Swistle Quiz: Mental Pictures of People We’ve Never Seen Edition

  1. Do you think I wear glasses? contacts? neither?
  2. What color do you think my hair is? How long do you think is it?
  3. Do you think I have bangs?
  4. What color do you think my eyes are?
  5. How many times do you think my ears are pierced?
  6. Do you think I have any non-ear piercings, or any tattoos?
  7. How tall do you think I am?
  8. Do you think I have siblings? Where do you think I am in the birth order?
  9. How old do you think I am?

94 thoughts on “Swistle Quiz: Mental Pictures of People We’ve Never Seen Edition

  1. CAQuincy

    OH how fun!

    1. Neither
    2. dirty blonde
    3. No
    4. Blue
    5. twice
    6. No
    7. 5’8″
    8. Yes; oldest
    9. 35

    Um…and can I just say that I didn’t read jenny’s responses until AFTER I had typed them. That’s pretty creepy. We’re either both almost right on–or we’re both COMPLETELY WRONG!

  2. Melissa

    I love stuff like this!

    1. Neither
    2. Light brownish–long enough to pull back
    3. No bangs
    4. Hazel
    5. Once
    6. A tatoo
    7. 5′ 9″
    8. Yes
    9. Oldest
    9. 32

  3. janet

    1. contacts
    2. blonde (or used to be anyway, since we’ve seen pictures of your daughter!) and shoulder length
    3. no
    4. hazel
    5. two
    6. no
    7. 5’8″
    8. yes
    9. oldest
    10. 35

  4. Jess

    Oh, this is tricky. Do we get to see a picture at the end to establish in our minds the real answers? Or at least will we get answers to know how far off we are? Anyway:

    1. Neither.
    2. Gold-ish dirty blond.
    3. Down to your shoulder blades.
    4. No.
    5. Hazel.
    6. Twice.
    7. No.
    8. 5’9″
    9. No.
    10. N/A
    11. 34.

  5. Mommy Daisy

    Ohh, good idea. I’ll play. Now I have to conjure up a mental picture of you.

    1. Contacts
    2. Brown – shoulder length
    3. No bangs
    4. Green eyes
    5. One piercing, each ear
    6. Ankle tatoo
    7. 5’10”
    8. Yes
    9. Oldest
    10. 34

  6. Christine


    1. Niether
    2. Blonde or dirty blonde, bit past the shoulders
    3. No
    4. Green
    5. Once
    6. No
    7. 5’9″/5’10”
    8. Yes, somewhere in the middle (if a big family, then somewhere among the older middle kids, like second of four)
    9. 35 or 36

  7. Penny

    Based on one post in particular at which you glanced at yourself in the mirror and described it in negative terms (can’t remember which post):

    1. glasses
    2. grey-brown, leaning towards the brown
    3. um…bluish green?
    4. one
    5. no
    6. about 5’7″
    7. younger…maybe 1 of 3?
    8. 33

  8. Erica

    Ok – I’m not reading anyone else’s comments first.
    1. Contacts
    2. Light Brown
    3. Yes
    4. Blue
    5. Twice in each ear
    6. Yes – a tattoo
    7. 5’6″
    8. Yes – oldest, or second oldest
    9. 35

  9. nikki

    1. Glasses
    2. Reddish brown, shoulder length
    3. No
    4. Brown
    5. Once
    6. No
    7. 5’6″
    8. Two siblings, you’re in the middle.
    9. 35

    I’m probably completely wrong, but this was fun!

  10. Shelly

    How fun is this? What a great idea!

    1. Both, not at the same time obviously
    2. Brown, shoulder length enough that you can pull it up
    3. No
    4. Green
    5. Three
    6. No
    7. 5’7″
    8. Yes, oldest of 3
    9. 32

  11. jonniker

    1. Neither
    2. Shoulder-length, blond.
    3. Yes
    4. Brown
    5. one in each ear
    6. No tattoos or piercings!
    7. 5’6”
    8. I think you’re an only child.
    9. 33

    I think this sucks, because really, are you going to show or tell us? You’d better! You’d better!

  12. Michele

    FANTASTIC idea! I pruposely scrolled past everyone comments without reading so I dont taint my answers

    1 – Contacts, not glasses
    2 – dark brown hair
    3 – shoulder length
    4 – no bangs
    5 – hazel or green eyes
    6 – ears pierced once now, but double pierced in the past
    7 – no other piercings
    8 – maybe one tattoo
    9 – tall, 5’9″ or so
    10 – one or two siblings
    11 – middle or youngest
    12 – 36

  13. Devan

    1 – no
    2 – light brown, shoulder-ish length
    3 – no
    4 – brown
    5 – one
    6 – one tatoo
    7 – 5’6″
    8 – yes, somewhere in the middle
    9 – early 30’s. Under 35.

  14. Misty

    I wanted to say what I thought before reading anyone else’s comments. Oh, Swistle has the best games!
    1. Neither
    2. A honey blond, wavy, shoulder length.
    3. Yes
    4. Hazel
    5. Just once.
    6. No, I don’t think you do. But I don’t have a good reason for why.
    7. 5’6
    8.I think you do have siblings and you are somewhere in the middle of the birth order.
    9. 33

  15. Sara

    Ok, not reading what anyone else wrote.

    1. Neither
    2. Brownish BLonde
    3. to the shoulders
    4. no bangs
    5. Brown
    6. 2 in each ear
    7. no other piercings or tatoos
    8. 5’8
    9. yes
    10. oldest
    11. 34


  16. Bethany

    1. Occasional glasses, but you leave them on the bedside table and forget them a lot.
    2. Mousy brown, used to be chin length, but now its grown out to a little past shoulder length and you keep meaning to get a haircut.
    3. Yes, but again, they’ve grown out a bit.
    4. Brown.
    5. Two on the left and just one on the right.
    6. No and no.
    7. 5’4″
    8. Yes, you are the next-to-oldest.
    9. 36, but you don’t feel a day over 29!

  17. Cari

    I want to play because I’m dying to know the answers:
    1. Glasses, maybe contacts on occasion
    2. light brown/dark blonde
    3. No
    4. Hazel
    5. two in one ear, three in the other
    6. a small tattoo
    7. 5’8″ or 5’9″
    8. yes, oldest of 2 or 3
    9. early 30’s; younger than 35

    Will you tell us how good we are? Even if it’s with words and no photographs? (This is way fun.)

  18. Artemisia

    What an awesome idea! I may steal it (giving you credit, of course.).

    1. Neither
    2. Dark brown, mid-length. Thick, layered.
    3. No
    4. Green
    5. Twice
    6. No
    7. 5’5″
    8.Yes. Middle or second to last.
    9. 32

  19. coffee stained laura

    1. Occasional glasses
    2. Light brown, shoulder length
    3. Yes
    4. Blue
    5. 3 in one ear,2 in the other
    6. You might have a tattoo
    7. 5’9″
    8. Yes, maybe oldest.
    9. Early 30s?

    Will you be answering?

  20. Shannon

    1. No
    2. You color it…btownish red
    3. No
    4. Brown
    5. twice
    6. Ithink you had your tongue pierced but not anymore
    7. 5’8″
    8. A brother. You are the oldest
    9. 30

  21. AndreAnna

    1. Contacts
    2. Auburn with blond highlights, shoulder length, enough to put in a ponytail, because sweet jeebus do mommas need ponytails.
    3. No.
    4. Brown
    5. One set of earrings.
    6. Maybe a small one, hidden somewhere.
    7. 5’4.
    8. Yes.
    9. Middle of four.
    10. 34

  22. Haley

    Do you think I wear glasses? contacts? neither? – I vote neither

    What color do you think my hair is? How long do you think is it?
    I think a dark brown shag cut shoulder length

    Do you think I have bangs?
    Swept to the side

    What color do you think my eyes are?

    How many times do you think my ears are pierced?

    Do you think I have any non-ear piercings, or any tattoos?
    None of the above

    How tall do you think I am?

    Do you think I have siblings?
    two brothers?

    Where do you think I am in the birth order?

    How old do you think I am?

    Those are my votes!

  23. Sundry

    Funny, I was JUST thinking this morning that you’re the only blogger I read whose photo I’ve never seen. Jinx!

    My answers:

    1. Contacts
    2. Medium blond, shoulder length
    3. No
    4. Grey
    5. Once
    6. No body piercings, one small college-age-acquired tattoo that you find mildly embarrassing now
    7. 5′ 8″
    8. One older brother (wild guess)
    9. 34

  24. Black Sheeped

    1. Glasses.
    2. Dark blonde.
    3. Medium length, shoulder-ish.
    4. I think you might have bangs.
    5. Blueish gray.
    6. Twice.
    4. You might have a tattoo.
    5. 5’10”
    6. Yes, I think you’re the middle child.
    7. 35.

  25. Pickles & Dimes

    I love this!

    1. Neither
    2. Blonde, medium length
    3. No bangs
    4. Blue eyes
    5. Once
    6. One tattoo, either a rose or a butterfly
    7. 5’4
    8. Two siblings: two brothers. You’re the middle child.
    9. 36

    If I got even ONE right, I’m going to reward myself by making all of your recipes. :)

  26. Pickles & Dimes

    I love this!

    1. Neither
    2. Blonde, medium length
    3. No bangs
    4. Blue eyes
    5. Once
    6. One tattoo, either a rose or a butterfly
    7. 5’4
    8. Two siblings: two brothers. You’re the middle child.
    9. 36

    If I got even ONE right, I’m going to reward myself by making all of your recipes. :)

  27. Pickles & Dimes

    I love this!

    1. Neither
    2. Blonde, medium length
    3. No bangs
    4. Blue eyes
    5. Once
    6. One tattoo, either a rose or a butterfly
    7. 5’4
    8. Two siblings: two brothers. You’re the middle child.
    9. 36

    If I got even ONE right, I’m going to reward myself by making all of your recipes. :)

  28. shoeaddict

    I’m a new reader so, I don’t know much about you. I’m not reading anyone else’s answers first.

    2.light brown/shoulder length
    5.twice each
    6.maybe a small tatoo somewhere?

  29. Tessie

    Hmmm. This gives me the vague nervous tummy since what if I guess something that somehow…INSULTS you? Oh well, here goes:

    1.Both but maybe you mostly wear your glasses
    2.Blonde-shoulder length but long enough to put in a ponytail
    3.No bangs
    6.No piercings but maybe an ankle tatoo

  30. Erin


    1. Glasses
    2. Brownish blonde, past shoulder
    3. No
    4. Green
    5. One hole, each ear
    6. No, none
    7. 5’8″
    8. No siblings
    9. 34

  31. jen

    I didn’t read the other responses so as not to be influenced! Now don’t go and get all insulted.

    1. You wear glasses, but not all the time.
    2. just past shoulder length streaky blonde hair.
    3. no
    4. blue
    5. none
    6. no
    7. 5’3″
    8. no
    9. 32

  32. JMC

    Ok. Without looking at anyone else’s answers, which could bias mine:
    1 – contacts
    2 – blonde
    3 – yes
    4 – hazel
    5 – once
    6 – no
    7 – 5’6″
    8 – yes
    9 – middle
    10 – 35

  33. laughing mommy

    Do you think I wear glasses? contacts? neither?


    What color do you think my hair is? How long do you think is it?
    Do you think I have bangs?

    Reddish Short with Bangs

    What color do you think my eyes are?


    How many times do you think my ears are pierced?


    Do you think I have any non-ear piercings, or any tattoos?


    How tall do you think I am?


    Do you think I have siblings?

    Yes, sisters

    Where do you think I am in the birth order?


    How old do you think I am?


    Are you going to post the correct answers?

  34. Tess

    1) Neither
    2) Brunette (medium)
    3) A little past your shoulder
    4) No
    5) Blue
    6) Once
    7) No
    8) 5’8″
    9) Yes
    10) Oldest
    11) 33

  35. JMH

    1. Glasses (I ‘m pretty sure you mentioned that once)
    2. Light brown w/ blondish highlights. I think it is about shoulder length
    3.Yes, but they are long
    4. green or hazel
    7.About 5’6″
    8.Yes, you are the oldest

    Will you reveal the correct answers? Will you make the winner (one with most answers correct) a pan of brownies? :)

  36. Laura

    1. Neither
    2. Straight, blond, shoulder length
    3. Yes
    4. Blue
    5. Two piercings in each ear
    6. Used to have a navel ring, one tiny tattoo
    7. 5’6″
    8. Second of three children
    9. 36

    I hope you answer these questions yourself — I think it’s so interesting how detailed a picture I can have of someone without any real clues.

  37. Katie

    This is funny because just yesterday I was here reading and wondering why you never put any pictures of yourself. I really would like a mental image of you!

    I wrote my answers down before I read anyone else’s. Now I want to change the hair length answer, but I won’t.

    1. Contacts
    2. Darkish blond, medium short
    3. bangs
    4. blue eyes
    5. pierced once in each ear
    6. No tattoos
    7. 5’6″
    8. Yes, siblings. I think you are the oldest of 2 or 3.
    9. 33


  38. Marie Green

    OHHH, how fun! Can I do this on my blog too?

    1. reading glasses
    2. light brown with highlights
    3. no, but layer than shape your face
    4. blue or green
    5. I think you have 2 piercings in each ear, and your upper ear pierced once, on the right.
    6. no other piercings, but one tatoo, probably on your ankle.
    7. 5’5″
    8. yes, oldest of 4
    9. 32

    Can’t wait to see the answers!

  39. Swistle

    Patience, everyone, patience. I will post the correct answers after guesses have stopped coming in.

    Marie Green– YES! Because I want to fill out a survey like this, too!

  40. caley

    6. No non-ear piercings, but one small tattoo that you’re maybe not sure qualifies as an actual tattoo due to its smallness
    7. 5’7″
    8. Yes; second youngest
    9. 33

    That was fun! I’m probably way off on everything, but it was still fun.

    (No idea how that last bit got submitted before I was ready, by the way.)

  41. Pann

    Hmmm… you’re thirty something, with light brown hair, a few gray strands here and there. You don’t have bangs, tattoos, or any non-ear piercings. You do have double pierced ears, but you rarely wear earrings. You have two younger siblings, but they are a good deal younger than you. Your eyes are blue and you are a little taller than average. You wear glasses for reading. Did I get anything right?

  42. Sam

    Okay, there are too many questions for me to answer here – but I definitely think you are a big sister, and the oldest child in your family. The end. Or maybe an only child? Because I don’t remember you mentioning siblings, now that I think of it…

  43. Erica

    No fair that we have to wait for the answers until all the guesses stop. I don’t want to wait for the slowpokes! Set a time limit, already. Jeez.

  44. Alice

    you know, i never once have tried to picture bloggers who don’t have pictures up. i do that with books too… i have mental “feelings” about the characters and then when the movie comes out i’m always all “ugh, that looks NOTHING LIKE what i thought that person looked like” but when asked what MY mental picture of them was, i don’t have one. apparently i’m such a hippie i think in feelings.

    plus i read too many answers before thinking about it very hard, so i ruined it for myself that way too. but i still want to hear the answers!!

  45. bubandpie

    I DO have a mental picture of you (though I don’t usually picture bloggers or book characters – I don’t really have a visual imagination). Honey blonde, shoulder-length bob with bangs, green eyes, 5’7″. Don’t know about the other questions – looking forward to learning the answers!

  46. theflyingmum

    1. glasses (you’ve mentioned…)
    2. shoulder length, long enough to wear up in a scrunchie
    3. no
    4. hazel
    5. none
    6. no
    7. 5′ 7″
    8. yes, perhaps a brother
    9. younger (youngest?)
    10. 32

  47. CakeHead

    Dadgumit. You would have to do this on a week I have no mental capacity whatsoever. I’m guessing you don’t have bangs. That’s as deep as I can get right now. *sigh*

  48. Bunny

    I am so excited about this post! I have always wondered what you look like.
    1. Contacts, but you probably wear glasses a lot. (Al the tiredness)
    2. Brown shoulder length
    3. No
    4. Blue eyes
    5. one earpiercing
    6. No
    7. Tall, like 5’9”
    8. yes
    9. oldest
    10. 33

  49. Swistle

    You all are going to have to be PATIENT, I am looking at YOU, Erica. Not only do we want to let even the slowpokes play, we want to give Swistle time to tally up answers so she can give out interesting statistics such as “x% of you were right/wrong that I have brown hair.” So settle down over there!

  50. Emblita

    hmmm I do have a picture in my mind
    1. Neither
    2. Some shade of blonde
    3. No
    4. I want to say blue but I suspect they are light brown
    5. 4 piercings (two per ear)
    6.hmm might have gotten a tattoo
    7. 5’7″
    8. Oldest of three
    9. 33
    Can’t wait to find out the real answers oh Mystery Swistle :p

  51. julie

    1. glasses
    2. brown, shoulder-length,
    3. no bangs
    4. brown
    5. two piercings on the right, three on the left
    6. no and no
    7. 5’7.5″
    8. hmmmmmmmm, yes
    9. I think you’re the youngest of two, and your older sibling is male
    10. 29

  52. Anonymous

    Do you think I wear glasses? contacts? neither?


    What color do you think my hair is? How long do you think is it?
    Do you think I have bangs?

    brown just past your shoulders

    What color do you think my eyes are?


    How many times do you think my ears are pierced?


    Do you think I have any non-ear piercings, or any tattoos?


    How tall do you think I am?


    Do you think I have siblings?


    Where do you think I am in the birth order?


    How old do you think I am?


  53. Kristin

    I think, instead of posting a picture for an hour, you should post mysterious pictures of *parts* of you, like one eye, a shot of the back of your head, your random piercings, a height mark on the wall…

    In my mental picture, you have straight brown, shoulder length hair and blue eyes, and you’re 35, like me. Also, glasses. Also, you are baking something.

  54. Anonymous

    1). You have glasses, but don’t always wear them.
    2). Brown-ish blonde
    3). No bangs
    4). Brown eyes
    5). one piercing in each ear
    6). no tattoos
    7). 5’7″
    8). Oldest of 2, one younger brother
    9). 33

  55. samantha jo campen


    1). You had Lasik surgery so you don’t need either anymore
    2). Shoulder length dark blonde bob that’s back in a pony tail
    3). Growing them out
    4). Brown
    5). One in each ear
    6). Nope
    7). 5′ 6″
    8). Four and you’re the second oldest
    9). 33

  56. nanann

    Posting just to keep the guessing going and to annoy those who filled this out yesterday as I should have! HA!
    1. Contacts
    2. Brown, shorter cut
    3. no bangs
    4. Brown eyes
    5. Once
    6. No tattoos
    7. 5’7″
    8. Yes siblings; you’re the oldest
    9. 37

  57. el-e-e

    Holy responses, batman! Wow.

    1. I say glasses
    2. sandy blond
    3. bangs, yes
    4. brown eyes
    5. 2 piercings each ear
    6. no other piercings or tattoos
    7. 5’7″ ish
    8. I think you’re the middle of three
    9. 33

  58. Pixie

    1. I think you have both glasses and contacts but you only wear them when you absolutely have to.
    2. Your hair is very light brown with golden highlights
    3. Your hair is just past your shoulders, you have whispy bangs.
    4. I think your eyes are light brown with a bit of green.
    5. I think your eyes are pierced twice.
    6. No other piercings, but maybe one small descreet tattoo.
    7. Your around 5′ 9″
    8. Yes, one much older brother, to whom you are not close.
    9. Your 32
    I am probably wrong on all of these but how fun, thanks Swistle! Now I think you should reply to each commenter and answer them same questions =o)

  59. MrsGrumpy

    I have a hard time getting mental images of people when I read them. It’s almost like I get a generic image. But, I’ll try anyway.

    1. Glasses for reading
    2. Brunette with a hint of auburn
    3. Yes (because we 80’s girls have a hard time not having them)
    5.Once, but you usually don’t wear earrings.
    7.5’8 1/2″
    8. No
    10. 37ish

  60. breckgirl

    1. Neither

    2. Blondish – mid-length – wispy bangs? No big chunky ones

    3. Blue

    4. Two in each side

    5. Tattoo, no non-ear piercings.

    6. 5’7 or less

    7. Yes – oldest

    8. 34 or 35

  61. LoriD

    Did you know you were this popular?! I’m playing:

    1. Glasses – cool ones that make you look and feel smart.

    2. Blonde – mid length with long layers

    3. long bangs

    4. Dark green

    5. Not pierced

    6. No piercings; one ankle tattoo

    7. 5’5″

    8. Middle of three

    9. 30

  62. Jen

    I can’t help it. I don’t even know you, but I am compelled to comment. You’re good.

    glasses – yes
    chin-length light brown hair
    I don’t think you have bangs
    blue eyes
    ears pierced once each
    no tatoos or other piercings
    1 sister, younger
    I think you’re 35

    I also think you are British, or come from a family from GB. No?

  63. Swistle

    Katie– Soon, soon! Our Internet connection was down last night so I couldn’t work on compiling answers. It’s back up this morning, so I’m hoping to post later today.

  64. Shelly

    I’m like Alice – I never picture people who don’t post pictures. I have no clue what you look like. I do think the teenager with tattoos comments were hilarious.

  65. Jem

    This is the first time I’ve been here, so I am completely guessing! haha.

    1. Neither
    2. Reddy-brown, just past shoulder length
    3. No, layers around face though
    4. Green
    5. Three in one ear, two in the other (okay I am completely guessing obviously)
    6. No
    7. 5’5″
    8. Yes
    9. Second to oldest
    10. 32

  66. parkingathome

    1) I think you probably should be wearing glasses but your vision isn’t bad enough to force you to do it
    2) It’s that dull crap blonde/brown look that sometimes has a tinge of random green and death and sucks the souls out of anyone in the vicinity, like mine! I’m betting it’s just below your shoulders in layers.
    3) No, god no. That’s too much bother. The flipping, the incessant flipping out of ones eyes!
    4) green
    5) three each side
    6) No…maybe a tattoo. MAYBE.
    7) 5’9. Legs seem too short for you, torso seems too long.
    8) I think it goes brother, sister, swistle, and you are the youngest.
    9) 36?


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