Late Night

I am having the kind of night where, after being sleepy all day, I am lying awake in the dark thinking about (1) my chipped filling, (2) the upcoming birth of this baby and whether the name we’ve chosen is no good and we need to start all over from scratch, and (3) how for millions of years people have lain awake in the dark just like this, worrying all their worries, thinking all the fretful things that keep a person awake at night–and now all those people are dead.

10 thoughts on “Late Night

  1. Lizzie

    Booooo I am right there with you Swistle. Nights like this I like to eat a whole package of Oreos, but they tell me that is Binge Eating Disorder :( But you can do it because you are preggers! I hope you feel better and get some sleep!

  2. Momus Anonymous

    That was kind of morose… I actually think you wake up at night when you’re pregnant to get you used to the fact that the baby is going to be waking you up at night soon??!! But, I know I do it because I like to drink diet pepsi at 10pm…

  3. Nellyru

    Yep, nowheymama, I’m there too…I was going to say there are millions of people lying awake at night awash in worries all AT THE SAME TIME! At least we can think to ourselves when we’re doing that that we’re not alone at that moment.

    p.s. if you use dried blueberries (or cranberries) in the homemade muffins, they don’t do the soggy thing.

  4. Erin

    I’ve been in a miserable insomnia phase lately too. Much better to think about wedding registries than all those other things. But it’s impossible to NOT think about the baby when he’s taking up half my lung space when I lay down and every time I almost fall asleep, I start having this dream that I’m suffocating because, oh yeah, I can’t breathe. Sucks, huh?

  5. Shannon

    I’m waking up two to three times a night now..but the only thing I can think about is going back to sleep and how in the world did Elise pee through everything for the third time today?

    I hope you can manage a few nights of good sleep before baby arrives!

  6. Anonymous

    When I was close to the end of my third pregnancy, I used to use the time lying awake at night just to enjoy having the little one inside me still…I remembered, third time round, how strangely alone I’d felt just after delivery with my first two babies, when my body was suddenly just me inside it, with no-one else to be right there with me. I’d felt literally empty. Maybe you’re wild to feel empty of course, but I kinda enjoyed being heavily pregnant ;-)All the best for the big event!

  7. desperate housewife

    I have the solution to late night restless brain syndrome! Do you have a TV or a portable DVD player you can put in your bedroom? I fall asleep to my old stand by, Friends, every night. Since becoming pregnant and giant and heartburn plagued and uncomfortable, zoning out to TV is the only way I can get myself to sleep. And yes, it is true what you hear- couples with a TV in their room are not exactly doing it every night of the week. But guess what? With a giant belly between them, this particular couple wouldn’t be doing it all that much anyways, so, oh well!

  8. Emblita

    I know the feeling Swistle, these days I lie awake wondering if my son is still breathing and if I should go and check on him. Stop myself because I know its unlikely and he needs his sleep. But I still worry… and usually make at least one trip to his room before being able to fall asleep. But I read a book every night and that helps keep my mind of morose things while I’m winding down after the day. Right now I have Slayer Slang and Good Omens on my nightstand, works wonders!


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