Online Shopping Trip

Rob has suddenly outgrown all his clothes and for the last week or two has been going to school looking like a child whose mother doesn’t love him: pants revealing two inches of sock, coat revealing two inches of wrist. Usually I buy things on clearance ahead of time, and so then all I have to do is open the box in the closet and there’s a whole new size–but this time it didn’t work out that way, and he has two pairs of pants and no coat. I’m going to have to do a little full-price shopping, I guess, which makes me feel a little excited and a little crazed: when you are accustomed to 75% off, full-price is like dressing the child in woven diamonds–but on the other hand, it’s thrilling to get a full selection of colors and styles, and thrilling to buy something for now rather than for some time in the future. Plus, it’s not like I’m talking $100 pants here–I like Old Navy and Target.

I am large of tum and sore of back these days, so I was shopping online last night, and I found an awesome sale over at The Children’s Place (click in the red “Spring Sale, $4.99 and under” box at the bottom of their page). Apparently everyone else found it, too, because the site was sooooooo slowwwwww. I actually got a BOOK so I’d have something to do between clicks: I’d click on an item I wanted to see, read for a minute or two until the page loaded, click on the order button, read for another minute until it showed that it had been added to the cart, click on the back-to-shopping button, read for another two minutes, etc. It was frustrating, too, because the page would finally load and the item would be out of stock, or I’d choose the size and click to add it to my cart, and I’d get the “sorry, out of stock” message. I think I did very well not to rip up the keyboard with my teeth.

Meanwhile, it was getting closer and closer to the time I really have to shower and go to bed, so that was affecting my decision-making skills. I was tempted to ditch the whole order in a panic. Instead, in a sudden spine-straightening burst of practical impulsiveness, I glanced at the cart, thought, “Yes, I want everything here,” looked at the total, thought, “Yes, that seems reasonable,” and just clicked the button already.

I was worried that–as with many late-night impulse decisions–I would feel remorse in the morning, but no! I woke up with a song in my heart, thinking of that package on its way to me. I was almost spraining my shoulder patting myself on the back for being so clever as to override my natural tightwad instincts and place the order. And, lest you notice that ominous past-tense verb and think it means I’ve since had reason to regret it: No! I have not! I am still happy!

In fact, the only downside of this entire story is that there is not one single thing in the order for Rob. No, it is mostly for the twins, with a few things thrown in for William. I couldn’t find anything in Rob’s size that (a) I liked and (b) was in stock in his size. Good sale, though.

14 thoughts on “Online Shopping Trip

  1. Penny

    Oh my god, you shop ahead of time, like a good, cost-saving mother of 4 and half rapidly growing children should. I have no such wisdom of forethought, even though my household budget cries out for such a fix. I have so much to learn, so much to learn.

  2. Michele

    “when you are accustomed to 75% off, full-price is like dressing the child in woven diamonds” – made me laugh out loud.

    I shop ahead too. I am a black belt sale shopper. The only stuff I pay full price for anymore are “good” cosmentics and perfume (bastards!).

    i find Childrens Place online to be extremely frustrating – slow and out of stock. But of course I am going over there right now.

  3. el-e-e

    I love it. “the only downside,” all casual and everything… but bam! the fact that it totally did not serve your original purpose is so funny. Well written. :)

    And shopped.

  4. Devan

    I have dial up, so many of my online shopping experiences are like what you just described. SO much fun…
    But, at least you got a good deal, even if you didn’t get any clothes for Rob. Plus, now you can do some more shopping! (if you like that sort of thing…)

  5. Black Sheeped

    I guess if you’re too sore/tired there’s always I’m a big fan of And probably always will be.

    In response to your comment, the medication is actually a stimulant and has to be taken in the morning. Therefore it works all day, and then wears off in the evening when you’re normally winding down anyway. Today I didn’t get crazy this morning, though, and I suspect it’s because I slept last night and didn’t feel sick before I even took it. So maybe it’s going to work out. Maybe getting a good night’s sleep is The Key to All Things Good.

  6. jen

    you know, that web site is always slow for me. And then for a minute it’ll be superfast.. and then it’ll slow down again. All I want are short sleeved polo shirts for the boy! I’m so tired of t shirts with dorky colors or stupid graphics. And I’m also tired of having to buy humongous sizes on him because I don’t want the snap crotch.

  7. Mommy Daisy

    *Smacks herself in the head* I never think to shop online. I guess I’ve never been much of an online shopper. But I can see that I spend much more in most stores than I need to, I’m already finding better bargains online. I guess I just like to go in person and see what it looks like.

    I hope that you do find something for Rob. :)

  8. Leticia

    I went there too…and it was so slow but I got so many things, it was worth it. Plus was able to use a coupon code (NMSM37) for $10 off a $30 order. Today, I went to Disney outlet and got a ton of things, they have $1 shipping per item and a super sale, today only. I got very cool pajamas for $4.99. (you need to add to your daily reading. she always has the best deals advertised.)

  9. Swistle

    Dawn: Thanks for the web addresses; I’ll check them out!

    Jen: I have that problem, too: I wish they’d also offer non-bodysuit styles in smaller sizes.

    Leticia: Oh, man, what a great coupon! I’m tempted to go back and order more, just so I can use the coupon! But then it would be another $5 shipping, so it would only be a $5 coupon. Hm. Still. Also, thanks for the link–I’ve signed up for the RSS feed.

  10. Shauna

    I love online shopping. Sure beats trying to juggle trying things on in the store. Not to mention Nicholas climbing into the clothes racks (it’s hard to get mad; I LOVED doing that when I was a kid!)

  11. Mrs. M

    oh im a hooker for online shopping sales! its so easy. my worst was right after my dad died. I was in college and couldn’t sleep. I’d wake up and play online which turned into all night shopping trips. I quickly ran up a credit card bill and didn’t even realize it. I decided it was retail therapy. I was greiving…and hey, thanks to online shopping i looked good doing it.


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