Baby Stuff

Lisa was wondering what new baby things were out there, and what I’ve bought for the new baby so far. You want more talk about baby things? Welllllllll….OKAY.

The twins were our last babies for sure, so we got rid of their infant car seats, so I needed to buy a new infant seat for this baby. I chose a Graco Snugride in the Devon pattern (what? fabric pattern is a crucial issue). I also bought itsy bitsy baby socks: I like the six-packs they have at JCP because they have good thick ribbing and seem to stay on the baby’s feet better than some, although socks and baby feeties are natural enemies. I bought a couple of packs of Carter’s onesies, because most of our onesies were shot after four children; Carter’s and Old Navy are my favorite onesies because they’re softer and stretchier than Gerber, and hold up better as handmedowns (our Gerber ones got all droopy). I’ve also bought a number of tiny little blue outfits, most decorated with puppies, when I found them on clearance. The socks and onesies we actually needed, but I have no excuse for the outfits. We have tons of boy clothes, especially in the sizes that don’t get a lot of wear.

One of my most-used baby items is a vibrating bouncy seat. Some babies hate these, but all of mine so far have wanted to marry it. Our bouncy seat broke when the twins were just outgrowing it, so I bought a new one: a light blue Just One Year one, on clearance of course at Target (this is the version that replaced it; it’s very similar to the one I have).

Something I saw while buying the car seat is this hot little number: the Graco SnugGlider car seat swing frame. You put the car seat right into it, making your car seat into a swing. But it is $50, which seems steep for that little frame: it comes in a box the size of two shoeboxes end to end. If this new baby loves him a swing, though, I will reconsider buying it; my excuse will be the trip we’re going on when he’s about 3 weeks old, and how handy it would be to have a portable baby-quieting device along for the hotel.

I’ve been hearing a lot about the Bumbo and how awesome it is, and it’s something I’m considering for when this baby is a little older. My babies are always a little late on the physical development (I’m sure it’s because they’re too busy learning physics and calculus), so something that helps the baby sit up a little earlier would be nice. With so many children roiling around the house, I wouldn’t want to be a baby lying vulnerably on a blanket.

I’m still looking for a perfectly sized diaper bag. Regular diaper bags are too big; I didn’t even need one that large when I had twins. The one I use now is called a “short trip” diaper bag, and with careful packing it holds four diapers, one of those slim boxes of diaper wipes, two sippee cups, two bibs, and a baggie of snacks, plus it has a couple of compartments I use for things like acetaminophen, a plastic bag (in case I need a Grossness Containment Chamber), and a small bottle of hand sanitizer (which, according to my alert, “finger on the pulse of mass forwarded email” mother-in-law, I should stop letting the children drink). This bag is perfect for a couple of toddlers, but not big enough for what I now will need to add: a fresh baby outfit for after he poops/spits all over himself, a few baby diapers, and a folded-up blanket for concealing scandal during nursing.

Chime in, all you pregnant people and new parents: what great new baby products have you found? Give me an excuse to go out shopping. Um, in a few weeks.

23 thoughts on “Baby Stuff

  1. Devan

    hey, that swing thing is pretty cool! So far O doesn’t care much for the swing, is only so so on the bouncer and doesn’t like his bed. Basically he wants to be on me, so for me the hot baby item is a sling. I have a hotsling, but any sling would probably do.

  2. Shauna

    Elise liked the Bumbo. The only thing is that if the weather was hot, she got hot and wanted out. I’d suggest to consider the weather and the season before you spend the money; those things aren’t cheap!

    I love the Old Navy onesies, too!

    I found that diaper bags don’t work for me. Instead, I look for regular bags that can be used as a diaper bag. This works much better for me. I use a backpack (a stylish one, not like a middle schooler bag). Keeps my hands and arms free. I love it!

  3. Emblita

    Well, we love the bumbo, the active baby björn (which we are still using at 9 months) and the activity gym mat Askur loved but has now been downgraded to playmat now that he is crawling. We just got the fisher price Ocean Wonders crib soother which we are trying out- but he seems to like it a lot. And I am hoping he will be happier staying in his crib at night with it.
    Happy shopping (in a few weeks :p)

  4. Erin

    My son loved the vibrating seat too, and the swing, and there’s simply no way I would have survived baby-hood without them. I have gotten NOTHING for baby #2, due in 6-7 weeks. Nothing but a pack of size 1 diapers, and only because they were on sale. I suck.

    Also, how can you write a description of postpartum misery and it’s funny? Thanks for your description in the “buzzed” post. That postpartum time strikes fear in my heart. Do you ever get anxious about it before the baby is born? Nevermind, you don’t have time to answer that. Good luck Thursday!

    Also, I had whooping cough once. It wasn’t fun, but the antibiotics they gave me were those powerful 3-days-and-your-done ones. Maybe they can give those to kids and wipe it out in time for Robert to visit the hospital?

  5. desperate housewife

    All I have to offer after all that good advise is to once again plug the idea of a large play yard for a toddler older sibling no longer content in a regular old playpen. It is ideal already for me when I’m trying to get a shower or get ready to go somewhere, and I can only imagine that it will prove invaluable once the baby gets here.

  6. Marie Green

    We borrowed a bumbo for Marin and really loved it. She could sit in it LONG before she was able to sit on her own. She was so happy to sit in there, with her new world view. Now they just need to make one for babies struggling to learn to crawl. Like make a skateboard-type devise I could strap to her belly and Presto! no more frustrated baby.

    We bought a new digital camera before Marin was born. Also, we love our Baby Bjorn Active carrier, but it was a gift and I wouldn’t justify the $. Oh! And those JJ Cole carseat sleeping bags are AWESOME. If your baby will still be in the infant seat this winter, it’s totally worth it.
    Good Luck!

  7. Shelly

    I think I have the only baby that didn’t like the Bumbo. Well, she liked that she was able to sit up, but then all she wanted was to be out. She isn’t one to be contained. I can’t think of any essential item that you don’t already know of or have, other than Mary Poppins for the first few weeks so you can recover at your own pace.

  8. jen

    for 3 years I never really carried a diaper bag, but I’ve been needing something when I’m gone all day with changes of clothes and everything. I am in love with my l.l. bean diaper bag! I was using a backpack and it just kept annoying me. This bag stands up and has a nice configuration of pockets inside and out that just work for me. I hate to sound like such a pregnant lady…

    I wish I knew about the amby hammock with my first… then if I bought it, it’d be more worth it.

    I am buying an arm’s reach mini cosleeper for this one. Thought about it last time, never happened. But this year my friend is making me buy hers :)

    I don’t need clothes, I’ll do that when the sex is revealed, I’m sure.

  9. Trena

    I must just have a strange child (actually I think he just thinks I’m his big play yard, but I digress) as we have most of the things that alot of people have mentioned and my child’s overall reaction has basically been, “Meh–take it or leave it”
    The vibrating bouncer: in the beginning Owen would eye the rattle animals like they were not to be trusted, later he would just howl because we had put him in prison–baby prison.
    Bumbo Seat: We (my husband and I) loved this. Owen–not so much. He was always trying to get out of it, would twist and get stuck. Hopefully when we have another child, they’ll get more use out of it.
    Basically the things that I have lurved have been the Ocean Wonders Crib Lullabye/Sounds thingy (I don’t know what it’s called, I just know it works) and the various types of slings that I have (at last count, I think it was 4 different types that I now own–but they’re each good for a different stage/purpose).
    I have a hop*skip diaper bag and overall I’m pretty satisfied with it. However, it is definitely only big enough for one child, so I guess whenever we move up to two children, I’ll be buying the larger version. I just liked it because of the design as well as the fact that it came in normal colors (ours is the navy) and not those gaggy prints that scream out “I’M A DIAPER BAG” at fifty paces.


    I have heard great things about the Bumbo seats!!! That and I hear wooden high chairs with a removable plastic lined tray are back in style! Simple and easier to clean.

  11. Kelli in the Mirror

    I was really excited about getting a bumbo. So far my little guy is not impressed. He sits in it for about two minutes and then slumps over and screams. Maybe it will be better when he gets a bit older.

    And I just got a new bag I love. It sounds like it might be a bit bigger than what you’re looking for, but it’s the Amy Coe naomi hobo bag from Target. Love it. I quit carrying a purse and just use this for everything.

  12. Swistle

    Erin: I do worry about it, yes. It’s such a nutty time, and I remember little flashes of it, and the little flashes are not happy. And since it’s hard to remember it very WELL, it’s still “the fear of the unknown”–even on the fifth baby!

    Kelli: It’s from Target? I like it already! Also, I love Amy Coe.

  13. jen

    new day, new thought.. the “stuff” really does just take up space… most of it is for our own convenience. I just have to say after reading another comment I wish I had gotten my digital slr before l was born… just think of how much better the pictures of her could have been! If I could place this camera back in time… the cameras we had 3 years ago were kind of slow and clunky compared to this. hee.

  14. Bunny

    Oh Swistle! I am so excited for you and your big day tomorrow! It almost makes me want to have another. But then I remember that I get to sleep through the night and I quickly dismiss the thought of another. (Sorry, was I bragging? Cause I am a new woman!)
    I can’t wait to hear from you tomorrow! Although, crap, you probably won’t be posting for the next few days. Get back to us as soon as possible! And good luck!

  15. Tessie

    It’s almost BABY DAY!!! EEEE!!!

    I finally went with a backpack in lieu of a diaper bag (it’s a little Ranger Rick, but whatever). My “real” diaper bag kept slipping down my arm and beaning the baby in the head. Also, most backpacks have lots of little pockets and compartments and what-not. And that’s always fun.

    On the Bumbo (which I think is awesome), if you have a second-hand or consignment kids store near you, those are usually CRAWLING with Bumbos.

    That swing frame thing sounds like the cat’s ass, especially for travel. In our “the swing is king” days, we went so far as to bring the whole cradle swing with us on a trip (she wouldn’t sleep without it). I have a feeling THIS WILL BE MINE.

  16. Sara

    yes, my kids also wanted to marry the vibrating bouncy seat. So much that this is the one gift that I buy for everybody.

    The ocean wonders aquarium is amaaing too. We have the old school version, but the new one looks like a fishbowl. Pretty cool

  17. aoife

    All my best to you and hoping everything goes well on Thursday.

    Baby things I lust over now that mine is 4???? The cart seat cover. When my son was big enough to sit up in the cart, all he wanted to do is put his mouth all over the parts — I was so afraid that he would get some horrible sickness from licking the cart. (and I’m not a germ phobe — those things are just plain filthy). At the time, you could only get them from a few mom and pop online bizzes and they were expensive…. now they seem to be everywhere.

    As for carseats, love my Britax. So easy to get kid in and out of and adjustable… only bad side is its size. Its tops on safety ratings.

    I HATED the pack and play. I thought I would use it and I never did except for the bassinet part to let him sleep on and change his diaper. They are so much smaller than the play yards we had as babies. I remember that mine was huge and weighed a ton.

  18. gabby

    We loved the Bumbo. We had our baby last July and the heat didn’t seem to be an issue with us.

    After 2 diaper bags, I swore them off. I now have a clinique makeup bag that holds all the little stuff, a diaper & slim box of wipes and that just changes in & out of any bag I happen to be using (or stays in the car). I hate diaper bags and wish I hadn’t bothered to begin with…

    The best thing we got was the fisher price booster / high chair thing. I didn’t want a full sized high chair and the baby started using this as soon as he could sit. It’s portable for restaurants and travel and cleans so easily. Best purchase.

  19. Shannon

    I didn’t buy anything new for Elise, except for clothes and the Moby wrap (which I’m loving for outings, it makes my demonic two year old doable with a month old AND you can wear a purse and baby). I’m a reuser to the max, we didn’t throw anything out except for the swing.

    Now, that frame swing thing is pretty neat. I was going to get a swing for Elise but my not buying anything for baby because it will jinx pregnancy thing interfered. We have D’s graco snugride that we are using for E, so that would totally work.

    The bumbo, totally awesome. They sell them at Target, go get yourself one when they are on clearance and you have coupons.

    We are minimalist parents so we don’t buy a ton of stuff to fill up space.

  20. Sleepynita

    I wish I would have known about the swing for the carseat, we could have used that!

    I did not get much use out of the bumbo chair at all, LittleMan could sit in it at 3 weeks (really strong baby) and by 3 months could get out of it whenever he wated. Now at 11 months I use it when I cut his hair or for snack time since it is quick, but it sure doesn’t contain him long.

    I also buy regular purses to use as diaper bags since I hate all my real diaper bags. I like a liteweight messenger style purse, like a leSportsac delux everyday bag.

    Best thing I bought for baby stuff is the RazBaby Raz Pak, super handy for formula portions and food and snacks later…..

  21. BRash

    Skip Hop has great diaper bags, and a couple of different sizes and options. They also make a “Toolbox” diapers caddy that turns any place into a changing table – I love it.


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