Super-Secret Book Recommendation!

I have a book to strongly recommend! But there is a small problem. My mother-in-law is distantly connected to the author: the author is related by marriage to someone who lives in my mother-in-law’s town. To my mother-in-law, this is almost the same as having written the book herself, and she is taking an unusually intense interest in the book’s success. If I were to write about the book, it would not be astonishing for her to find my blog in one of her searches.

So! I must somehow communicate the book’s title and author to you without mentioning either one! Anyone up for a game of charades?

How about this instead: This super-secret link!

I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvved the book. As much as I liked the HARRY POTTER books, I kid you not! Maybe even…MORE.

11 thoughts on “Super-Secret Book Recommendation!

  1. Swistle

    Angie: I just checked, and they recommend it for kids 9-12. That’s where my library keeps it, too: kids’ section. I swear it’s good reading for grown-ups, though!

  2. Tessie

    I will definitely be trying this one out!

    Also, what did you think of Lamb? It’s been lingering on my wishlist for a while now, but I haven’t been able to get fired up enough to buy it yet.

  3. Swistle

    Tessie: I REALLY liked _Lamb_. I’d read (and liked) _Bloodsucking Fiends_ and _The Stupidest Angel_, but our library didn’t have _Lamb_, and then Paul bought it for me for Christmas and I STILL put off reading it, but FINALLY I read it and I think it was probably my favorite of all the Christopher Moore books I’ve read.

  4. JMH

    Are you a Harry Potter fan too? Can’t wait for Book 7 although it will be bittersweet. I kind of donn’t want it all to end :(

    LOVED Lamb too!

  5. JMH

    Swistle: I KNOW!! I am terrifed it will be awful and I wasted years reading and watching the movies over and over! However, she is a great writer, so I am hopeful.

    The night the book comes out, there is a costume party at our local bookstore. So, a group of us (Yes, we are all adults and yes, we are dorks!)are dressing up as a Quiddich Team :)Then I will stay up as long as I can and read as much as I can. How about you?

  6. Tessie

    It’s a voice FROM THE PAST!

    I loved this book. And, this would have been EXACTLY the kind of thing I would have loved as a kid also. Highly recommended.

  7. Swistle

    Tessie- Oh good! I loved it too! But I’m always worry I’ll be like, “YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK IT IS SO AWESOME!!” and someone will read it and think, “Meh?”


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