Time for a diaper report! We went through 184 diapers this month, if I include what I estimate we’ll use for the rest of today. Henry wears size 1 diapers now, which are sold 56 diapers in a package for $5.75 (we use the Target brand). That’s 10.27 cents per diaper, and we went through 184, so that’s $18.90 to put him in disposable diapers for a month between the ages of 1 month and 2 months old.
It’s less expensive than last month, because last month he wore the newborn size, and the newborn diapers are more expensive per diaper.
Is he TWO MONTHS OLD? Yikes.

Will no one return this child’s stolen eyebrows?
Why is it that when you put it this way, it seems so REASONABLE and not really all that expensive, yet every time I buy diapers I seethe with rage at how I am THROWING MY MONEY AWAY and how, once AD is out of diapers, I will finally be able buy that Lexus, get weekly pedicures, etc?
This picture is adorable!
The eyebrow thief stole my baby’s too. It’s been six months and they are just starting to return.
Also: Your little man is just too adorable.
I thought of another Diaper Gripe. One reason diapers are so expensive for is that AD routinely uses 5 or 6 A DAY at daycare. When we are both home, barring some Unfortunate Incident, I never use that many in one 8-hour period.
Not that I’m complaining about her squeaky clean bum, but this seems excessive. Are they ganking my diapers, or is this some kind of Daycare Commandment? Thou shalt change every hour on the hour?
Eh, he doesn’t need eyebrows. People that cute can get by with missing hair.
I like your calculations, because it makes me feel less guilty about not using cloth. And if you count the amount of water/bleach/detergent/enery used for cloth, some argue that it’s not really more “planet friendly”. (I’m not sure of the validity of this arguement, but I like it!)
Also, someone stole my baby’s head of hair!!! Who is this stealer of baby hair? Henry looks smashing regardless. =)
He has the face to rock the eyebrowless look.
Tessie: I have information to add on the diapers-at-daycare topic; it may or may not be RELEVANT information. At the daycare where I worked long ago, there was a policy that we had to check every baby’s diaper every 1.5 hours–and change it if it was even a little wet. If it was literally dry, we could leave it, but then we had to check every half hour after that until it was wet again. So basically, if the diaper got a little moist, it hit the trash. I don’t know if ALL daycares do it (like if it’s a gov’t thing), or SOME (like if it’s a state or business thing), or just that ONE.
I was hoping you would have some inside info-thanks! I suspected as much, but didn’t want to dig deeper, lest I be known as “the mom who wants her daughter sitting in a wet diaper all day in the name of the almighty dollar”
He is so adorable!!!!
That picture…that smile…is sweetness defined.
He is absolutely stunning!!!!! We are missing eyebrows here, too.
That’s really not bad for a month’s worth of diapers. We use cloth mostly, (and no bleach! lol) but do use sposies for nighttime. I wonder how much we spend. Usually a big box from SAM’s will last a month or three.
The problem I have is that now that I’m in love with cloth each box of diapers I buy I think, “I could buy 3 swaddlebees for that!” and it irritates me, though my dh would likely kill me if I bought ANY MORE DIAPERS. lol
Also, I used to work in a daycare and there was indeed a policy like the one you stated. I swear I did nothing BUT change diapers all.day.long.
With a smile like that, who is looking for eyebrows? He is adorable.
my son had eyebrows, but they never showed up in pictures!
Who needs eyebrows with THAT SMILE???
Ha, my son is almost 4 and still has no eyebrows…ok they’re super blonde.
That is one cute baby.
Was finally able to put E down (vaxs today, yuck!). I agree, if you don’t buy name brand diapers and you don’t go through a gazillion (I read somewhere about someone going through 18 diapers a day!!!!) disposables are quite affordable.
I tried the Target brand thanks to you and they work awesome! Elise is also in a size 1. I recently saw that Target was selling them in a Jumbo size. It was over twice the size of the regular size and around $10.
I had to comment about the eyebrows. My husband is so blonde, his brows are barely visable. Your baby is a cutie
He is just too cute for words…with or without eyebrows. :)
He is so cute!!!
And that’s totally reasonable for diapers; the way all my friends gripe about the costs, I thought they were spending hundreds of dollars or something.
He is so cute!!!
And that’s totally reasonable for diapers; the way all my friends gripe about the costs, I thought they were spending hundreds of dollars or something.
He is so cute!!!
And that’s totally reasonable for diapers; the way all my friends gripe about the costs, I thought they were spending hundreds of dollars or something.
Loving that cute little baby face even sans eyebrows. My son didn’t have any when he was an infant either. Heck, he still doesn’t have much at 16 months, but at least I can say that they’re getting better. And when he was little like Henry, we would scrunch up his whole forehead with all these wrinkles. It was the cutest thing ever. We thought it was so funny. And you gotta love when you can finally get a precious smile on camera. What a sweetie.
The picture is adorable! My guy is 21 months old and still has no eyebrows, and barely any hair. Eyebrows are overrated when you are cute, so Henry is set!
This comment has been removed by the author.
(The previously deleted comment had a spelling error. Hate that.)
Forget the eyebrows. They’re overrated.
What I’m checking out is that smile. It’s all for you this time, isn’t it?
Is Henry betrothed yet? Because if not, I’m thinking an arranged marriage might be nice. Do you think he’d like an older woman? Maddie, I mean. Not me. Cuz, that’s just creepy.
Must try Target brand diapers! How cheap!!! I think I spend that much per month on my preschoolers panties (we wear them out quickly, I won’t go into details!).
How cute is your baby?!?! OMG!!! He looks like a flirt already and is quite a looker, eyebrows or no.
Two months already?
And how in the world do you have time to figure this stuff out? You’re supermom!
OHHHHHH! What a cutie! (When do you have time to write?! It took me six years to get a spare moment…! At two months I think I was still in bed trying to figure out nursing!)
I feel for you on the eyebrows….Jillian is two months old tomorrow :) And she’s got eyebrows, but like her mommy – they’re blonde and as such,nigh invisible. Now when is the hair going to grow back in the place daddy brushed it out is our question………….
He is the most adorable baby on the internet today! Swistle, I know I have been lax inthe commenting department, but I read every last word you write and you are one of the first blogs I check in my Bloglines. You crack me up, you hit the nail on the head (especially with the husband getting some because he bought extra ice cream!), I am in awe of you and your obscenely large family. I struggle to dig out of my house as well! And there is no way I’m running with you, though I really should.
Wow. He’s a total charmer. No need for eyebrows. But I imagine they will be just as cute as the rest of them once they return to owner. :)
Love, love, love the picture. And it could be worse…he could have dark hair and a unibrow like some babies I’ve seen.
I agree with the no need for eyebrows because that boy is flat out adorable!
I echo all the “Henry is cute as can be even w/out eyebrows” comments. My sister is 28 and you still can’t see hers well (blond). I think his brilliant smile will keep anyone from noticing. What a great photo!
Damn he’s cute. Who needs eyebrows when you’re that cute?
No Swistle, he can’t be 2 months old because you JUST had him yesterday. You DID. Don’t lie.
Penny– That’s exactly what I think! Yesterday! It was YESTERDAY. So…what is with this calendar? It is the CALENDAR that lies! Not me!
Erica: I am totally in favor of a Henry-Maddie arranged marriage. Let’s begin the cattle negotiation. He’s a fourth boy, and she’s your only girl–so how many herds do I owe you?
MadMad– It’s tricky. It’s mostly a matter of neglecting the children.
Bunny– Aw, come on! Running is not even a little bit torture! It is so, so fun! You will love it! (I wish this comment field would except the strike font, because I could have done this better.)
17 head of cattle and 4 pints of ice cream
awwwww…he is so adorable and what a sweet, sweet smile :)
I have a newborn granddaughter (born the 24th of July) and the eyebrow thief visited her as well!