Try Something Different Day

First, you must go congratulate Becky Fay, who had a BABY, a cute little NEWBORN baby who makes MY baby look like a huge hulking TODDLER, practically. Oh, newborns. You are like crack to me.

Today must be Try Something Different Day, because I have been MIXING IT UP all morning. First, I was bored by the idea of jogging (heck, I’ve done it TWELVE WHOLE TIMES, no wonder I’m suffused with ennui), so Rob and William and I did Tae Bo instead. That is to say, we flailed around with a Tae Bo DVD playing in the background–it’s difficult to get the hang of it at first. I used to do Tae Bo a number of years ago, but then during my pregnancy I switched to Denise Austin (“Come on, I KNOW you can do it! You’re doing GREAT! Can’t you just FEEL your muscles WAKING UP to a GREAT NEW DAY?”), who offers a milder, less sweaty workout. After William was born, I thought I should start Tae Bo again, but I couldn’t face watching that same one (“We did it in one unrehearsed take, so you can wincingly anticipate our mistakes every! single! time!”) so I ordered a different workout. And then never did it, not even once. Until today!

Then, during my shower, I tried something NEW with my shampoo and conditioning procedure! Check it: I used the L’Oreal Vive Pro Nutri Gloss shampoo (which I bought because the bottle is gorgeous pink and because Erica promised it would give me shampoo-commercial hair), but–wait for it–didn’t use the conditioner. Then, after I towel-dried my hair, I put in a small quantity of the conditioner as if it were a leave-in conditioner. I am waiting on the edge of my seat to see how this turns out. It could go either way!

THEN, I parted my hair on the other side! Yes! Normally I part it on the high left, and today I parted it medium right! I KNOW! But I said to myself, “Self, if you’re not living Xtreme, you’re not living.”

Several of you commented yesterday on our big-ass clock. It is indeed enormous. In fact, it is so enormous, we lived for months mentally changing the time by an hour, because we couldn’t get ourselves to take the thing down to change it for “fall back.” Fortunately, “spring ahead” came along and now the clock is right again! Problem solved! I said, PROBLEM SOLVED.

40 thoughts on “Try Something Different Day

  1. tulipmom

    You are a f-ing riot!

    Denise Austin makes me wanna puke.

    Henry’s shoes have got to be the st thing I’ve seen (well, besides him, of course) in ages.

  2. Tessie

    Hmm, I hadn’t thought of changing the time, that must be problematic indeed.

    I guess I pictured you and the kids forming some kind of human chain and dangling off the balcony.

    This is what I love about being a procrastinator…half of the time, as the saying goes, “by turning, turning, you come round right”!

  3. nowheymama

    My something new was to involve Katherine in going through the items in her dresser and closet today. Usually I remove outgrown outfits in the dead of night, but today I let her help.

    Am I Xtreme, or what?

  4. pinks & blues girls

    Haha! Great post! I used to do Tae-Bo all the time, but it really annoyed me on some tapes when Billy Blanks would stop mid-workout to go over correct form on his daughter (that skinny girl in the front of all his workouts). Denise Austin, I believe, has a smile tattooed onto her face. There is no other explanation, except heroin.

    Jane, P&B Girls

  5. pinks & blues girls

    Haha! Great post! I used to do Tae-Bo all the time, but it really annoyed me on some tapes when Billy Blanks would stop mid-workout to go over correct form on his daughter (that skinny girl in the front of all his workouts). Denise Austin, I believe, has a smile tattooed onto her face. There is no other explanation, except heroin.

    Jane, P&B Girls

  6. pinks & blues girls

    Haha! Great post! I used to do Tae-Bo all the time, but it really annoyed me on some tapes when Billy Blanks would stop mid-workout to go over correct form on his daughter (that skinny girl in the front of all his workouts). Denise Austin, I believe, has a smile tattooed onto her face. There is no other explanation, except heroin.

    Jane, P&B Girls

  7. Swistle

    Jane– Also, how does Denise Austin look EXACTLY THE SAME now as she did when I was in high school more than 15 years ago? That’s not possible.

  8. Erica

    First of all – Those Shoes Are Adorable!!!!

    Secondly – Good job with the Tae Bo. That shit kicks my ass.

    Finally – You must let me know how the “Nutri Gloss conditioner as leave-in conditioner” experiment works.

    PS – I love the pretty pink bottles, too : )

  9. Sara

    Oh yes, that Henry….he’s HUGE!! A toddler indeed…… you make me laugh.

    Ok sitemeter is FREEEEE, no adds, no nothing. Just go in and sign up for the basic one, it gives you an HTML to put in your sidebar. Then you can see how many people visit you.

    (you’ll see me 20 times a day)

    On a side note, Cait got the pink cowboy boots for her bday, and a cowboy hat to match. Pictures coming tonight…..she’s darling.

  10. Annie.

    A toddler?! He’s not even mobile yet… at all!

    You look so good. Have you been exercising? Did you change your hair?

    That’s how I solved the same problem with the clock in my car.

  11. the Girls' Moma

    Ok, that boy is so cute it makes my ovaries tingle. Love his little chin!

    I HATE when I forget to use conditioner — I’d like to know how that leave-in experiment works, too!

  12. AndreAnna

    You have got to stop posting pictures of your newborn. They are like crack, and you’re like a pusher!

    “C’mon, honey, it’s cool. Everyone else is doing it. Why can’t we?”

  13. Omaha Mama

    Tae Bo. Lots of counting, yes? My roommate and I used to make the trailer that we lived in (yes, a trailer, in a trailer park) shake when we worked out together with Billy on the tv. Good times.

    Your baby is simply adorable. Handsome. Well-dressed. He does look so big and aware. Funny how that happens so FAST!

  14. jen

    I think once he has a “hairstyle” he’s not a new born anymore!

    The clock in my thermostat is wrong this half of the year.. mostly because it’s right the half of the year that the automatic timer on the thermostat turns the heat on and off.

  15. JMH

    I. LOVE. BABY SHOES! So sweet.

    Tae Bo is OK, but I think he moves to fast for the natural world. You should try Turbo Jam. It’s a great combo of Tae Bo with a Denise Austin type instructor (but MUCH less annoying) and the music is better.

  16. el-e-e

    I said to my husband, “COME LOOK at this baby. This is someone else’s baby… someone you don’t know… but you have to agree he is the CUTEST baby of all time.”

    He agreed.

  17. Swistle

    JMH- I know, he goes WAY too fast! But I remember the last time I was doing Tae Bo, after I’d done it awhile I could keep up. It’s really hard at first. I wish I could find the Turbo Jam DVD available for regular purchase–I can only find it through “Marketplace Sellers” on Amazon, or on eBay.

  18. Shannon

    He does look big! Elise will be 4 months old tomorrow! Yikes!

    I do the whole hour ahead guess until time changes and the clocks are right again, too.

  19. Kelsey


    I saw your comment about the Turbo Jam DVD. I can’t speak for ebay, but I have had LOTS of success with marketplace sellers on I look for people who are well rated over at least a couple hundred ratings. I have probably ordered over 100 items this way (um, you can ask why over email if you choose!) and only had one problem which amazon quickly resolved.

    I am sure there are others with horror stories, but I wanted to let you know what worked for me.

  20. Swistle

    Kelsey- I use Marketplace, too, but sometimes if the supply is low, the prices are way too high. And then the items don’t qualify for free shipping, which, *pout.*

  21. JMH

    Swistle: I got my Turbo Jam from I think the DVD was around $30, BUT it had 5 workouts on it! That is only $6 per workout video (which is how I convinced my husband that I needed to buy it :)

  22. My Buddy Mimi

    I’m stalled out on the 5K program too. I discovered that I can run about one mile but not a single step farther. But hey, I am running one mile, which is better than the couch. So we’ll see how self-motivated I am from here on out.

  23. Swistle

    Misguided Mommy- I know, I know! I’m still here! Working on the mint chocolate brownie recipe.

    My Buddy Mimi- A mile is awesome. I’d love to say, all casual-like, “Yeah, just ran a mile, you know.”

    JHM- THAT IS VERY USEFUL INFO. I was thinking it was just ONE workout, so I was cheesing out about the price. This changes EVERYTHING.

  24. Christine

    Love you Swistle.

    Indeed I was sent this on youtube and the woman reminded me of you for some obvious reasons.

    Hope you find this funny, and not offensive, but here goes!


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