Updates, and the Possibility of a Running Program

[Edited to add links to the posts I was updating, because that was getting confusing. Also to change the spelling of Raisinets, now that I have a bag to refer to.]


Henry is the first of my five children to not like the vibrating bouncy seat. The other four practically lived in it, and he’s all, “This is HELLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!”

Today is Day 17 of my mother-in-law failing to mention that she plans to visit us in October.

The comments you guys made on the wedding rant made me want to propose to each and every one of you. With so many of us awesome people being all rational about weddings, where do all those crazy people get their ideas? I suppose we’re all too polite to stomp them down.

And the baby names discussion in yesterday’s post is So! Much! Fun! I wanted to reply to ALL the comments with paragraph after paragraph after paragraph, but I think of the comments section as YOURS, and I didn’t want to hog it. Suffice it to say, that particular comments section is one of the best ever, and I think we should talk about baby names many more times in the future using some of those comments as starting points.

Thanks for all the answers to questions about chocolate-covered cherries, eight-year-olds and US Weekly, alcohol soreness, and men’s shorts.

  • I contacted one of the 4-pound-box cherry places, but they say they don’t ship chocolate-covered products in the summer, which makes sense. She said to call in September. In the meantime, I’m going to check out the local health-food store, the Harry & David stuff at Target, and I’m also going to use Raisinets as a substitute.
  • I told Rob that US Weekly was a magazine for grown-ups, and he didn’t persist, so I left it at that. If it comes up again, I’m going to use the idea about asking him what he likes about the magazine and going from there.
  • I tried drinking tons of water and then drinking alcohol, because the dehydrated theory made the most sense to me. I still got all sore. Also, I don’t get much of a buzz: I get a funny feeling, and I wait for it to be over. My new theory is that for whatever reason, my body’s chemistry doesn’t respond to alcohol in the usual way. The upcoming mother-in-law visit makes me really, really, really wish this wasn’t the case. Luckily, my body over-responds to sugar, so I’ll just stock up on candy to hide in my room.
  • I’m going to Target soon, maybe this evening or maybe this weekend, and I’m going to buy Paul a sampling of shorts to try.

Oh, and also thanks for the advice about getting Edward’s little paws off the DVD player! My favorite is the one about, you know, putting the DVD player out of reach. I, um, hadn’t thought of that. It goes under the TV! It can’t be MOVED!

It was good to hear I’m not the only one who dreads the 6-week mark. I shouldn’t have used the words “HAVE to”—Paul isn’t waiting there with a calendar and a mean look on his face. But when it’s been six weeks since the birth, and there was a time before the birth when nothing was happening either, I do feel like trying to see things from his point of view. Or TRYING to try—I’m not having much luck seeing it as anything except, “Oh my god, you are not seriously interested in that.”

I tried the Dove 2-in-1 Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner, and I really like it. It goes up there with my top three.

Did you notice that The Children’s Place has put their clearance down another notch? Last weekend I went to the physical store (as opposed to shopping online as I did the last time we talked about this) and got Elizabeth a pair of the funny wide-legged capris for this summer and another pair for next summer, a pair of really cool embellished shorts, and the two raglan shirts (one in pansy and one in bubble) that I almost bought online. I also bought Rob (because of handmedowns, I guess I should say “bought Rob and William and Edward and Henry”) a bunch of pairs of shorts. I would have bought way way more (I had a 20% off coupon to use, too), but there was very little left.

Hey, if I wanted to do the Couch to 5K running program, would anyone else want to do it with me? I like company, even if it’s only online. On the other hand, you’d have to be prepared that I might fink out on the second day. Seriously, maybe even the first day. I might never even get around to the first day. But if I DID—would you want to do it, too?

25 thoughts on “Updates, and the Possibility of a Running Program

  1. Marie Green

    Let’s do it! I’ve been meaning to have another “health kick” for a long time. And since I have my new IPod, I don’t have a single excuse left. Except that I’ve only had about 3 hours of sleep in the last 2 weeks.

    Should we start tomorrow?

  2. el-e-e

    I have heard such great things about the C25K program and if I weren’t sworn off running for the next 9 months, I would totally want to! I will want to hear more about it. (I think –and have heard from various dieters/runners– running’s really the only way to shrink belly fat. Which is a shame because there are plenty of things I’d rather do! Like, lay around.)

  3. angie

    I just went to the gym today for the first time in a while and I would totally pitter out with you on day 2 so you would have company that way too haha!

  4. MrsGrumpy

    As someone who had all the best intentions (and she did GREAT for the first months) of hitting the gym every other morning for treadmill and circuit I say… Let me know how it goes! I suck at sticking to things and would totally let you down by not keeping it up. But I really envy you. I am one of those people who signs up for Nano freaking Wrimo every year and gets to about 35,000 words (actually, last year it was only 1500 but that would sound totally lame) and then pouts on Dec 1. On the plus side, if you did happen to not see it through, the rest of us totally lazy slobs would be holding your spot on the couch for you…Not that I’m saying you won’t do it, because I just know you will! Do it…

  5. jonniker

    I already do it, and boy howdy, I love it. I can’t wait to hear of your progress, and although I may be unfairly advantaged since I’ve already started, I’d love the mutual support :)

  6. Tessie

    Running! I know something about this! C25K really is a great program. AND, the great thing about running is that even if you “fink” out(which HA! I LOVE THAT WORD and had forgotten it even existed!)on any given day, you can always just start over and no one is the wiser. Not like those crazy TEAM sports or anything (shudder).

  7. Tina

    My husband discovered running last month and LOVES it. He’d LOVE it even more if I’d love it and run a 5K with him. I tried doing Day 1 of that Couch to 5K program a few weeks ago and heated it. But then I feel bad, and read that belly shrinking comment, and see how easily he’s losing weight and I think “Maybe I should try this again, only this time with an iPod, not just on my own.” All that to say, maybe joining you would help add to all the others things and that would be the motivation I needed. After all, if you could do it w/ 5 kids (newborn!!!), my 2 kids can’t be much of a good excuse.

  8. Kathi

    I TOTALLY want to do this. I’ve really been meaning to start some sort of regular exercise routine….I will have to start next week though. I’m taking the bar exam next Tuesday/Wednesday and I’m not going to do anything that would make my body sore until after that’s over.

  9. Jess

    I have been on a major health kick recently in terms of food choices, so I would love to add this exercise element to my new healthy living plan. So far my plan has been hitting the gym a few times a week and using the elliptical and the weight machines, but I don’t see why I can’t do this instead. When are you going to start?

  10. Mrs. M

    i did it and it was pretty cool. i’ve kinda quit running this summer because it’s so flipping humid in the south that i melt! i’d play along though.

  11. Mommy Daisy

    Ok, LOVE the adorable picture of Henry…even if he is in his own little hell there. We have a bouncy seat just like that, and my son loved it. Now I’m worried my future babies may not heart it as much as he did. :(

    Yes, yes, more baby name posts please. I need to catch up on the comments from your last post now.

    I did stop at Children’s Place at the mall last night. I didn’t buy anything. :( I’ve been meaning to e-mail you my question about buying kid clothes for the next year. I’m in a sticky spot right now. Anyway, maybe I’ll write you and give you a fun post for the future.

    I have never heard of the Couch to 5K program. It looks interesting though. I was doing decent on a new exercise routine 2 weeks ago, but then injured my back so I took a break. I actually really miss it. I’ve always wanted to learn to run, so maybe this would be good.

  12. H&H mommy

    Always hated running…tried the couch to 5K program (with my own modifications)- started VERY slowly. Now:(translation- a year later) I run for 30 minutes per day and keep increasing…it is the Best Feeling Ever!

    I just walked for months, I began to run slowly for one minute or so and just kept increasing. iPod helped. I couldn’t start a regular program until my baby slept more through the night as I was too crabby,fatigued and inconsistant. Just don’t give up. I feel better than I ever have!

  13. H&H mommy

    Always hated running…tried the couch to 5K program (with my own modifications)- started VERY slowly. Now:(translation- a year later) I run for 30 minutes per day and keep increasing…it is the Best Feeling Ever!

    I just walked for months, I began to run slowly for one minute or so and just kept increasing. iPod helped. I couldn’t start a regular program until my baby slept more through the night as I was too crabby,fatigued and inconsistant. Just don’t give up. I feel better than I ever have!

  14. H&H mommy

    Always hated running…tried the couch to 5K program (with my own modifications)- started VERY slowly. Now:(translation- a year later) I run for 30 minutes per day and keep increasing…it is the Best Feeling Ever!

    I just walked for months, I began to run slowly for one minute or so and just kept increasing. iPod helped. I couldn’t start a regular program until my baby slept more through the night as I was too crabby,fatigued and inconsistant. Just don’t give up. I feel better than I ever have!

  15. Trina N.

    I hope you do the couch to 5k program. Everyone I know that has done it raves about it. That is my plan after I have this baby. I have to make sure I loose all the baby weight plus the 20 pounds I wanted to loose before I got pregnant (I got pregnant a lot faster this time than I did the last time). I have 7 months after the baby is born to get it done. I am in a wedding and I don’t want to be the fat girl in all the wedding pictures.

  16. mrsgryphon

    I didn’t follow the official C25K program, but started running with a friend in May and then on my own for the last 6 weeks or so… just ran my first 5K today! I’ve never been a ‘runner’, and fully expected to hate it but I realized this week as I ran 3.5K on Monday and then 5K today that I actually enjoy it. If I can do it, anyone can. Seriously. Do it. We’ll all cheer you on!

  17. witchy_puppy

    I’ve done the couch to 5K and it is a great program. Not too overwhelming. I spent a summer doing road races and ended it with a 10K that was loads of fun.
    I can’t do it now – too much happening, but definately do it!!!

  18. Julie

    I’m up for it. Never tried running before but it looks like something I could do. I’ve been trying (and I use that word loosely)to lose the baby weight for almost two years now! Maybe doing a group thing would be more motivating? By the way, connected to your blog from a friend’s and enjoy it so much. Congratulations on the new baby.

  19. Jennifer

    I am currently in the middle of the last few C25K workouts and it is an AMAZING program. I have always been so jealous of people who can run and run and I never thought I’d be able to do it.

    I am incredibly proud of myself now that I can run for 25 minutes WITHOUT STOPPING (and/or crying). It’s so easy and there’s no way in the world you will wind up discouraged because your progress is so gradual. Good luck to everyone!

  20. CAQuincy

    Intriguing. I may have to try it with you. Lemme know when we’re starting. I got an ipod for my birthday last year, and no real reason to use it!

    LOVE Henry’s facial expression, BTW.

    I also stopped at the Children’s Place store out here when you first posted their sale a while back. I managed to get the “Never Crabby” shirt (honestly–who could resist?), but only in my oldest daughter’s size, NOT for my little tyke. The pickin’s were slim, indeed.


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