
I accidentally returned an $8.00 Old Navy t-shirt in a $4.80 Old Navy t-shirt wrapper, so I lost $3.20. Will you please tell me this is not the end of the world? Because I am having the kind of morning (two diaper disasters before breakfast, I should really sift the cat box, my hair is stupid) where such an error can FELL me.

Let’s talk about running. I don’t really want to, but let’s talk about it anyway. I should have run yesterday, and I did not. The last three weeks, when I’ve not-run on a running day, the result has been a frantic feeling of MUST RUN NEXT DAY. This time, no. This time, more of a furtive feeling. Like maybe I can look away and pretend I didn’t notice I didn’t run yesterday, and maybe I can pretend I don’t notice when I don’t run today either. I am curious to know what will happen this afternoon at Running Time.

On the bag of Raisinets, it says “Good to Remember: The USDA Dietary Guidelines recommend eating 2 cups of fruit every day. The raisins in each serving of Raisinets come from 1/2 cup of grapes.” Way to work the USDA system, Raisinets! I like the way you think!

17 thoughts on “Monday

  1. Tessie

    I know that detached feeling vis-a-vis running. Like “I’m curious to see what will happen! I mean, there’s really no telling! It’s out of my hands! The fates and/or ABC’s Monday lineup will decide whether I run or not!”

  2. Tessie

    Also, are the lab results back on the cookies-to-brownies issue?

    I’m keenly interested because I went the cookie route this weekend, and AD was so distressed as I tried to ignore her and form the cookie balls that she actually PULLED MY PAJAMA PANTS CLEAN OFF in her depair.

    I can report that the Andes chips work well, although I would do ONLY the chips and NOT both the chips and the peppermint extract next time.

  3. Penny

    When you have stupid hair, it is best to lay low and not attempt large feats, I think.

    Sometimes when I’m unmotivated to run, I’ll scale down my expectations: try repeating week 2, or try half the mileage of week 3. Sometimes i even surprise myself by finishing the whole thing anyway, but if not, at least I’ve accomplished a little bit.

  4. Black Sheeped

    Maybe next time something happens like, say, a clearance pair of earrings don’t get scanned at Target and you don’t pay for them, you can just not worry about it. Because it evens out. :P Or you can perhaps shake your fist in the air and curse The Man, or whatever you’d like to curse in the retail industry.

    I understand those mornings. Those mornings are the worst.

  5. Julie

    I know what you mean about how bad you can feel over $3.20. I always kick myself for forgetting the coupon and buying something I didn’t really need just because I had the coupon, but DAMNIT I FORGOT IT. Enraging.

  6. Erin

    In case you need a cheerleader, here you go: Go running, Swistle! It will make you feel better once you’ve done it! Plus the sweat will make the stupid hair irrelevant because you’ll be reaping the benefits of good health!

    In case that’s the last thing in the world you wanted to hear, don’t sweat one or two days of skipped running. No biggie. You can pick it back up tomorrow when your hair looks better.

  7. Devan

    Dude – we had a diaper disaster WHILE OUT IN PUBLIC that was so bad I was praising G-d that we had brought a change of clothes. Also, the carseat cover is now in the wash and poopy carseat+150 degree car = bad day.
    SO, I feel your pain.

    As for the running, I know what you mean about teh “I must run tomorrow.” feeling and also the “I don’t really care.” feeling.
    Maybe running will motivate you to try a new cookie or brownie recipe (as a reward!) and inspire us all to make it and eat the whole thing. Er, I mean, share it with our spouses…

  8. Shelly

    I’m with ya on the bad Monday, too.

    And don’t feel bad about the shirt return – I recently had a 20% off one item coupon for Border’s and made myself a list so that I could use the coupon on an expensive photography book, not just a fun paperback. But when I got to Borders, I didn’t even look at my list, grabbed up 6 paperbacks that were buy 2, get 1 free (which meant I couldn’t use the coupon on them) and ended up using the coupon on the 6.99 children’s book I was buying as a present for the neighbor. And then, because I felt so stupid, I stopped at another Borders on my way home and bought two photography books at full price.

  9. MrsGrumpy

    I’m off to get some raisenettes! Why doesn’t that look like it’s spelled right when I type it? How did running go/not go? You’d have a built in excuse here. It is really raining.

  10. Jess

    No! No! Don’t give in to the “it’s not so bad if I don’t run” impulses! That’s what I did last week when we had all these visitors in town, and when I got back on the treadmill, I am telling you, it was SO MUCH WORSE than if I had just kept doing it regularly the whole time.

    And the only other option is not to start running again at all, and I refuse to believe that that can happen. I need someone to whine to, someone who has done it all herself and therefore really understands.

  11. janet

    Oh, I do feel your pain. I AM going to swim tomorrow. (Oh please I just can’t get out of bed that early. I CANT swim.) I AM going to swim tomorrow. Rinse and repeat.

  12. jen

    I’m with black sheeped. The first thing I thought was, “this is payback for the earrings.”

    I don’t exercise outside but I can’t count how many times I’ve sat on the couch for 40 minutes putting off my 30 minute walk, and then I think, gee, I could have been done already… and it there for another 40 minutes and try to think of things I could do on the treadmill that make 30 minutes go by that fast.

  13. Swistle

    Tessie: I have the second pan of brownies cooling this very minute! So I’ll have a report soon. The first attempt (no changes to the recipe, just dumping it in a brownie pan) worked too, I’m just hoping to make it Even Better. I agree: one mint or the other, not both.

    Penny: I found that really helpful, to think of doing LESS if I needed to. That was enough to get me to do it, and “not skipping” was way more important than “doing a specific required amount of jogging.” Good thought, and I was grateful for it!

    MrsGrumpy: It looks wrong because you have a keen eye for correct spelling: it’s Raisinets.

    Hello Insomnia: Love it, and that’s exactly it. Why can’t our hair work FOR US instead of FOR EVIL?

    Jess: That was so motivating to me, hearing that it was way harder after skipping a few. It’s PLENTY HARD ENOUGH already.

    Jen: But I was so good! I took the earrings back and paid for them! So karmically speaking, this Old Navy mix-up should not have happened!


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