Two Questions

Two questions I am not asking Paul this morning, because I don’t know how such a conversation would begin:

1) What were you planning to use for birth control, dumbass, if I hadn’t pushed you away? When people asked us if we “knew how this kept happening,” they were kidding–but now I’m wondering if I need to sit you down for The Talk.

2) Did you seriously think you were going to score in the middle of the night with a nursing mother? You’re lucky I didn’t leave for a hotel. And that all your parts are still attached.

19 thoughts on “Two Questions

  1. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch

    I like shelly’s idea about the wood chipper rental.

    and seriously, wth are men thinking. Screws their “needs.” Wait, let me rephrase that, we shouldn’t have to screw anything. FORGET their “needs.”

  2. Melinda

    This is way off topic but I would like to state for the record that I’m am now officially obsessed with chocolate covered cherries. I think you may be able to achieve world domination, Swistle, just with the power of suggestion. I’ve just returned from Target with two brands to compare. The chocolate-covered-cherry-off? Emily’s brand are yummy.
    I haven’t tried the Harry & David’s yet.

    I think it is a very good thing I’m going to do the C25K thing given my current new obsession.

  3. Marie Green

    Tell Paul to talk to David. Maybe if the two of them got to talking, they could figure it out together… I have a handy flip chart, used in our teen childbirth classes, that I’ll leave out “accidentally”.

  4. Jodi

    LOL! Oh man is he in trouble.

    Oh and I have started a contest today in honor of my birthday! Go over and check it out so you can enter to win!

  5. Shauna

    And tell him it’s 6 months. Not 6 weeks. But, being that you’ve been through 3 other pregnancies, I’m guessing he won’t buy it. Shucks.


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