33 thoughts on “Fake Smile Test

  1. shoeaddict

    I got 13 correct. This was interesting but, I would like to know what the people were told. Were the genuie smiles made to laugh? Were the fake smiles just told to fake a smile?

  2. Anonymous

    I got 13. Same as shoeaddict.

    It was interesting that they asked if you are optimistic. Maybe that’s why I guessed so many genuine??

  3. Omaha Mama

    I got 17. That last guy tricked me, because I started to wonder if I always thought creepy looking people are faking it. (Sorry if that’s your brother!) So I said he was genuine, even though I suspected he was faking. Very interesting indeed. Two women tricked me, I thought they were genuine. Which makes me doubt my ability to read people. Hmmm…

    Fun test. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Swistle

    The ones that got me were the ones who went so quickly to non-smiling faces afterward. Some of them went from huge, genuine-looking smiles (so my mouse was hovering over “real”) to sociopathic faces that made me actually SCARED–so then I chose “fake,” thinking, “great actor, how creepy.”

  5. Jana

    How fun! I got 14 and my husband got 16. I focused on the eyes and he looked at head movement trying to detect laughter along with the smile. Apparently you can’t hold your head still if you’re laughing; I never thought of that.

  6. Tess

    I got 13 correct. I looked at how quickly they went from smile to straight face. I did better than I thought. Great link! Thanks!

  7. Kelsey

    17 out of 20 for me; I agree that the eyes were especially helpful.

    I will admit that all the while I wondered if the real test was whether we’d tend to think women were more genuine than men, or bearded people were more likely to be faking, or some other thing like that.

    You know those tricky psychologists, always telling you they are looking for one thing and really testing for another. . .

  8. caley

    14 out of 20 for me, too, despite my husband watching over my shoulder and influencing my decisions. I have to admit though that I had no clue and totally made random guesses on quite a few of them. Like many others, I was thrown off by the instantaneous return to non-smiling. Plus, knowing that I could only watch the video clip ONCE put all kinds of pressure of me and you would have thought I was going to be graded and punished for incorrect answers.

  9. Trena

    16 out of 20 here

    So was the individual with the long black hair a male or female? I was leaning towards female, but ultimately went with male.

    I enjoyed the test overall but it made me wonder how convincing my fake smile is


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