Question: 2-in-1 Shampoo Conditioners

I hate to admit it, but I’m starting to find “standing up in the shower” over-tiring. I’m looking for ways to reduce the time I spend in there, and with my pregnancy-oily hair, it’s the daily shampoo/condition that’s bugging me most. Is there any such thing as a worthwhile “2-in-1” shampoo/conditioner, or do they all have problems? I don’t think I’ve tried one since high school. (Pert Plus!)

24 thoughts on “Question: 2-in-1 Shampoo Conditioners

  1. jaime

    I’m not a big fan of 2-in-1s, because I’m really picky about how conditioner makes my hair feel. However, I’ve started using the new Herbal Essences 2-in-1 Herbal Hydration and I’ve been really happy with it. I use it during the week when I feel like I need to make my shower a little bit faster.

  2. Regina

    Get a spray on/leave in conditioner to use in a brand/smell/flavour you like and you can pretty much use any 2in1 brand or just use moisturizing shampoo in the shower. That way you don’t have to stand there for 2 min while the conditioner “sinks” in.

  3. Jodi

    I can’t use 2in1’s unless I am pregnant. I don’t know why that is. But with each pregnancy I have used Pert Plus. It works great for me. I more recently tried the Aussie 2-in-1 for volume but it just didn’t have enough conditioner.

  4. Omaha Mama

    I think Patene is good. I’ve used it in the past, especially if your hair isn’t too long.

    Confession: I like Pert Plus. Haven’t used it in several years but the smell is kinda nice (nostalgic I guess) and it makes your hair soft.

    Good luck! Heck – can’t you just give up daily showers after about 35 weeks?! Go to an e/o day schedule.

  5. Swistle

    My usual hair-washing is every other day, but in the first and third trimesters it really needs it every day or it looks like I haven’t washed it in weeks.

    Jodi and Omaha Mama: I might try the Pert Plus again. I remember liking it in high school.

    Shauna: I’ll give the Pantene a good sniff the next time I’m at the store.

    Jaime: I’ll sniff the Herbal Essences, too!

  6. Anonymous

    If your hair is oily, conditioning it every day might be a bad idea – I’ve heard it can contribute to oiliness.

  7. Black Sheeped


    I don’t break out the caps lock often in comment sections, and I hate to disagree so blatantly, but don’t. Don’t. Pantene is actually really bad for your hair. It strips it down, and has a wax agent to sort of smooth over the damage it does (the rough parts hold the wax, and it gives an illusion of shine and health) and if you use it a while and stop using it, you’ll see how much damage you’ve done. I’ve been told this by many hair professionals, and some of them can TELL when a client has been using Pantene, because it’s such a unique damage.

    I use Justin’s Pert Plus sometimes when I’m out of my fancy crap, and I like it okay.

    Sorry to be such a hater!

  8. Nellyru

    I like the Pert Plus for oily hair, but I have trouble finding it.
    And somebody mentioned the Head and Shoulders 2 in 1; I’ve kind of liked that, too.
    It seems hard to find products for oily hair…apparently most people have “dry hair” or “fine hair”.

  9. Anonymous

    Dove makes an ok 2 in 1 that my husband uses once in a while, and I remember liking Pert Plus too! I have also heard the stories of Pantene wrecking hair from a friend hairdresser, but since I have not used it in a few years (I used it when it first came out and found that the condiitoner did not rinse out completely and made my hair smoke when I blow dired it) I didnt put much thought into it.

  10. Emily

    I really like the Dove 2-in-1. Since I’ve been using it, I’ve gotten comments from a couple people that my hair looks quite nice. Hope you can find something you’re happy with.

    I’ve also heard horrible things about Pantene.

  11. Sam

    I cannot use anything that puts shampoo and conditioner together, as I am the greasy hair champion of the world. What I do for conditioner is use a leave-in conditioner – usually Rusk, which smells heavenly – which I get at the hair product place in our mall. Or a salon, sometimes. That way I can slap the conditioner on and it’s working while my hair air dries!

  12. Kathi

    Say I had a “friend” who uses Pantene. How long would it take said friend’s hair to be restored from damage once she stops using it?

  13. Anonymous


    Explaining how the baby got in your tummy to a child. I’m assuming you have lots of experience with this. How did you do it? I’m sure this will spark lots of comments, too.

  14. Black Sheeped

    Kathi–Tell your friend :) I’d switch to a clarifying shampoo for a while and see what happens. It should get build-up off your hair, and then you can see where you need to go from there. Maybe a trim will be in order (in my experience, the best way to deal with damage is to just cut it off), and then maybe you can find another shampoo that’s a bit easier on the hair.

    I used to use Pantene a lot. Now I’m using a Burts Bees conditioner that has only natural ingredients, and can see a huge difference. It doesn’t feel the same, since it doesn’t have laurel sulfate in it (I think that’s what makes the hair feel all oily and slick after you condition) but my hair is much stronger and healthier looking.f

  15. desperate housewife

    I really like Dove. Any of their products are great, and my husband can only use their stuff since he has a soap allergy. He uses their two in one shampoo and on days when I’m in a hurry, I do too. It smells great and doesn’t leave your hair kind of gunky the way some two in ones do.


    I never liked any of the 2-in-1 products I tried. Then I heard using a daily conditioner in your hair may not be necessary (creates more oil)…so my hairstylist suggested a good shampoo and then if it feels like I need to detangle or give some conditioner to use a spray in. Has worked really well!!!


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