More Info On Running; Plus, First Attempt to Fink Out


I don’t know if it’s just my RSS thing or everybody’s, but this morning I thought I had 157 new posts to read when in fact there were about 6 and all the others were reposts. Eighteen of them were supposedly mine. Something is on the fritz.

Here is an idea I can get behind: caffeinated Jell-o shots. This leads me to wonder: could other things be caffeinated? Muffins, for example? I suppose it’s a little risky with non-liquid things: if the caffeine isn’t fully dissolved, one muffin could get a much-too-high dose. Actually, now that I think of it, the novelty value is the only good thing here: it would be way easier just to take the caffeine pill with a drink of water, instead of pulverizing it, dissolving it, and having to eat it in something. Still—it’s an appealing idea.

Speaking of–but not because of–caffeine, I was so wired last night. I’d be lying down feeling all buzzy and trapped and uncomfortable and eyelids-wide-open, so I’d get up and mess around for awhile but be too tired to focus on anything productive. So then I’d lie back down and hardly be able to BREATHE I was so oppressed by the sheets and the cats and the husband. Finally I tried going to sleep in the recliner and that did the trick, but then Henry woke me up early and I couldn’t go back to sleep because the mildew in the bathroom was so irritating to me I had to spritz the hell out of it with Tilex RIGHT! THIS! SECOND! Now everyone else is starting to wake up, just as I’m thinking it would be reeeeeeeeally nice to lie down and go back to sleep.

Those of you doing the Couch to 5K thing with me should check yesterday’s comment section for a couple of good ideas: one, to use a podcast specially designed for the program; and two, to sign up for an autumn 5K race as a motivator. My own good idea–not in the comments section but LIVE in this very post!–solves one of my biggest problems, which was: When do I DO this? I don’t want to run in the pitch dark, but I also would rather not leave Paul with all five kids the second he gets home from work. So here is my brilliant idea: I’m going to bring Rob and William with me. This plan:

  • gives Paul time with just the twins (assuming Henry is either snoozing or doing his usual Fuss Time) without the older boys (or, um, ME) clamoring for his attention
  • gets the older boys some badly-needed exercise, perhaps even tiring them out enough that dinner will not be the giddy ordeal it often is
  • gives me some time with the older boys
  • makes the whole thing seem like more of a fun project, because they don’t yet know that exercise sucks and they should hate it, and possibly I will catch some of their attitude
  • makes it a little harder for me to fink out
  • means I can fit exercise in where I would normally have to be taking care of children, rather than where I would normally be blogging or eating ice cream.

Hey, speaking of running, I have weak arches. When I stand, my feet are totally flat. No bounce. This gets me out of having to run, right?

18 thoughts on “More Info On Running; Plus, First Attempt to Fink Out

  1. Omaha Mama

    I don’t actually run, I call it a wog. Sort of a heavy footed jog. I don’t think I’m actually supposed to run (scoliosis) for joint compression, blah, blah, blah, but I figure obesity and all that could come with it later would be worse.

    I’m going to do my couch to 5K on my very nice, very expensive, very unused treadmill. Some day. Obviously NOT today. The 29th then?

  2. Shannon

    Can we just eat espresso creme brulee instead of caffeine jello shots? Well…maybe if we add some vodka? Do you think it would be like a red bull and vodka on speed?

  3. Christina

    I’m thinking that if I have to run with heinous arthritis in my knees (and I’m 25! If I’m lucky, I’ll still be able to walk and stuff by the time I’m 30! Weeeee!) (Okay, it’s not that life-threatening, I just like to be dramatic.) you have to run with your flat feet. We shall live. And also, running = weight loss = less stress on knees and… lack-of-arches. Which is good.

    I applaud you for daring to run outside… I can hardly keep myself upright on a treadmill, much less a street with cracks, and bumps, and twigs, and bugs. Those damn worms trip me up every time.

    T minus 9 days… I’m already getting nervous.

  4. AndreAnna

    No, it doesn’t get you out of it! But you might want to look into orthotics. I can’t exercise without mine, or I get shin splints from hell and heel spurs. Sucks.

    They’re expensive but most insurances cover all or most if you go to a podiatrist complaining about foot pain from your flat feet. (Saying you have pain is always a good way to get insurance to pay. Otherwise, they won’t think you’re symptomatic .. I hate insurances)

  5. Mona

    Have you bought new running shoes? I have flat feet (my mom called them “irons”–this was a compliment) and Nike Shox have been wonderful. They’re the only athletic shoes I’ll buy because they support my enormous body and they look so space-age!

  6. Marie Green

    Love Henry’s running shoes!

    I have flat feet too… So I should be able to fink out too, right. Crap, how many days until we start again?

    PS. Love the pod cast idea. I have a new MP3 player, so I’ll have to look into that!

  7. Alice

    i tried hard to pay attention to all the running bits of the post, but really i was so distracted by the ridiculous cuteness of henry’s onesie that i was unable to concentrate.

  8. 4andcounting

    Still the cutest baby ever. Go to a running store and they will help you with shoes for flat feet. Don’t just go to a generic chain, go to an actual running store if you can find one.

  9. Omaha Mama

    I forgot to tell you [and remembered as I was clicking on by] that I think that picture of Henry is one of the best yet. That blue onesie is so CUTE – and 100% right. He does look huggable.

  10. julie

    I went to Soccer Locker today and had my feet evaluated. They had me walk across some gel-like pad that gave a print of my foot to determine what kind of arch my foot has (med-high) which determined what kind of running shoe they recommended. Ended up with an Asics Gel Nimbus and they are FABULOUS on my feet.

  11. witchy_puppy

    I absolutely LOVE that picture… the onesie, the sneakers, that adorable little baby! If I were saying this rather than typing, I would be doing that high-pitched squeaky thing that 12 year olds do when they get excited…. too cute! (the picture, not the high-pitched squeaky voice thing)


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