Good and Bad

Good news: I went to the dentist about that chipped tooth, and it “only” needed a replacement filling, not a crown. So it was “only” $250—but that’s a heck and a half better than it could have been.

Bad news: We thought Paul had paid vacation time saved up, since he never uses any. He took 8 days off from work when Henry was born. We just got his paycheck and there’s no vacation time on it. I thought it was a problem of Paul forgetting to tell his employer he wanted to use vacation time. Paul thinks it’s a problem of not having any vacation time, possibly because of vacation time expiring, unpaid, when it’s not used, or for some other stressful reason.

Good news: It looks like our new insurance does not have higher copays for office visits, even though they told us it would.

Bad news: They were also wrong about the monthly employee contribution being lower.

Good news: The library was having a book sale, and I got 19 new-looking children’s books for $7.

Bad news: Rob lost a library book. I’m feeling that compulsion to keep looking and looking and looking for it, even in places I have already looked for it.

Good news: Less than a week until the trip to my cousin’s wedding (I’m going with my parents, Edward, and Henry), and I’m still glad I’m going. I think it’s going to be fun. My parents and I are buying lots of treats for the car ride, and my mom and I saved up a whole bunch of celebrity magazines to read.

Bad news: I tried on the dress I was planning to wear to the wedding, and it looks terrible on me. I’d thought the high-waisted style would be kind to my postpartum figure, but actually it looks maternity. Also, I’m not sure why I ever bought such an ugly dress.

Good news: I have a skirt and shirt that I bought a long time ago because they looked cute even though they didn’t suit the occasion I was shopping for that day. I tried them on, and they’re PERFECT. Not only does the skirt hide my tum, it’s long and I won’t have to wear nylons, and also the shirt totally emphasizes my great breastfeeding rack.

Bad news: I’m pretty sure my incision is infected. It started getting bad on Friday at 5:00. I am not kidding: my body knows office hours, and is mean to me. I’ve never had an incision get infected before, so now I’m worrying about hysterectomies performed in a last-ditch effort to save my life. Also, I’m worried that this will mean something bad for the trip.

Good news: I have Demer0l.

Bad news: Henry already looks older. He’s not even 2-1/2 weeks old and he’s lost some of that itsy newborn look.


Good news: Henry nursed for a long time last night, and I was up until 11:30 nursing him—but then he slept until 7:00 this morning.

Bad news: I’m practically blowing off Father’s Day. I kept forgetting to have the kids make cards or even to have them tell me what to buy. Last night I got Paul a bag of Doritos, a bag of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, and a box of Gobstoppers. The kids didn’t even choose it, and I think of that as being the number-one most important thing for a Father’s Day present: that the children be involved in the selection.

Good news: Who the hell cares? I’m okay with this plan for this year. At least he’s getting something.

Bad news: I’m having a problem with Blogger: it’s really really slow to show what I’m typing. Paul thinks the problem might be with my computer, not with Blogger. Either way, I don’t know what’s wrong or how to fix it. Also, I’m getting a headache.

Good news: I have a big bag of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. (Not Paul’s.)

11 thoughts on “Good and Bad

  1. Shelly

    I have not had the same problem with Blogger lately, if that helps any.

    I think your Father’s Day plan is a good one. You just gave birth, consider that gift enough.

    & you’re right, Henry is losing his newborny-ness.

  2. Brillig

    Henry does look older! And SO darling!

    And look, you started with good news and ended with good news!!!

    Get your incision checked out–even if you have to call someone “on-call” after hours. That can be serious stuff! What a mess. Hopefully a little amoxacillin will do the trick and you’ll be back to normal. Good luck!

  3. Shannon

    one handed typing….

    clear your cookies/cache, might help slow typing issue, which totally blows. I have an A key that was mauled by toddler and requires really hard pushing at a particular angle.

    woohoo for cheaper (does that even apply?) dentist visits! Go to the doc please. You can have my uterus if needed. My body hates babies but mu uterus loves them.

    I have oxycotin. I know that feeling.

    And hooray for an outfit that looks good. a Chrstmas miracle (at least it would be for me).

  4. Katie

    This was the best entry! I love the good/bad format. Mind if I steal it someday?

    I have not had that problem with blogger either.

    Henry looks SO SO SO CUTE. I bet your heart just thumps out of your chest with pride when you see him!

  5. Erin

    I second Shannon’s suggestion to clear/ delete cookies or cache. Also, I sometimes have to “defragment” my computer, which helps it store & process information better. You can probably do that through the control panel under “My Computer” in Windows. Maybe that will help? Computer problems drive me up the WALL. I have zero patience for electronics.

    Also, I love the good news/ bad news format. It reminds me of Animaniacs “good idea/ bad idea” segments, which I used to like as a kid.

  6. Penny

    This is all wrong, Swistle. It’s supposed to be good news, good news, good news, bathe in afterglow of perfect birth and healthy boy, more good news, and more after that.

    Sorry about the bad news stuff though.

    The incision getting infected won’t be life-or-uterus-threatening if you get it treated in a timely way. Give a call to the doc and they may be able to prescribe an antibiotic over the phone (thus saving you the cost of after-hours care).

    My body also knows the fun of getting sick during non-office hours, and I seemed to have passed that down to my baby. We’ve visited after hours care rooms at least 3x since she was born.

    oh, lastly? My site doesn’t experience the delay. Could it be a lot of archives slowing you down? Or a computer virus on your laptop instead?

  7. Mimi

    Henry has such a knowing, wordly look in that picture.

    Good for you for going to the wedding. It will be awesome to get out of the house.

    Better get some help for that incision quick. Infections are never good.

  8. bginley

    looks like lots of bloggers have this problem – i posted a cry for help on the google groups

    thanks for posting about it

    ( for example – THAT didn’t take 8 hours to type like a post mite )



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