Will Return Tuesday, Unless This Trip Proves To Be My Undoing


Tomorrow we leave on our trip! A day of driving to get there, two days there, a day of driving home. Perhaps it will be a lovely and relaxing time of family and love, weddings and babies, all the happy things in life including hotel rooms and restaurants! Or perhaps Henry will scream for hours on end and spit up all over his car seat, and his diaper will leak all over one outfit after another, and Edward will kick the back of the seat and not want to play with any toys and make whiny word-sounds no one can figure out, and be a holy terror at the wedding and pull the entire wedding cake down on to the floor! Either way, I have three boxes of Sugar Babies, the new Elizabeth Berg book, and several precious precious tablets of Demer0l.

I’ll be back late Sunday and will probably spend most of Monday lying in my recliner holding my head and signing documents promising myself I’ll never shut myself in a car with a toddler and a newborn again. So let’s meet back here Tuesday? Or maybe it will be Monday after all, it depends how much Misery wants your company.

19 thoughts on “Will Return Tuesday, Unless This Trip Proves To Be My Undoing

  1. Nellyru

    Have a lovely trip! And don’t you just know it will be a little bit of ALL of those things…wonderful and not-so-much?? (Let’s hope not that wedding cake thing, though.)

  2. Mommy Daisy

    Best of luck! Here’s wishing you a fun and uneventful trip.

    Love the bunny ears on Henry! Cute enough to entice me to try rabbit for dinner. HA, snacking on baby legs are the best. ;) Just kidding, of course.

  3. Karly

    Okay, a bit of advice from someone who just traveled 1200 miles with 2 kids under age 3. PACK BENADRYL. Or just crush the demerol and stick it in their bottle/sippy cup! ;)

  4. Marie Green

    Have a great trip, and have faith- it’s going to go well. You have another adult in the car w/ you right? That’s a better adult:child ratio than you have on an average day, so it’s bound to be “vacation-ish” even if the toddler acts like a toddler and the newborn acts like a newborn. Safe travels, and happy reading and relaxing!

    (Baby= painfully cute. Have I mentioned baby-want? I have a baby, but I do so want another…)

  5. Bunny

    Enjoy yourself! Just breathe. You will have a fabulous time. And with that little one in bunny ears? How could he be anything but an angel?

  6. el-e-e

    I think AJ’s a bit older than your toddlers but I’ve shown him how to spot billboards on the highway. And he’ll spend a good half-hour going, “SIGN!” “TREE!” SIGN! TREE! as we drive along. ha! I’m *sure* this a–vice will be useful for you. ;) Have fun.

  7. Katie

    I am imnpressed you’re already READING real books so soon after giving birth. I felt like I just had to hold my head all day. NO books allowed!

    I hope it goes WELL. Good luck!

  8. Shauna

    Have a great trip!
    And I’m glad to hear that things are easier with the fifth. However, I have no intention of telling Gavin that or he’ll want another baby!

  9. desperate housewife

    What’s this I hear of a new Elizabeth Berg book?! Maybe it will keep me sane for ten more weeks until my own little guy shows up. Or ten hours, after which time I will have finished the book and done literally nothing else. Oh well…
    And speaking of sane, I truly wish you the very best possible car ride and wedding scenario possible.


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