admit how many I bought. Here are a few (I also got the little sister shirt, since it’s equally true):

(image from
I bought the belted cord cargo pants in fern, flora, and rubble. They have cute floral embroidery on the pocket.

(image from
The prairie twirl skirt in flora:

(image from
The yoga skort in flora (I wanted it in mud, but it was sold out):

(image from
And I wanted so, so much more! And I will place an online order for some of it! And then have to go back to the store for additional things I found online while ordering the “some of it,” but were out of stock online! And then perhaps will find more previously unnoticed things in the store and will have to place another order online!
I also remembered the new boy in my life, and bought Henry a shirt:

(image from
I also bought Henry a hat that is so astoundingly cute on him, I will have to provide you later with photographic evidence–but he is sleeping right now so you will have to take my word for it. I didn’t even like the hat (I don’t like it now, looking at it off the baby again), but I let my mom put it on him just for fun, and then I paid full price for it. I’ll just wait a moment and let that sink in: FULL. PRICE. Here it is, the sporty cord hat that wrung full retail from Swistle:

(image from
Oh, dear, did some of you have to scroll past ALLLLLLLLL those baby clothes to get to the earrings? Here they are, finally. I bought six–SIX–pairs at Target, all on 75% off–so, like, $2-something or $3-something or $4-something per pair.
The upper left and upper center are so far my top favorites; I almost always like hoop styles best of all. The upper right are great, too. The lower left are a little more dangley than is wise, but I like them anyway. The lower center are going on the gift shelf because the stud part of the earring sticks out too far for my poor unattached earlobe, so the stud points down at an angle. The lower right I haven’t tried on yet, but I thought they were so pretty. Most beautiful of all: the stacked red-orange clearance stickers, a siren song to so many of us.
Find any great deals lately? Hello, hello? Oh, I see, you’ve gone to TCP and Target. Okay bye! Write when you get back!
I got a blouse off the clearance rack at Old Navy for $1.50. I almost feel criminal when I get a deal like that. Since we’re talking crime, I stole a money saving coupon for TCP out of a Parenting Magazine at the Dr’s office Saturday morning. In my defense, it expires next week and it would have been a shame for it to not be utilized.
Actually, I was at “The Great Indoors” today and they were having an 80 percent off summer merchandise sale. Well, hello, it’s ALWAYS summer here, therefore summer gear is always appropriate. I bought a beautiful blue lantern thingee to go outside on the brand new patio of my brand new apartment that I really shouldn’t be buying anything for until I’ve lived there a couple of months and I’m sure I’m not going to be strapped for cash. BUT. 80. PERCENT. OFF. I could not resist. And it is soooo cute. I can picture spending winter evenings sitting on the porch, sipping wine, the evening lit up by the soft glow of that great blue thing I just bought. I know, I’m sick.
Great deals you got there, by the way!
i just love when you go on an elizabeth-shopping rampage ;-)
I love TCP. I love those pants and those bodysuits. Too cute.
I love the earrings you’re putting in the gift pile. I need to run on down to Target for some jewlery shopping!
Wow! You are so good with the shopping! I bought those same two bodysuit things and the flora colored yoga pants at TCP. They are pretty cute! I love those short sleeved graphic tees! I haven’t found anything really good on sale lately….maybe I need to get out more.
Old Navy was having baby/kids sales so I got some great deals there. I couldn’t handle TCP with their oh-so-narrow places. So didn’t buy a thing. I think I’ll go back sans children.
My mom showed up last night with new clothes for the kids – bought on sale with coupons at the OshKosh outlet. New stuff, on sale, and I didn’t even have to go get it myself!
Also, let me just say again how excited I am to shop for this baby. Since we could never find out if K. was a girl or a boy, she ended up with a yellow/green baby wardrobe. Not this little girl!
I had a great earrings weekend too! Bought 6 pairs for 3$/each at a fall festival…be-YEW-tiful! Sparkly, dangly, make me feel pretty earrings. Nothing makes me happier than earrings. I loved your selection btw…thought about posting pictures of mine on my bloggie, but…im too lazy.
Shoeaddict- I love the gift-pile earrings, too. Sad. Well, they will make a genuinely nice gift for one of my friends who has attached earlobes.
Katie- It’s not a good time of year for sales, is it? I’ve been disappointed, too (except for yesterday, when I was EUPHORIC). But soon it will be January/February, which tends to be awesome.
Omaha Mama- Oh, the TCP AISLES! I nearly BLOW A GASKET every time. One more reason I love their fixed-rate shipping.
Nowheymama- TCP had some cute newborn stuff! PINK!
My hubby manages a Michaels. You should see the stuff I get there on clearance. Those really cute baskets that make great gifts? I bought 4 for a $1 each and they were originally $15 or higher.
Man, all those adorable girl clothes are making my uterus cry. Must fight baby urge. Cannot afford another kid at this time………
ooh I love those pants, but a) I know I won’t stop at the pants and b) they don’t look very ‘I just potty trained myself and am an absolute klutz’ friendly. I think I’ll stick with leggings and cotton pants this year hehe.
I love the hat. I have a few things that I thought were fugly till I put them on the kid.
Oh, I’ve been shopping for weeks now for fall clothes for my son. I’ve been posting about it on my blog complete with pictures. My last trip to Old Navy and TCP I got some good sales. TCP was having an additional 30% off of sale/clearance items. I bought a cute sweater for my son there. Then last week Old Navy was having a 25% off baby week. I LOVED that. I finally got a few long-sleeve t-shirts I’d bee wanting to get for him.
I love all the girly clothes you got. I can’t wait until I have a little girl to buy for.
The earrings are great. I think my favorites are the top left and top center. I see you really liked those too.
Shopping is oh, so, fun!
Did you buy anything other than earrings at Target? Like… dishes? If so, I want to see the pattern you picked out! Along with pictures of any other “guest” items you may have purchased for your home.
I like the fern color a ton. I should wear more green pants! That’s what I think when I see them. Green pants! Awesome!
I really stopped wearing earrings a long time ago, except when I want to feel extra fancy. I’m not sure why. Hmm.
First of all, I’m so jealous that you can wear earrings. My 10 month old would yank them out of my ears in about 20 seconds flat. I can’t wait til the day of earrings again.
Oh, Gymboree was having a good sale last week – all their baby clothes were either $10 or $20. Not exactly the best prices on the planet, but for Gymboree stuff, it was a great deal!
Lauren- Oh no, you tease! Post pictures of pretty-sparklies!
Jess Loolu- I shopped for all three things (dishes, towels, sheets) but bought nothing yet. It is TOO FUN to have it be over! I’ll post pictures when I finally spring, though.
Donna- My day of putting aside the earrings is coming: Henry is just starting to try to reach for them, and then I’ll have to switch to the “breakaway” ones (the latch snaps open before the earlobe does) I bought for working in daycare.
I am feeling very jealous, and may have to visit Children’s Place this week even though we don’t need any clothes at the moment.
We do, however, need TOYS. It became painfully apparent to us over the weekend, while visiting another 1 year old’s family, that our toy supply is outdated and sad, sad, sad.
So perhaps if you are feeling a tad idea-less some day soon can you tell me about toy recommendations for 1 year olds?
I was just thinking this morning that Peanut needs some long sleeved shirts. Guess who’s going shopping today??
It’s a good thing you only have one girl, or Paul would need 17 jobs to pay for all the adorable clothes!
Cute stuff!
I was in Target yesterday ogling the baby/toddler girly clothes. I will not buy anything until I’m 100 percent sure. I will not buy–
I know you read b/c I’ve seen you comment there, but I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss this
before you place your online order. Hope you haven’t already!
TCP has THE best sales Ever!
Great deals! I just did my nephew’s birthday shopping this morning, unfortunately, so I can’t take advantage of the Children’s Place deals (though I’m still sorely tempted to go on a buying spree for him and my other niece & nephew).
My recent deal: got him the PlayMobil pirate ship, saved 10% with a Target coupon, 4% through ebates, and I get 1% back on my UPromise card. While I technically paid full price, I saved a few bucks.
I am loving your writing, by the way! I found your MIL post (and may or may not have…erm…”shared”), and am reading through your archives.
Oh, and by the way–I LOVE all of your kids’ names! All of them are among my ten or so favorite names. (If you care to have a couple more, we can find out whether you have the same top 10 list as me!)
Thanks for the heads up on the TCP sale… I’ll be checking it out!
All day long I have thought about the adorable TCP clothes that I am NOT buying for Maddie. She doesn’t need anymore clothes and this sale is taunting me.
*shakes fist in the air* Damn you, TCP and Swistle!!!
Also, love the Henry hat. I love those kind of things: it says “grumpy old man” until you see a sweet baby face in it, and then it’s even cuter.
Can’t wait to see Henry in it!
Penny- Oooo, toys! Fun idea! If you want to post about it, I’ll link to it. I’m always looking for toy ideas too.
Shelly Overlook- Come back later and say what you bought! Did you get her any of the corduroy pants? I haven’t tried them on Elizabeth yet but they look really cute in the bag!
Erica- I KNOW! Right now I’m using the “I only have one girl and I want to fully enjoy the clothes” excuse; if we had another girl, it would be “It really only costs HALF of this amount, because of handmedowns.”
Tulipmom- Maybe just one or two little irresistible things?
Courtney- THANK YOU! I haven’t read any blogs today yet (it’s the kind of day that began with cat barf on the carpet) and I ORDERED WITHOUT THE COUPON. Which would be AGONIZING right now, except nice nicey-nice Cindy had already enabled my shopping problem by sending me a 20% off coupon. I won’t say how much my order was–but I will say that 20% off saved me more than the deal I didn’t see. *blush* I’m, um, hanging on to the other deal in case I need to, um, place another order.
Erica again- Come on, you know you want to. And did you see the coupon code Courtney pointed us to? The clothes are practically free! FREEEEEEEEEE! (Cute pic, by the way!)
Kathryn- So, just five more kids and we’ll know about those lists! Awesome!
Misguided Mommy- But soon! And this is the perfect time to shop! And did YOU see the coupon code Courtney pointed us to? The clothes are practically free! FREEEEEEEEEE!
Oh, and Kathryn, in case you come back here–it has been so much fun getting comments on the old posts!
Thank you, Swistle! Now I know where to buy my neice’s Christmas presents. Er, present. Yeah, that’s what I meant.
You mean, if I have a girl I get to buy things in Flora, Fern, and Robin? That sounds so lovely! Much better than Dinosaur and Baseball, which are our current colors of choice. ;)
That sound you are hearing? It is your doorbell ringing as I lay blame on your doorstep. I just spent an inordinate amount of money on toddler girls clothes. Thank God they were out of a lot of stuff in her size.
Again with the mention of online shopping and $5 shipping. Holding back the tears…
Michelle- Ha ha! Cleverly put!
LoriD- Oh, Lori, why WON’T they ship to where you live?? It is SO UNFAIR! Letter-writing campaign, anyone? Everyone deserves this cuteness!
I have that flora skirt (well, my daughter does). It’s one of my favorites!
I went to Target and got a pair of work maternity pants for $13.00, a maternity t-shirt for $4.00 and the CUTEST FREAKING LONG SLEEVED PAJAMA THING for only $3.00!!!
I of course love the thing for the baby most of all :-)
I LOVE these kid clothes posts. More, please!