Couch to 5K Start Date; Never Crabby Shirt Link Request

Oh, wait….Are you actually taking me up on it? I was planning to just TALK about doing the Couch to 5K program, but then stay comfortably in my computer chair eating Raisinets until I gradually lost interest and forgot all about it. This reminds me of when I was talking with another mother about how we “should” try the Weight Watchers Core program, and she was like, “Great idea! Let’s start Monday!,” and then I was like, “Uhhhhhhhhhhh” with an alarmed facial expression and the intense look of someone who is about to take flight, or at least that’s what she told me later I looked like.

Well, fine. FINE. I remember with the Weight Watchers thing that after I got over my initial panic, I was glad to have had someone push me out of the plane like that. Let’s not start it this coming week, though; let’s start the week after. I need time to calm my inner deer; also, time to bitch and moan. July 29th, then: that’s the first day of the first week for anyone who wants to join in.

Do you have a photo of your dear girl in a Never Crabby shirt from The Children’s Place? Send me the link (swistle at gmail and then the dot com, or you can put the link in my comments section, or if you don’t have it posted you can email me the photo) and I’ll post a list. Here are two photos of Elizabeth modeling hers:


23 thoughts on “Couch to 5K Start Date; Never Crabby Shirt Link Request

  1. Penny

    I raided the Children’s Place store last week, and got one of those crabby t-shirts also (my daughter was shrieking and whining in the background the entire time while in the store). Alas, I purchased it for her for next summer, so I have no pictures (yet).

    Couch to 5K – sounds ambitious. I’ll read all about your 5k plans from my couch, I think.

  2. Christina

    Hi there! I figured I’d go ahead and de-lurk already, because all this talk about the Couch-to-5k has me thinking that maybe you and I were separated at birth. I’ve brought the Couch-to-5k program up to multiple friends, all “We should do this! It would be great!” And then they agree, and I run and hide in the corner, because, um, I wasn’t actually SERIOUS. I’ve been considering starting it for a couple weeks, but I always *conveniently* find a reason why I can’t start… so I’m jumping on the bandwagon. July 29th, I’m so there. And even though I don’t know you, and you don’t know me, at least I DO know that there’s something else out there who will spend the night of the 28th trying to think of 16 reasons why they just can’t start the program tomorrow. And hey, maybe we’ll actually do it! :)

    And also, your blog = hilarious. Love it!

  3. MrsGrumpy

    I’ll be back here in my computer chair, cheering you all on, and eating all rest of you on. (They weren’t good for you anyway, now that you’ve started an exercise regimen. I hate that I am a wimp when it comes to running. It’s not so much the running, but it’s the outside, with the heat, and the gnats that fly at face level and all. You are all much better people than I. I wish they had that shirt when my daughter was small. I used to call her my crabby little lobster because she got super mad, at two, when I called her a crab once. I so wish I had the inner and outer strength of you people.

  4. Omaha Mama

    I printed off the Couch to 5K schedule yesterday. Hubs went to the gym and did it last night. You’ve inspired a household. I’m starting too, maybe before the 29th. We’ll see. But thanks for some inspiration – I need it!

    That shirt, that face – too CUTE!

  5. Swistle

    Christina: I know, why do people have to take us SERIOUSLY? It is PLENTY of exertion just THINKING and TALKING about the plan. You and me and our bad attitudes have a date for the 29th. Or possibly the 30th, since it’s only 3 times a week so we don’t HAVE to do the 29th. Or, you know, maybe the 31st, because there are still five days left to do the three days of running.

  6. MrsGrumpy

    That was meant to read “cheering all of you on and eating the rest of the raisinettes”. Sometimes my hand brushes over the built in mouse and I really should read before hitting post. *blush*

  7. Alice

    i am so impressed with people who do running programs like that! i’ll helpfully support everyone from my chair. woo! go runners!

    (when i was in college and even more of an asshole than i am now, i used to roll down the window when i passed a jogger and yell “THERE’S NOBODY CHASING YOU!” then drive off.)

  8. Sara

    You know, Cait wore the crabby tee and I forgot to take her picture. Her teacher at daycare found it to be quite hysterical. I will post a pic next time though.

  9. Kathi

    I had a thought that might help with motivation….what if people that are going to do this C25K thing sign up for an actual 5K that will be held sometime in the fall? Also can people list good songs to listen to while running?

  10. Melinda

    I am downloading podcasts right now from iTunes called “Podcasts for Running” by Robert Ullrey. He created the podcasts to follow the 9 week Couch to 5K program. I haven’t listened to them yet but the reviews sound good and they’re free. I’ve been thinking about doing this Couch to 5k thing for a while so maybe your suggestion is just the motivation I needed, Swistle! I’m glad we aren’t rushing into things though and I have some time to get my mind in order.

    I love the pictures!

  11. Shannon

    I hate running or I would be tempted to tell you that I would join and then flake out on C25K. A bunch of my bulletin board girlfriends are doing it. I’m just lazy…but must get rid of rolls!

  12. Melinda

    You don’t *have* to have an iPod, Shannon. I am just lazy and don’t want to have to time myself. The iPod guy guides you through the changes from walking to running, etc. But…no pressure. :)

  13. Swistle

    Melinda: IPod thing = GREAT FIND! Thanks for mentioning! I’ve been wondering if I’m supposed to, like, carry a stopwatch or what.

    Kathi: That’s a very good idea, and yet for some reason it fills me with dread. I don’t think I’m going to sign up for public group running myself, but I’m going to try to remember to mention it in a blog post because it seems like it would be a very motivating thing for most people.

  14. Emblita

    I can’t even think about running, it makes my knees, back and breasts hurt just thinking about other people running. Ow.
    I use the ski-machine thingy at the gym instead. No impact on your knees or back and the boob-bouncing can be held in check by the sportsbra.
    But I will cheer you on if you start the running! Good luck

  15. cyberpenguin

    Starting is always the hardest part, isn’t it?! ;-) I’m also doing the Couch to 5K program, so I can relate to what you’re going through. I went through a long period of no exercise after an injury back in October of last year. After the long hiatus it was definitely challenging trying to get back into any form of exercise! So don’t lose hope, it IS possible to start up again. I don’t know if this will help you or not, but if you can just start out with walks & set up some kind of pattern (like walking M, T, F, etc.) & do that on a regular basis. Then when you get to where you have enough motivation to start running, it won’t seem so bad because you’ve already formed the pattern of doing some form of exercise on a regular basis. ;-)

    Anyhow, if you need some more encouragement & support, you’re welcome to swap stories with me about your adventures in CT5K’ing. ;-) Perhaps we can read each other’s blogs for laughs & inspiration! (My blog is

    Good luck with your training! ;-)


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