Hungover, Blog-Style

This morning I am feeling hungover, blog-style. “Did I really write about…CHILDBIRTH CHOICES last night?,” I think to myself, holding my head and hoping the answer is no. “I didn’t use…excessive punctuation, did I? Oh god—-did I use CAPS LOCK? Tell me I didn’t use caps lock.”

Let’s talk about something else, fast. Let’s talk about something we can all agree on, which is the pain and misery of a new exercise program. I did three weeks of Couch to 5K, but the fourth week I went off-program to save myself from quitting: I went the same distance I was going on a typical Couch to 5K day, but I ran and walked at will.

This worked a lot better for me. When I was timing my jogging/walking, I was spending the jogging sessions thinking “Oh god! No more! I can’t do any more! I’m dying! HOW many more seconds??” and the walking sessions thinking, “Oh no, look how fast the time is going! Oh, that’s so unfair! Oh no, I have to run in just ten more seconds! Oh, I can’t face it!”

When I jogged and walked at will, I spent the jogging sessions thinking, “Look how long I’m jogging! I wonder if I can go a little farther? Look, I’m still going!” and the walking sessions thinking, “I’m still too wiped out to jog again yet, but I think I’ll be ready soon. Okay, I’m almost ready! Okay, I’m ready!” Big improvement, morale-wise.

But will I kick my own butt the way the Couch to 5K program was kicking it? This is the question.

19 thoughts on “Hungover, Blog-Style

  1. jen

    Do we have to jog? Can we row? All this fitness talk is making me jealous, but I have never and don’t ever plan to run. If pillagers are chasing me I’ll just take my chances.

  2. Sarah

    Whatever keeps you motivated to get out there and move is the best plan for you, especially at the beginning. It’s the overall exercise and *enjoyment* of being active that a Couch to 5k program is after, right? In the past, it has really helped me to have a goal to work toward as well (such as a 5k), but I think that goals become much more attainable if you are able to build up a training base first.

    BUT, what I’m really dying to know is: Has Paul’s mother mentioned her impending visit yet? It’s been awhile since the countdown was updated (that, or I just missed it!).

  3. Sarah

    p.s. I don’t think I’ve mentioned how amazing and inspiring it is to me that you are out there jogging mere months (and at first, weeks!) after having kiddo #5. :)

  4. Jess

    I think that is a great attitude. Unless you have a reason to need to be able to run 5k (which I certainly don’t), just doing what you can and what makes you not completely miserable is a good approach. It’s the exercise that matters and interval cardio actually burns more fat than jogging with no breaks anyway.

    Although, I warn you, if you keep up this attitude of good morale and pacing yourself, you might lose a couple of those medals you were handing out for misery.

  5. Omaha Mama

    Hang over. Heh. That’s funny.

    I’ve written a thing or two that I considered just hitting delete on. No worries. Besides, look how quick your bloggy friends were ready to jump right in with you!

    Oh – you wanted to talk about something else. Okay. Working out. My hip is still majorly bugging me, so I am doing the walking thing. Running is going to have to go on hold for a bit. I’m so proud of you for sticking to it for so long – a month! And you thought you’d never do it!

  6. Jen4 @ Amazing Trips

    I’m curious to know when you had your first c-section? With five children (from four pregnancies) I’m assuming it wasn’t with your first delivery?

    We have four children from two pregnancies. I’ve been told that a woman shouldn’t have more than 3 sections. At this point in space & time (while my toddler triplets are napping and my newborn is nestled on my chest sleeping soundly), I would LOVE to have more babies.

    Of course I’d also love to run a 5K but I suspect that would be much too painful and very unlike the pleasure that is derived from having four children under the age of three…

  7. Swistle

    Jen- Rowing counts! And if anyone chases you, you’ll get farther in a boat that I’d get by running, anyway.

    Sarah- She FINALLY did. It was on something like Day 40.

    Jen4- I haven’t heard anything about limiting it to 3 c-sections. I’ve had 4 so far, and my OB gives me a little informal report after each one on how things look in there. Didn’t Ethel Kennedy have, like, ELEVEN c-sections? Or is that just one of those things people say? (Too lazy to look it up.)

  8. Black Sheeped

    I had a blogger hangover this week…I was all, “Um. Did I just show my rack on the internet? On my blog? SURELY NOT.”

    I have a much better time jogging/walking with the dog when I’m not timing myself. It feels more like I’m running for the fun of it. But the program is also good. Surely all that matters is getting some heart-healthy exercise, yes? And feeling good.


  9. Jen

    I found a new form of torture- A spin class at 8:15 on a Sat. Every part of me hurts including some private parts! Those seats are awful.

  10. Nicole

    OMG OMG OMG This is hilarious. I have totally had that “Hung Over, blog-style” feeling before… and its always about a controversial post that, at the moment, felt so perfectly right to post. And the next day I am left feeling like… ehhh… better pull that one.

    I liked your post yesterday. I read Purple’s blog and I totally agree… something as personal as the use of your vagina should not be criticized HAHA!

  11. Devan

    I did a little running Swistle Style this morning and didn’t use the timer at all. I just ran as long as I could and then walked till I felt I could run again. (Keep in mind I’m using the term “run” veeeerrrry loosely.)
    It was definitely better than using the timer. As long as I think I’m progressing each week, that’s what matters, right? :)

  12. Shannon

    Running? I walked around our County fair today, does that count? Oh wait, the rack of ribs, corn on the cob, frozen lemonade, regular lemonade, pepsi, and super nachos probably voids anything I lost. Heck, I’m breastfeeding.

    Oh, I also failed to mention, I’ve got your chocolate chip cookies in the oven right now, too.

  13. AndreAnna

    If it makes you feel any better, I am totally jealous of your running. The most exercise I did this week was frantically freaking out at the office. And, though it raises your heart rate and blood pressure, I hardly think it’s considered physical exercise.

  14. Katie

    No need to feel hungover. This is your BLOG. Your thoughts. You can write whatever you want! And, if it offends people, they don’t have to return. But I think most people are very interested in what you write!

  15. Mommy Daisy

    I second what Katie said about the hangover. No need for it. All is well.

    Go you for still getting out to jog/walk. I did one day of the program. Yikes! I don’t think I’ve exercised since then. I keep telling myself to get back on track with some exercise, but this darn computer teases me. I must blog and read blogs in my free time. Ugh, maybe I need to put the laptop out of site for a little while tomorrow.

  16. Jess

    I ran again yesterday, and I stuck with the Week Three program even though I have already done that one more than three times. I am still just barely managing to finish that last three-minute spurt, and the idea of Week Four is just killing me. Three minutes as the short running time? Followed by five minutes? Twice? I’m pretty sure that won’t be happening. So maybe I’ll just keep doing Week Three forever, or maybe I’ll do like you and branch out into my own thing. Any thoughts on which would be the better workout?

  17. Swistle

    Jess- I know, I can’t imagine doing TWO 5-minute sessions AND two 3-minute ones, when I was FAILING to complete a 3-minute one! My plan now is to NOT try to get to 5K, but instead to continue to do jogging/walking at will (but really trying to do more and more jogging, rather than using the “at will” as an excuse to laze off). I’m also going to be doing other stuff like workout videos, because sometimes the idea of jogging up the street AGAIN fills me with despair.

  18. Ally

    Hey there, I’m a newcomer to your post, visiting today via bub&pie’s link. I’m doing the couch to 5K as well and TOTALLY relate to what you’ve hilariously described as your thoughts during each jog/walk phase. I’m only on week two. Phew.


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