No Laundry Left

I can tell I’m not firing on all….eight? is it “eight”? cylinders… it “cylinders?” Hey, what’s that expression I’m looking for that means I’m not exactly running at full mental capacity? This afternoon I was hungry, and I had a nice heaping bowl of vanilla ice cream with Keebler “Bug Bites” (glazed cinnamon graham crackers in appetizing insect shapes) broken into it–and then I suddenly realized I never had lunch. I got all distracted, I guess, and then when I was hungry I looked at the clock and thought “Snack time!” It was convenient that I didn’t realize this until after the ice cream was down the hatch, wasn’t it?

Whatever Paul has, they gave him an antibiotic for it, so I’m glad he stayed home, and I told him so in a grudging tone of voice. I do wish he’d found out some of the little details such as what he has and whether it’s safe to be near a newborn with it, but he’s got a call in to the nurse now because of what I can only assume was intense pressure from me–all I remember is all the light leaving the room and there was a voice like thunder, and then suddenly he was making the call and also hiding behind the microwave cart.

Around lunchtime, Edward’s cough got worse and he was digging at both ears, and Elizabeth started coughing the way Edward was yesterday. I was reluctant to go back to the pediatrician after yesterday’s “Whooping cough? Pfff. This isn’t even a cold” session with Robert, but I thought, what if we get up tomorrow and he’s even sicker? So I just took them both in, and they both have colds. Well, it was worth two co-pays to be able to tell the disapproving maternity nurses that what our children are hacking all over the brand-new baby is only cold germs and not plague.

Now, let’s see, when will I be back again to tell you about the baby? It seems to me like it will be a million years from now, on the other side of an unfamiliar galaxy, and yet if everything goes as expected I should be back home on Sunday afternoon. I’ve scheduled a session of “weeping with homesickness for my quiet, immaculate, food-serviced hospital room” for right after I get home, but after that I should be free. Er, assuming I work up the nerve to ask Paul if he can watch all five kids so I can go blog. Maybe we should plan to meet up Sunday evening, after (four of) the kids are in bed.

Hey, that’s a good thing to think of. As soon as I thought of Sunday evening, I started thinking of a sweet little BABY and how much fun it would be to post his beautiful-in-a-mother’s-eyes-if-not-technically-in-anyone-else’s photo–as opposed to what I’ve been thinking of most of the day, which is having a tube put into my spine, and the way they always call in these offensively burly guys to lift me from one table to another, and the way the nurse asks Personal Bathroom Questions in front of Paul. Our Sunday night arrangement is way better to think of.

26 thoughts on “No Laundry Left

  1. Melospiza

    Oh, enjoy your beautiful food-serviced hospital room! I am getting teared up just remembering mine now…and that little baby waiting in the cot like a little Christmas present (wonderful metaphor courtesy of, I mean totally ripped off from, Catherine Newman).

    All day I have been thinking, May 31, May 31, what is happening May 31? Library books due? Some one billionth music program/ kindergarten graduation/ kidfest/ preschool art show that I must attend?

    No! It’s the appearance of Swistle Baby #5!

    Good wishes and good thoughts and I will be wishing tomorrow I could just sweep through the ethernet and hug that little babio and kiss it just once before I of course hand it right back.

  2. Katie

    HOW EXCITING! I have goosebumps for you! I can’t wait to see all the beautiful pictures–and we will ALL find the baby to be gorgeous. No worries about that!

  3. Jana

    Best wishes for a happy, healthy baby and a quick recovery! Looking forward to hearing the details and seeing pictures of your bundle of joy.

  4. Devan

    When my L&D nurse asked my final weight I wanted to deck her. That is a number I don’t share with , especially Dh. *sigh*

    Enjoy people bringing you food on a tray and then having it miraclously disappear without having to wash dishes.

    We can’t wait to meet the little guy! I’m sure he’ll be beautiful.

  5. Nellyru

    Best wishes!
    Hoping it’s a lovely (even if it’s with the help of some marvelous modern pharmacology) experience for everyone!
    Looking forward to your return!


  6. Marie Green

    So, so, so exciting. There is just something so special and magical about going to the hospital, having a baby, bringing baby home, etc. When Marin was a newborn, I would watch Baby Story, just to revel in my own birth experience, but it was so cool to be holding a newborn and watching that show. My baby was ALWAYS cuter than their baby! =) YOu know at the end, where the baby is now about 6 weeks old and they show the new family home together? I always long for a new baby of my own during that part of the show, and when Marin was little, I would start to long for it, then realize Hey! I’m that lady! I’m the one with the new baby! This is MY special time.

    Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that even though the postpartum sucks in many way, it’s also so special and wonderful too. And I’m a tiny bit jelous. If M was a bit older, I’d be REALLY jelous… And also very happy for you and wishing for the best for you. I’ll be checking in on Sunday!

  7. Omaha Mama

    I’m so excited (and nervous) for you. I’ve been reading since your digging out sessions got me hooked. Now I must see the baby pics! Good luck – and prayers for your safe return to home (even if it can’t compare to the quiet of a hospital room!)

    FIVE kids. Can’t wait to read a blog about FIVE kids. Seems like a lot. Sorry for pointing that out. Let’s pretend I didn’t say that!

  8. desperate housewife

    Here’s one thing I envy you, even though I too am overwhelmed by the number 5! I envy that your older two boys are old enough to not need their bums wiped and their food cut up and their hands wiped, and are maybe even old enough to be a HELP, theoretically at least. It makes me smile to think of their faces, maybe a little awed by the tinyness of a newborn, holding their little brother for the first time. I’m happy with our spacing, but a part of me wishes that Addy was old enough to truly understand and enjoy the addition of a new baby to the family.

  9. Mimi

    Oh good, DO post a photo of the babe! I can hardly wait. I’m sure he will be beautiful in everyone else’s eyes as well!

  10. Mommy Daisy

    Oh, best of luck. I love seeing newborn pictures. They’re just amazing and so tiny right at the beginning.

    So, right now as I’m writing this you could be having your baby. WOW! I feel so attatched. Can’t wait to hear all about it. I hope it goes great.

  11. ktjrdn

    Ahhh, the lovely clean (mostly quiet) hospital rooms. The second best thing about being there.

    The thing that always cracks me up is how they wait until your husband leaves for a minte (to pee or something) and ask if he beats you. Love that!

  12. Be Inspired Always

    Good wishes and thoughts coming your way. How wonderful. Can’t wait to see photos. I can already smell that new baby smell.

    It’s my one year blogging anniversary. I’m giving away something special. Remember to stop by…. you might just end up staying!… Hopefully!


  13. Misty

    (Chinese Restaurant – Dinner Last Night)

    Me: Swistle had her baby today.

    Doug: Um, who?

    Me: Swistle. It rhymes with thistle. She is a blogger.

    Doug: Ok…how did she know she was going to have her baby today to blog about it.

    Me. C-sections. They allow you to blog your life before it even happens.

    See! I was thinking about you. Weird to know you are the topic of people’s dinner conversation that you will probably never meet. Maybe that is what it feels like to be a movie star.

    Anyway, I hope everything went beautifully. While I am anxious to “meet” the little one, take your time. Get back to us when you are up to it.


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