Hey, Baby!

It is a good thing we didn’t arrange to meet earlier, because here it is 9:20 p.m. already and I am just getting to this. I had forgotten, perhaps through biological necessity, how much time everything takes when there’s a newborn. We’ve been home more than eight hours, and all my hospital bags are still sitting on the floor in the kitchen.

Anyway! You are not interested in the status of my hospital bags! You want to know if there is a BABY. And there IS:


May 31, 2007
8:35 a.m.
8 pounds 2 ounces
21.5 inches long

83 thoughts on “Hey, Baby!

  1. Kelsey

    Hooray for Henry!!! He is a beaut! I’m happy you have both arrived home safely. I wish you quality sleep, when it comes, and lots of good snuggle time with the new babe. I hope everyone is doing well.

    On May 31, I woke up at 3:27 a.m. and thought, “Oh Swistle is having her baby today.” I thought of you all day long. Can’t wait to hear how things are going, when you have time.

    Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

  2. desperate housewife

    I have been thinking of you all weekend, and anxiously checking your blog every hour since five o’ clock tonight! I am so happy all went well- your son is gorgeous! I love all that dark hair! (And I just KNEW he was going to be Henry! I knew it!)

  3. Marie Green

    I was just looking through your archieves, since I was missing you and wondering how the new baby was, and suddenly I noticed that you had posted, just as you said you would.

    He’s so beautiful. He looks perfect, magazine-ish. I hope you are feeling ok, not too hormonal, and that your first night home leads to lots of sleep and lots of ease getting out of bed. (I’ve had 2 Csections, I remember it well.) And also pain meds? I hope you take them as much as you need, at least for the next couple of days.


  4. Beth Fish

    Oh how lovely. And he has the same birthday as my niece. And also apparently his name is really Angelica, which is cruel, even if you really wanted another girl.

  5. Sam

    OH! He’s beautiful and handsome and totally, totally yummy in every way. I’ve been clicking over here obsessively – whew! Now I can rest my pointy finger.

    Welcome home, Henry!

  6. Trena

    Oh…so sweet. If I didn’t have the newborn baby fever before, this has definitely pushed me over the edge.

    Congrats on such a handsome (& healthy!) little guy.

    Hope you are recovering nicely!

  7. laughing mommy

    He is so beautiful! Tears sprang to my eyes when I saw that picture… remembering my babies at that age. Oh, you are so lucky to have that little cutie to squeeze. Congratulations!

  8. aoife

    OH, what a joy, a beautiful boy! I wish, with all my heart, that Henry brings you more joy than pain in his life.

    He is just so beautiful. Babies are a beautiful blessing.

    Take care of yourself as much as you can and let other people hold the baby when your not feeding!

  9. Carmen

    Ohhhhh, he’s gorgeous. Now I want another baby… I must go speak with my husband about that.

    Congratulations. Welcome to the world, Henry!

  10. Nellyru

    OMG, how do you do it? you are amazing! i can’t believe you can post us a picture so soon!!
    Congratulations on such a beautiful little bundle!

  11. JMH

    Henry is beautiful! I hope you two are well and resting. Enjoy this stage because (as you know) it flies by quickly :)

  12. Katie

    I love the name Henry. Actually, I love ALL the Swistle baby names. You have great taste….sort of like royalty!

    He is a sweet little miracle! Congratulations!

  13. Erin

    Is there an echo in this comment section? He is BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations and I hope you are feeling as good as can possibly be expected.

    Great job with another healthy baby!

  14. Mommy Daisy

    What a beautiful baby! I can’t believe how adorably cute he is! And Henry seems to suit him perfectly. Congrats. I’m sure you’re enjoying holding a new little baby. Here’s wishing you a quick recovery.

    And if I didn’t want another one bad enough. Maybe we’ll have to think about moving that “trying” date up about 6 months! ;)

  15. Omaha Mama

    Gorgeous! Congrats to you.

    Can’t wait to hear stories from the battle front. Those first weeks are so all-encompassing. I hope everything goes well as Henry becomes part of the Swistle clan.

  16. Tessie

    That has GOT to be one of the most beautiful babies I’ve ever seen!

    He is so, so sweet. Well done.

  17. Guwi

    Absolutely GORGEOUS! I want to nuzzle his cheeks. Hypothetically, of course.

    Congratulations–can’t wait to read more!

  18. Mrs. M

    He is precious! I’m glad you’re both doing well.

    Hey–I think I’m the 50th comment. Does that mean I get a prize? Can I hold the baby? I’ll wash my hands!

  19. Misty

    *GASP* followed by Awwwwww.

    Great Job Swistle, you built such a beautiful baby boy! I am so thrilled for you and your family and the lucky little addition that came into the world into an abundance of love…and people to spoil him. Good luck! I hope you are feeling ok, if not good.

  20. Penny

    Oh my god, cutest baby I have ever seen! ever! You make me want to run out and get pregnant again right now!

    Congratulations. Hope you can keep us updated on how adjusting to life with 5 is.

  21. Julia

    Congratulations!! He is just beautiful! I also got tears in my eyes when I saw his picture, he is just precious!

    I also love his name and it goes perfectly with your other kiddos.

    Hope all is going well during this crazy time! I’m anxious to hear how everybody is doing with the new baby.

    Once again, Congratulations!!

  22. caley

    Let me be the millionth to say congratulations! He is gorgeous, not that you need us commenters to tell you that! I’m looking forward to reading about life with the 5th!

  23. Erica

    No wonder you keep having babies when you make ’em so cute like that!

    I’m glad you’re home and that Henry’s doing well. I’m looking forward to hearing more about him.


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