
Bleah. Yesterday I had a tickle in my throat, and today I’m sick. I kept waking up all night, feeling hot and sweaty and sore, and then trying to cough out my ribs. If there were any fairness in the world, pregnant women would be immune to illness. Don’t we have enough physical misery as it is?

This illness has come at a bad time, since it was only a day or two ago that I thought, “Okay, NOW I’m getting uncomfortable.” Turning over in bed takes planning. Getting out of bed is tricky. It’s harder to breathe. If I drop something on the floor, and there are no children around to pick it up for me, I can nearly weep. Putting on my socks and shoes takes mental preparation and strength of character. My legs feel like they’re going to pop right out of their ill-fitting sockets. And now I’m sick, too. That is your cue to say something sympathetic—perhaps involving the imminence of your arrival with cookies?

I have tried to explain to the two resident toddlers that they need to take it easy on me today. Just as newborns need a “wait 5 minutes” button, toddlers need a “give me a break today” button. Instead, they have been particularly trying, and it is only 8:30 in the morning. At breakfast, they’d hold out their bowls to me, making fussy “take this away from me” noises; I would take the bowl and they would scream; I would give it back and they would go back to the “eh! eh! ehhhhhhh!!” and then throw the bowl overboard in frustration so that cheerios scattered in a wide arc across the kitchen floor. I had planned to give them some freedom time after breakfast, but instead I put them in their playpen and switched on Blue’s Clues and ran away into the computer room.

The happy thing is that today I am 34 weeks. When I was pregnant with the twins and worried about premature delivery, the OB said that 34 weeks was a “magic week” for babies–that starting at 34 weeks, the chances of serious problems were getting so low, a “happy outcome” was very likely indeed. So hitting 34 weeks is another of those pregnancy milestones I look forward to.

Even if it weren’t a milestone week, EVERY week is a milestone week at this point. It’s 34 weeks! That means there are only 5 weeks left! Holy crap, 5 weeks! That’s 35 days! A month and 5 days! …Okay, that’s starting to sound long again. It’s 5 WEEKS! It would not be too early to address baby announcement envelopes! It would not be too early to launder eensy little blue outfits, and little side-snap shirts, and teeny hats, and pack them all carefully into bureau drawers alongside the tiniest diapers ever! Maybe I will work on one of those tasks this morning. (*sound of toddlers fighting*) Or maybe I will hide out in here all day.

12 thoughts on “Untumfortable

  1. Penny

    Oh, Swistle. If I were your friendly neighbor I would volunteer to watch your kids for you today.

    Today should be a day of rest. So, you know, you can recover faster. So put on a lot of videos and make popcorn for the kids and declare it a Movie Day, and settle in on the couch with a magazine or blog updates.

    Happy 34 weeks. Is time still flying?

  2. coffee stained

    Happy 34 weeks!

    I’m sorry you’re feeling sick. If I had been in your slippers this morning, I would have been tempted to chuck the twins bowls at the wall in a fit of anger to show them I meant business ;-)

    Today I wish you extended toddler nap time. You deserve it!

  3. Dawn

    If I wasn’t all the way over here and you all the way over there I would be at your door with cookies AND yummy brownies and a foot spa for you AND lot’s of fun entertainment for the little ones so Mommy could have a day of rest but, I’m all the way over here and stuck at work =o\

  4. Tessie

    Oh dear. This is not Good Times. I have wished for the pause button many a time myself.

    Also, I know that damn tickle well. I have had it for the last week. Last night, my husband SHOT upright in bed in the middle of the night and hissed, “STOP COUGHING”! And then when I tried to go sleep on the couch, “YOU’LL WAKE UP THE BABY”!

    So, apparently my choices were:

    1) Stop coughing
    2) Yeah, that’s pretty much it

  5. Shannon

    Congrats on 34 weeks!! I will be there on Monday and I’m counting down the days.

    I’m sorry that you are sick, too. I’ve had annoying sore throat for almost two weeks now (acid reflux perhaps?) and it totally blows.

    I need to clean teeny pink clothes myself.

    Feel better!

  6. Swistle

    Penny: Yes, time is still flying. It’s almost eerie to me. I wouldn’t say I want it to slow down or anything, though.

    Tessie: Ha ha ha ha ha!

    Shannon: At first I was hoping the tickle was just the result of the acid/heartburn problem (pregnancy = sexy!). What I want to know is, why a cold in APRIL? It is spring. It is time for these things to STOP. And if those twins get runny noses AGAIN, I don’t know WHO is going to be taking care of these children, because _I_ am heading for a hotel.

  7. Bunny

    I’m sorry you are “untumfortable”, but I love that word! It is very fitting. If I were close by I’d be at your door with brownies and a ticket to my house for the twins so you could rest. But I’m way over here, you’re way over there. I an just send you good, restful thoguhts. And yay! 34 weeks!!!

  8. Jodi

    I would come and rescue you today if I was nearby too.

    Just hearing about being pregnant cures any baby fever I may be experiencing.

    Only 5 weeks left!


    I totally feel for you….I felt the same way around midnight last night. Made it through work today and came home to crash. My throat isn’t throbbing, but is raw & scratchy. I feel like I’ve been hit with a Mac Truck. I’m turning off the computer & headed to bed!!

    Feel better soon.


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