City Hall and Taco Bell


Look, you can see my pretty new car seat. Er, Henry’s pretty new car seat. Since we knew we were having a boy, my intention was to get a boyish car seat—but it happened that my clear favorite was one that could be for either boys or girls. That’s the Graco SnugRide in the Devon pattern, in case you want to be car seat twins with me.

Today I loaded Henry into it, and I took four children downtown, half an hour away, to City Hall to get the birth certificate error fixed. This is the kind of downtown that is all one-way streets, paid and/or parallel parking, and other cars swooping around as I bumble along anxiously looking for the right street number, driving in the wrong lane because I am not sure I know how one-way streets are supposed to work and so I treat them like two-way streets. I was not made to live in a big city, and my periodic forays confirm this time and time again.

I would like to milk this situation for all the pity and sympathy I can get—but the fact is that I found City Hall on the first try, I found the parking lot, I chose the entrance that happened to be right outside the correct office, and I dealt with helpful city employees who got me out of there in about 10 minutes. The only glitch: I got all the way in there and realized I’d left the form in the car and had to lug everyone back out to the parking lot and back in again, but that was over quickly.

You are going to think I’m just trying to impress you when I say we stopped at Taco Bell on the way home, but the thing is I was feeling high on the success of the outing so far, and I pushed it, and I shouldn’t have because by the time we left, Elizabeth was making awful toddler noises (it’s screaming! no, it’s whining! no, it’s screaming!) and Henry was wailing that riveting newborn cry. Still, I felt good! We survived! We ate tacos! And when we got home, it was naptime!

One more thing, and then I should really spend some time with one of my many offspring. On Sunday–get this–I actually said to my mother, “You know what….Henry hasn’t spit up even one time.” Oh oh oh. *shakes head sadly* You would think that a mother of five would understand at least the basics, but no. So of course yesterday Henry spit up all over my shoulder, and today he did one of those projectile spit-ups that left his own baby self pristine but covered his car seat, my nursing pillow, and the blanket and pillow I use when I sleep in the recliner. Nice shot, Henry! Also, now I live in fear, because what I actually said to my mother was that he hadn’t spit up OR peed/pooped on me.

20 thoughts on “City Hall and Taco Bell

  1. Mommy Daisy

    Ohh, I like that car seat pattern. We already have a Graco one for the next baby though, no reason not to use the one we used with the first. Well, unless we’re having a girl, then I might be able to talk my husband into all things pink. ;) What a little cutie pie, though.

    I’m glad to hear that the outing went rather smoothly. I can almost never get out of a restaurant without something going wrong, so that’s just normal. I commend you for being brave enough to attempt it.

    OH, nice one Henry, you must have been listening to Mommy when she bragged to Grandma. Oops. I hope he doesn’t try to teach you any more lessons, Swistle.

  2. Tessie

    Seriously, not even a DROP of pee? I mean, that IS a little boy we’re talking about right? Oh yeah, you’re going down.

  3. Karly

    Because my son is seven I feel it is safe to admit that he never peed on me when he was a baby. And if he pees on me today you can bet I will beat him. :) He did, however, spit up once while I was holding him in the air above my head talking baby talk to him. The spit up? It landed directly in my mouth.

  4. Omaha Mama

    Then I should really spend some time with one of my off spring….you crack me up!

    I’m glad your trip went well. Sometimes I think that we dread the worst so that anything is an improvement from that. We are heading on a fairly long road trip tomorrow and I’m DREADING it – hopefully whatever happens will be better than what’s in my head.

    I can’t believe how much the wee one has changed since the first picture that you posted. It’s really fast, isn’t it? How they become alert little people instead of scrunched up little elves. Well done you, he is gorgeous.

  5. Devan

    yay on the outing. your description of downtown cracked me up because I feel the same way. nervously driving along trying to figure out how the hell to get where i need to be without going the wrong way down any one ways. lol
    hope you enjoyed your taco.

  6. Penny

    Taco Bell leaves me nauseated, but I’m happy for your successful outing all the same! Still amazing to me that you can herd 4 and 5 kids around town. I still struggle with one.

  7. Trena

    Congrats on the successful outing! Managing Taco Bell alone is cause for celebration (not that we go alot, but the few times we’ve been to the one closest to our house its like half the town thought that might be a good idea as well–crowded!)
    I like your new colors too–they coordinate nicely with Henry’s new seat!

  8. Erica

    I am so loving that car seat pattern!

    Yay for the quick fix at the government office and for yummy tacos.

    Don’t you have a dentist appt coming up, too? You’re such a busy bee.

  9. Kathi

    You are amazing! I can never complain again when I have to take my one (1) child places where I think it would be inconvenient. You seem to be managing everything very well so quickly after Henry’s birth.

  10. Shannon

    I love that car seat pattern! I wish WISH we needed a new car seat, ours is so manly for girls. Oh well.

    I think you did great. I took my TWO out today for the first time by myself and I was so proud! You truly are a super mom!

  11. Jennifer Playgroupie

    Thoroughly impressed with your successful trek! I made it (with only 2) to the the peds office today and was proud…you’ve really shown me up.

    And the taco bell trip. Really, did you have to rub it in?!

    I’m so glad to know that even with 5, you still thought you might escape spit up. Makes me feel better.

  12. Kelsey

    Ooh, I love the car seat! Too bad we won’t be needing a new one the next time around. (Although I think that have expiration dates, so if I just wait long enough. . . )I’m glad things were relatively smooth downtown. You are rocking the big family! :-)

  13. DiWriter

    I’m suffering from the same jinx over here. The lactation consultant was here, and we told her that we hadn’t had any spitups. The moment she left, whoa-nelly. Spitup, and an exploding diaper. The works. I had to mop the floor and change my clothes..

  14. alienbea

    I am amazed. And still laughing at Karly’s comment (laughing WITH you, not AT you). I was pretty lucky with the pee thing with both my sons, but when my second was about a day old, and we were still in the hospital, he managed to pee right into the nurse’s mouth (she was doing that inspection thing they do about fifty zillion times a day). He’s been nothing but mischief and trouble ever since. ;)

  15. Jen4 @ Amazing Trips

    Our baby Henry has the same carseat. He also has the Devon portable crib, which is next to our bed.

    Our baby Henry also has the nice fat roll on his legs that it appears your baby Henry has. Our baby Henry was also born at 21 inches … although he weighed in at 9 pounds, 12 ounces.

    Other commonalities? You have five children, I have four. But, in addition to a Henry, I also have a William and an Elizabeth. And Henry was almost Robert. I didn’t pick out his name until they were checking me out of the hospital on the fifth day.

    That’s the only similarities I can see. My KitchenAid is black.


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