Room Arrangements

Last night I was plagued with bad dreams (do you suppose it had anything to do with this?), and finally, about an hour before my alarm would have gone off (assuming the twins would have allowed me to sleep that long–a very bold assumption indeed), I gave up and got up. The dreams were bad enough that everything was looking grim and scary to me (Our shower–MENACING! My toothbrush–DISTURBING!), and as I was wetting down my hair and getting dressed, I realized I would need to pull out the big guns: blue chrome eyeliner. But blue chrome eyeliner doesn’t look right on a “natural look” (“lazy about make-up”) face, so I added blue eyeshadow. Nothing says “everything’s fine now” like a little daytrip to the ’80s.

I was crabby all yesterday, and I couldn’t explain it to Paul. Everything was fine. No one had done anything to piss me off. In fact, I’d had a good day, industrious and successful. I was just crabby. I didn’t know if it would be adequate to say to him, “It’s the third trimester, that’s all.” Especially since I’ve spent six months saying, “It’s the first trimester, that’s all,” and “It’s the second trimester, that’s all.”

Speaking of trimesters, this past weekend we finally got around to doing something we should have done months ago: we rearranged the kids to make room for the new baby. Before, Rob and William were in the two small bedrooms downstairs, and the twins shared the large bedroom (which doubled as their playroom) upstairs. We moved Elizabeth down to one of the small bedrooms–because as the only girl she’s the only child who definitely gets her own room–and we moved William up to the large bedroom. The new baby will move in with William and Edward.

It’s not one of the arrangements we originally considered, but it’s the one that involves the least moving things around. We put bunk beds in the large bedroom, so when Edward is ready for a Big Kid Bed he can move into the bottom bunk and the new baby can move into his crib. (The new baby has an up-to-30-pounds bassinet he can use until then.) When the new baby is ready for a Big Kid Bed, we’ll need to reconsider arrangements again, but this gives us two and a half years or so before we need to think about it.

Elizabeth needed her own room anyway: she’s the one who wakes up at the slightest sound and cries for 45 minutes before going back to sleep. Rob values having his own room, and really didn’t want to share, and we hoped we’d be able to let him have his own room as much as possible: he’s the oldest, and needs a place to go where he can shed all the younger children clinging to him like adoring, staticky socks. We’d worried that William wouldn’t want to lose his own room, and wouldn’t want to share with babies, but he was happy about it. He hasn’t really enjoyed his own room: he gets lonely and sad. Also, Edward is his favorite sibling, and he refers to the new baby as “Edward 2,” so apparently everyone’s happy.

In the meantime, this gives me an empty bureau to move freshly-laundered teeny tiny baby dressings into, any time I feel like it! And it gives me a GIRL room to decorate! Heady stuff. Too bad I’m barely able to go up and down stairs anymore. No wonder I’m crabby.

5 thoughts on “Room Arrangements

  1. Penny

    Unexplained crabbiness…are you teething by any chance? Just kidding. My daughter is unexplicably crabby, but also drooling, and that to us indicates definite teething. So unless you are drooling, perhaps it’s just, you know, that a human is residing in your body and it’s getting a might bit hormonal and uncomfortable in there.

  2. jen

    I was so crabby right at the beginning, that when I FINALLY told T I was pregnant, he put 2 and 2 together and just burst out laughing. For 5 minutes.

    I’m glad your room arrangements worked out well, and I’m also glad to see someone else putting more than one kid in a bedroom. Everyone I know would say “OMG time to buy a new house.” We only have 2 (in this huge stupid house) an so 2 of them are going to have to share. (If we have a boy, we won’t have to move anyone or repaint anything, and the girl can remain the princess. But that’s the lazy way out!)

  3. Shauna

    I thought I had a great comment, until I read the others. I suck.

    Sorry you feel so crappy. Take a nap! Works wonders when you’re not pregnant, too!

  4. Shannon

    Take a hot bath and a nap. I think I will do the same because I’ve been super touchy and crabby for..what is it at 31 weeks, 7 months now?

    We are going to put Elise in with Darsie. Yes, we have another room that Elise could go in, but I want that space for sewing and guests. So, the two girls go together. Well, Elise will be with us for the first year or so, but after that, they are stuck with each other until one of them starts doing enough chores and can me such a good deal for their own rooms that I can’t resist.


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