Blog Post (Used Up All Creative Juices Creating Baby)

I am stealing a moment to blog. My goodness, a newborn certainly is a time-sucking vortex! Yesterday was gone before I knew it. My hospital bags are still on the kitchen floor. I have a huge intriguing baby present I haven’t even opened. The mail from when I was in the hospital is still on the counter, and I have to be careful or there will be bills that get away from me. …No, I am not going to think about bills right now, or I will trigger a whole series of panicky “Must do this right now!” thoughts and I will never get any blogging done ever again.

I am too scattered to even know what to blog about. Normally I think of something as I’m going about my usual morning routine, and the topic gradually fleshes out until I’m ready to sit down and write it. Since the baby was born, this is more how I’m thinking:

1) Flowers make such a great hospital-room present. My parents gave me a huge geranium and the whole room looked prettier.

2) Two paramedic students sat in on the c-section. I loved that. One of them let me squeeze her fingers while I was getting the epidural, a gesture I would have thought was useless but to my surprise it seriously helped.

3) I tried to start baby-name conversations with several nurses, but got nothing good. One said, “Yeah, Madison is getting really popular.” Hey, great insider information!

4) A newborn has, like, no butt at all.

5) Paul and the kids cleaned the fridge while I was in the hospital. I hadn’t realized the shelves were see-through.

6) Hey, I’m doing great! Hardly any postpartum sad feelings at all!

7) *weeping*

8) I did not bake even one single muffin too many.

9) Must choose baby announcement photo open that present write thank-you notes unpack hospital bags find that hospital pacifier make baby’s 2-week appointment bring baby to see the bus driver put deli turkey on the list email friend about being home eat breakfast take medicine see if Paul can manage to do a load of laundry help Rob with his homework remember to get out the gifts for William’s teachers.

28 thoughts on “Blog Post (Used Up All Creative Juices Creating Baby)

  1. Omaha Mama

    Breathe. Just breathe. The punctuation will return shortly.

    Nothing is expected of you at this point. Except the care and feeding of minors (and yourself, alternately). The rest will come. For now, just rest.

  2. Mommy Daisy

    Whew, that last one made me hold my breath while I read it! I remember that feeling now. Actually, I’m surprised you found time to blog. I abandoned my online friends for a few months after the birth of my son. I think the thought of keeping up with it all was too overwhelming. Plus the baby didn’t let me have a free moment. Oh wait, I almost forgot what a pro you are at this by now. YEAH! Swistle the supermom. Gotta love ya. (Oh, and keep bloggin, it might help keep you sane.)

    P.S. That was all meant in a fun, loving manner.

  3. Katie

    Bring baby to see the bus driver? Am I missing something?

    I resented all those things that I had to do when my baby was newborn. It should be a hard-written rule that postpartum moms spend a month just taking care of the baby. Nothing else.

    Thank you for keeping the blogging kingdom updated! We appreciate it!

  4. Swistle

    Katie: Bus driver thing is a little obscure, isn’t it, just sitting there like it’s part of an ordinary list. Robert’s school bus driver is just Really Nice, and I see her every morning when she picks him up, and she always asks how I’m feeling and how much longer ’til baby and so forth. So I thought I should bring the baby to the bus stop some morning so she could see him.

  5. Swistle

    Mimi: He cries but he has a tragic hoarse cry that seems at least slightly funny even in the middle of the night. And he’s a good sleeper…during the day, or when he’s on me.

  6. Shannon

    How were the chicken ceasar wraps at the hospital?

    I need to write a list. Here I am 5 weeks out and still floundering. So for you to be less than a week post c/s and have a list, AMAZING@

  7. Julia

    Yes, having a paramedic in the room and holding onto their fingers while getting an epidural is a life saver!! (I wanted dh, but couldn’t have so this was a huge plus for me!)

    Sounds like you are crazy busy! Its amazing how fast those first few days/weeks go. You wonder just what went on during the fog of feeding baby and kids.

  8. theflyingmum

    Aaack, wish we could send some help your way. But it does sound like you’re doing pretty awesome. You have, after all, done this before. And yeah, I bet those muffins are coming in pretty handy for kids (and mom’s and dad’s) breakfasts, snacks, etc. You rock!

  9. laughing mommy

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane. We had gifts after our second daughter was born that went unopened for days even thought I really wanted to open them… I just had zero time to do it.

    Good times.

    Congratulations (again) to you.

  10. Trena

    Wow…just…wow. Swistle, you are sounding so on top of things. Just don’t get too overwhelmed and enjoy that beautiful new boy!!!

  11. Penny

    Maybe it’s different with baby #5, but I thought it was required for other family members to do all that stuff for you.

    Blog more! work less! Because we’re selfish and we want you to entertain us.

  12. el-e-e

    Welcome home, Swistle! (Hm. I think that came out a little more sarcastic than I intended it.)

    I agree with penny: make everyone else do all that stuff for you. Put the twins to work.

    I’m giggling at the thought of you, giggling at Baby’s hoarse, scratchy cry. Tee hee.

  13. desperate housewife

    Man, here I am cleaning out my fridge this very day, in a fit of nesting (I also replaced the shower curtain liner!) and now it seems if you just let the fridge go long enough, someone will eventually DO IT FOR YOU while you’re off having the baby!
    Seriously, SO happy to see your new post! Also: We want more baby pictures! Sorry, but had to get that one in there. I am needing me some more of that newborn goodness.

  14. Erica

    It’s so hard to believe that I was in a similar situation just four short months ago. Now? Now, my daughter is laying on the floor and blowing raspberries at me and laughing hysterically. Time goes so damned fast.

    And yes, please, more pictures when you can.

  15. Jennifer Playgroupie

    Oh these first days are so hard.

    You are doing great! I was shocked to see that you had posted!

    And those bags in the kitchen…they’ll be there when you’re ready for them! They aren’t hurting anything.

  16. Erin

    Ahhh! The list! At least if you can make the list, you can get it out of your head. For me, the list provides tremendous relief.

    Thanks for the post!

  17. Mommy Brain

    Number 9 was my favorite. Actually, number 2 was a close runner up because I remember squeezing the nurses hand during mine. That poor nurse probably had a broken hand by the end.

  18. brandy

    Congratulations on baby Henry! (And now I’m going to go check and see if my fridge shelves are see through too. can I admit that I’m scared?!)


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