Shopping at Old Navy; Running on Coffee

I had such a good online shopping trip this morning! Old Navy is having one of their stuff-and-save sales, which are my favorite: 20% off everything, even clearance. You have to have an Old Navy card to get the deal, but I highly recommend having one anyway, because if you do you can also get free shipping (use coupon code SPECIAL–they don’t go out of their way to remind you) on $50+.

When I shop at The Children’s Place I tend to buy mostly girl stuff, but when I shop Old Navy I buy almost all boy stuff. I bought Rob and William some pigment-dyed polo shirts (all three colors) and dark-tint jeans. I also bought a whole pile of long-sleeved bodysuit three-packs for Henry: I had those for the twins and they’re so soft and so nice under overalls or for extra warmth under a long-sleeved outfit. What I don’t understand is why I only bought them in size 6-12 and size 12-18. What was I thinking? I should have gotten 3-6 for this fall. And when he’s in 12-18 months, it’ll probably be summertime. Well, I lost my mind, that’s all. But I lost it in cute colors! I got the gray combo (brown, gray, white) and the blue haze combo (dark blue, light blue, white), and also plain white. They have cute girl colors, too. Damn it, why didn’t I get them in size 3-6? I think I forgot how old my baby was, I think that’s what happened. Oh come on, like I can be expected to remember EVERYTHING.

I did buy one shirt for Elizabeth, a green floral one. I don’t even know if I like it; I just couldn’t resist $1.99 plus another 20% off.

Rob and William and I did our third day of running. We might repeat Week One next week, because we were still struggling. When I say “struggling,” I mean “begging the gods to spare our lives.” It definitely helped, though, to take your advice about running heel-first, running slower, lacing our shoes less tightly (I was thinking they were supposed to be MORE tight for running), and stretching more afterward. Also helpful: drinking a leeeeeetle too much coffee beforehand; and, once we were at the halfway point and heading back home, reminding myself that there was a pan of brownies waiting for us. (I’m running for my health!)

Maybe I should just place another order with Old Navy. It’s really bothering me that I didn’t get the bodysuits in 3-6 months. And maybe I should have gotten the uni combo (yellow, light green, white) too. I wonder if the stuff-and-save code can be used more than once? I wonder if I can find a full $50 worth so I can get the free shipping? Well, it’s only $5 flat-rate if I can’t. I hate this kind of thing! I’m going to be agitating about this all day, and then I’ll finally decide to just DO it–and they’ll be out of stock.

Grr. Well, if any of you buy anything, tell me what you bought and maybe I’ll love it and want it and be happier about placing another order.

18 thoughts on “Shopping at Old Navy; Running on Coffee

  1. jen

    my husband must hate you by now!

    I wouldn’t bother with 3-6.. I put my october baby son in the 12-18 for the winter and there’ really not a HUGE size diff (sadly.) Then again my kids are always swimming in their clothes because I’m cheap and I buy the bigger sizes so they get 2 of the applicable seasons out of them.

  2. nikki

    When my son was little, I bought all clearance sale items for the next season and the little bugger had the nerve to grow 2 sizes past the clothes I had bought. Money=down the toilet. At 3, he wears a 5 and looks like he’s in kindergarten.

  3. Katie

    It’s Old Navy! You can’t afford NOT to buy the 3-6 month stuff! :) I’m a bad, bad influence. You don’t ever want to go shopping with me. No you don’t.

  4. Caley

    I just spent the last hour doing the SAME THING! I wrote my alumni newsletter meme, gave my son lunch, and put him down for a nap, intending get right in the shower. But then I was like, Oh, I’ll just check my e-mail real quick first. And then I saw it: the e-mail from Old Navy announcing their Stuff and Save sale. Now, my son will be awake soon, and I still have not showered. I finished placing my order of lots of good deals on maternity clothes, and then decided to check out some blogs. I started to read yours and went “OHMYGOODNESS- I completely forgot about everyone else! I only bought stuff for myself!” So now, I too am wondering if I can use the Stuff and Save code twice? First, though, I am going to get that shower! THEN I’ll do more shopping and hope and pray that the code is still good.

  5. Jess

    I once got a coupon for free shipping at (where I do not have a card) literally half an hour after I had just placed an order and paid the $5. So I called them and the guy was totally nice and took the shipping charge off. I bet if you called them and said you forgot to add something to your order, they would either add it on for you or waive the shipping fee on the new one. It’s definitely worth a shot.

    Thanks for the congratulations, by the way.

  6. Caley

    Just placed my second Old Navy order of the day, and to answer The Question: yes, you can use the Stuff & Save code more than once. :)

  7. Mimi

    I just bought a bunch of stuff from Old Navy, my favorite of which was the Belted Cargo in grey cammo. So cute! I can’t believe my son will be fitting into 2T’s soon. I also love the sueded long sleeve T-shirts… they are so soft and luscious for fall/winter.

    Thanks for the heads up!

  8. Omaha Mama

    Oh just did a huge stock-up shopping spree at the Old Navy store on Monday. The little girls graphic print tees with poofy sleeves are super cute. As are the jeans with little embroidered (sp?) flowers. Mason got some polos, long sleeve tees, and I couldn’t resist a pair of brown plaid shorts, which I bought matching for hubs (which did bring eye rolling from said hub, but will be worth it to see them together in church in their little golf shorts.)

    I heart Old Navy! For everyone except me.

  9. Omaha Mama

    Also a cute navy blue t-shirt that says awesome in orange letters, but the ME is white. He’s wearing it today and it is very cute.

    For moms, their perfect t’s are perfect. I do buy those and they’re on sale right now. I always have load in black and white to wear under stuff.

  10. Swistle

    Katie– Oh yes I DO! All afternoon I’ve been saying to myself happily, “I can’t afford NOT to place another order! Can’t afford NOT to!”

    Caley– Yay!

    Omaha Mama and anyone else who might know– Do Old Navy women’s sizes tend to run small or big or true to size?

  11. AndreAnna

    I just got my bag in the mail! Now, my empty Saturday just got booked up!

    My 22-lb daughter is almost 15 months but still in a lot of 12 month clothes, except pants cause she’s tall, so most of her stuff is 18 months with room to spare. Do you figure I should by 24 months, 2T or 3T for next summer for clearance stuff?

  12. Sarah

    Well now we’re eating dinner late because I spent so much time shopping! But thanks, this was great to know about – I bought a ton of stuff for my son – he was born in April, so I bought summery things in the 12-18 size, hopefully that’s ok, and a couple warmer things in 6-12. Too cute!
    Oh, and if you do spend $50 and get the free shipping, you can always return the excess products to a local Old Navy store.

  13. Swistle

    Andreanna– I’ve just been trying to make the same decisions for Elizabeth. She’s 2 years 2 months, wearing 18m/24m/2T bottoms and 3T tops…so what do I buy for next year? I guess 3T bottoms and 4T tops, but I’m not sure. For your girl, I’d do the same thing–i.e., add a year to what she’s currently wearing. But it’s risky. I don’t buy confidently until they’re a little older and pretty much going up a size each year.

  14. AndreAnna

    Thanks! I figure I’ll just buy a bunch and whatever doesn’t fit will hopefully fit the next spawn when that time comes (and if I have another girl). Worst case, I have some stuff to give away to people who need it, right?

  15. Jess

    I did my third workout yesterday and went faster than was going before. The speeds that seem to work for me are about 3.5 mph walking and 4.5 mph jogging. It was definitely more challenging than the slower speeds, but not completely unbearable. I think I’m going to try to move on to Week Two this week, but if it’s too difficult, I’ll revert to week one for at least one or two more workouts.

  16. Tessie

    I was just at a physical Old Navy store this weekend, their clearance for the babies/toddlers is always AWESOME. It’s psychological, what with the $1.99 pricetags…I mean, COME ON! That is only a DOLLAR (I always round down)!

    Off the topic of sizing though, I did notice that the “flowy garment” trend has gone to all out TENT and I am so serious. The “featured special” was a dress that was literally a ring around the neck with a tent of fabric to the knees.

    I always drink coffee before running and there are studies and blah blah blah that shows that it helps.

  17. Sarah

    Ok, I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but can you help me figure out what a baby wears?! Currently, my 15 week old son is wearing rompers (today is his first day at daycare so I put him in what I call an outfit, but at home with me, he’d be in onesies!). That’s fine. But what about when the weather is colder? He’ll be about 6 months then – am I really supposed to dress him in full on outfits (pants, shirt, sweater, etc?) – who can afford that?! Do they make wintery rompers or are they just pj’s. What’s wrong with wearing pj’s to daycare (joking…or am I?). I just spend more money than I care to admit at this Old Navy sale (all for next summer if I planned the sizing correctly – who knows) – but what I really need help with is what you dress a baby in realistically, and where I can find said clothing for not too much money (garage sale is good in theory but a lot of work for slim pickings). Resale shops are ok. Old Navy sales are great. Thank you for helping me – any chance you could create a post about this?!

  18. Swistle

    Tessie– There was a survey in Us Weekly or People magazine asking women who wore the “volume” style if they’d been mistaken for pregnant women–and more than 1/4th of them had been. Great style idea!

    Sarah– Yes, let’s have a post on that! Later today, or tomorrow.


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