Baby Names and Surprise Pregnancies

You guys. You are killing me recently with all the hot hot hot baby news ‘n’ names! We have to spread this out, okay? One at a time, or we’ll use up all our fun stuff at once!

First Jen’s baby needed a name, and now El-e-e is letting us help name her baby, too. Oh me, I do love baby name discussions. I’d like someone to use the name Oliver, please, and someone else should use Ruben. For girls, how about Millicent or Beatrix? Or, okay, fine, how about Annabel? Genevieve? Elodie? Imogen? Brindle? Clarissa? Meredith? Celeste? Penelope? Fiona? I have so many favorite girl names available! Please, take what you need–The Fates thought it would be amusing to give me four boys to name, and only one single solitary girl.

If all that baby-namin’ weren’t enough, there are two new surprise pregnancies in our midst: Giselle (who will have a 4.5-year-old and an 18-month-old when the new baby arrives), and Devan (who will have a 3-year-old and a 13-month-old when the new baby arrives). Congratulations, you two, and thank you, because there are few things I like better than surprise pregnancies–even my own, which, one year ago, was still several days from occurring and three weeks from discovery. The nice thing about other people’s surprises is that I don’t have to contribute to the barfing or the worrying, and I can fully concentrate on the screaming and the whooping and the “OMG YOU ARE KIDDING ME!!!”

18 thoughts on “Baby Names and Surprise Pregnancies

  1. Jess

    I like Imogen too. When I was living in France, I had a good friend named Sandrine, and then I decided I wanted to name my child that. And then I saw that episode of Friends where Rachel suggests naming her kid Sandrine, and then I was furious.

  2. Erica

    I’m very happy for all of these surprisingly pregnant ladies, but also very sad for my own empty womb. I would like a surprise pregnancy. Perhaps we can do a post on how to convince your husband that you do, indeed, need more babies. Even though the first pregnancy and birth were nightmares and you swore to God that you’d never, ever do it again. And now you want more babies and your husband remembers your oath and won’t give you any.

    I like the name Mason for a boy. Always have. Also, Piper for a girl. Penelope is very pretty. And I’ve already weighed-in on liking Millicent and Beatrix.

  3. el-e-e

    I love omaha mama’s idea for your business! Ha!

    We have a little friend named Oliver and I LURVH that name.

    Brindle is VERY interesting. Reminds me of Kendall but sounds more upscale. Fiona wouldn’t work at our house because of Shrek; I just won’t have a cartoon character ‘competing’ with mah baby. (And was so distraught when I discovered a character in “Balto,” some movie my MIL gave us, is named Jenna. She’s a dog, by the way. I am choosing to ignore this and put the movie away FOREVER.)

  4. Shelly Overlook

    I have to agree with Omaha Mama – Swistle Baby Naming is your true calling!!

    Since I think we’re stopping at one kid, I will give out my favorite name – Parker. I wanted to use it for Peanut but it was not to be. I meant for it to be a girl’s name, but obviously it’d work for a boy, too.

  5. Swistle

    Omaha Mama- Oh, man, that would be an AWESOME job!

    Devan- We can say it “Three 3 and under.”

    Erica- What you do is, you get all pshaw-y and dismissive of earlier oaths, rolling your eyes and saying, “Oh, come on–ALL pregnant women swear they’ll never do it again! It’s CLASSIC! Where have YOU been?”

    El-e-e- I LOVE Brindle. I think it’s so fun to say. Brindle Brindle Brindle. (I found it in a novel.)

  6. samantha jo campen

    We finally came up with a boy’s name. And this is a HUGE deal because we’ve had our girl’s name for 6 years. We’ll find out the gender at the end of November, so we’ll see if all the blood sweat and tears for the boy’s name was worth it!


    Sorry, we won’t let the internet name our first baby. Maybe next time?

  7. Sarah

    I’m going to leave a comment that has pretty much nothing to do with this post…
    I’m leaving you with some names. Like, or dislike?
    Reed Connor
    Lathan Milo
    Izabella Madeline
    Allison Sadie
    Jenna Katherine
    Evan Mikah
    Layla Sophia
    What do you think?

  8. Swistle

    Sarah- What do I think? I think you made my morning, giving me names to consider! My favorites are Jenna Katherine and Evan Mikah. I’m also enjoying the name Layla Sophia–fun to say.

  9. Meredith

    I personally think “Meredith” is a great name– it’s worked for me! When I was younger I didn’t like it so much because I could never have those cute little personalized pencils and rulers that everyone had with THEIR name on it (I’m looking at YOU Jennifer, Mary and Rebecca) but now I appreciate being different.


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