Oh. I just gave up my US Weekly subscription after four guilty years. I miss it. Although, I don’t. Especially for the verbage you mentioned. You can only read about celebrities snapping up designer clothes and “secretly” canoodling at Starbucks and rocking their new ballet flats so much before it gets old. Yeah, yeah they buy toilet paper and their hair gets wind blown. Big deal.
LOL too funny, I have tried to stay away from US weekly although I sometimes succumb to the wiles of People magazine. But it sounds like US weekly people need to invest in a thesaurus!
Omaha Mama– I was TOTALLY going to let my subscription lapse this year, since even Fashion Police wasn’t doing it for me anymore. Then they had a couple of really good issues in a row and my resolve is what lapsed instead. People Magazine just doesn’t satisfy my need to see celebrities without makeup.
Katie and Type(little)a– I agree, “bump” is dumb, especially with the arrows–ha ha ha! Like maybe otherwise we wouldn’t know where to look!
Misty– I agree. I think the writers have a problem with eating, since no one can eat anything or gain anything without getting a gross verb assigned to it (even pregnancy weight is “packed on”). Also, I think “splurged” sounds gross even though the meaning is non-gross.
So random!
love it!
Oh. I just gave up my US Weekly subscription after four guilty years. I miss it. Although, I don’t. Especially for the verbage you mentioned. You can only read about celebrities snapping up designer clothes and “secretly” canoodling at Starbucks and rocking their new ballet flats so much before it gets old. Yeah, yeah they buy toilet paper and their hair gets wind blown. Big deal.
I’m with you on this one.
canoodling has allllways pissed me off….what is it, a noodle a caboodle? what what on earth is canoodling ( i know kissing ) but fuck what a lame term
I’m sick of stars’ dogs being referred to as their “pooch.” Does no one have a dog anymore? Canine? PET?
I hate canoodling. It’s such a pretend word.
I agree. I hate the “snapped up” one and canoodling is totally stupid. I hope they read your post and quit being so predictable and stooopid.
Oooh. I also hate “bump” and “baby bump” especially when they draw the arrow to the uterus. Duh.
I hate hate hate when they refer to a pregnant woman’s growing stomach as a “bump”
I also hate hearing about celebrity gifting suites. Especially when shitty “celebrities”, like Perez Hilton get in.
Also sick of: Kim kardashian’s ass. And the rest of her, too.
What, are those all the adjectives they use to describe Britney’s new love affair with a hottt female?
LOL too funny, I have tried to stay away from US weekly although I sometimes succumb to the wiles of People magazine. But it sounds like US weekly people need to invest in a thesaurus!
Strangely enough, my first reaction was “Gross.”
Some of those words just have a slimey connotation.
Omaha Mama– I was TOTALLY going to let my subscription lapse this year, since even Fashion Police wasn’t doing it for me anymore. Then they had a couple of really good issues in a row and my resolve is what lapsed instead. People Magazine just doesn’t satisfy my need to see celebrities without makeup.
Katie and Type(little)a– I agree, “bump” is dumb, especially with the arrows–ha ha ha! Like maybe otherwise we wouldn’t know where to look!
Misty– I agree. I think the writers have a problem with eating, since no one can eat anything or gain anything without getting a gross verb assigned to it (even pregnancy weight is “packed on”). Also, I think “splurged” sounds gross even though the meaning is non-gross.
I was coming in to say I hate “Baby Bump” but some other lovely readers beat me to it.
I still love US magazine.
canoodled – the state one is in after eating an entire can of chicken noodle soup. Canoodled.
I hate canoodled, too. No one else “canoodles” but celebs. Ever notice that? I mean I have never told a friend that my date and I were canoodling…
Stacie thats is hilarious.. i will think of that every single time i read that now
OK, I realize you posted this weeks ago, but this is AWESOME. I too hate the recurrent wording. It’s called a thesaurus, US Weekly, look into it.