Sandal Follow-Up–With VOTE!

Dr. Martens canceled my sandal order, which I thought was mighty decent of them considering it says all over the site that orders cannot be canceled, that it is impossible to cancel orders. That unfortunately, once placed, an order is returnable but not cancelable.

I feel relieved and disappointed, both, which just goes to show you how difficult I am to live with. I was in a blind panic when I discovered the sandals were men’s sandals, but after Nance said in my comments section that they’d be the right size, I felt happy about them. I mean, clearly I like the sandals, because I ordered them. I’m glad to have the mess tidied up (and what if they were too wide? or too mannish after all?), but sad not to have the sandals.

Also, it’s still bothering me that the sandals look so girly to me. I didn’t even look to see if they were men’s or women’s, even though I was doing that routinely with all the sandals, because that’s how unmistakably girly they looked to me. I’d like your input on this. Don’t worry that I won’t love you anymore if you say, “Um, those are definitely men’s sandals”: I want your real opinion. I will put a photo of the sandals below, and you tell me honestly if you would think they were men’s, women’s, or either.


Note the little heel. The cute curve of the sole. The pretty stitching. But no–don’t let me influence you. Tell me what you REALLY think.

32 thoughts on “Sandal Follow-Up–With VOTE!

  1. Jenny H.

    I definitely think girly, but is it okay if I think they are…well…less than cute?

    They do look super comfy though!I am sorry they cancelled your order.

  2. Shannon

    Love them!

    I love Doc Martens, period. I am still wearing the ones I got in Junior High…which was..uhmm, too long ago. Anyways, the soles are a bit worn but they are still in lovely shape.

  3. Colleen

    I could see a woman wearing them. I have seen men wearing similar sandals though, too. I can tell you that after looking at them I want a pair!

  4. Michelle

    I used to have a pair like this and they were so comfortable.

    I stopped wearing them when I discovered my grad school boyfriend had the same ones.

    He always was a little effeminate.

  5. Swistle

    Jenny H. and Suburban Oblivion– Does it change things if I say that I do not have pretty feet? What I look for in a sandal is coverage. I think the cutest sandals are those little strappy things with a daisy on them, but you need cute feet to carry them off.

  6. LoriD

    Girly in an “I’m going on a hike to eat granola with a baby on my back” kind of way. You could always pin a daisy on them. :-)

  7. Jenny H.

    Yes, plus I forgot you were pregnant! When I was pregnant all I cared about were two things- comfort and how easy it would be to get on or off by myself!!!

  8. jen

    I’m not sure. They don’t look overly girly (good) but they are definitely not for men. And I really like them. Do they come in any other color? :)

    I have never worried about width when buying men’s shoes… I must have big fat ham feet?

  9. Swistle

    LoriD– Oh, dear. Now I can’t look at them without thinking the same thing.

    Juliloquy– They canceled the order because I BEGGED them to and they must be very kind people indeed. I said I knew they couldn’t cancel orders, but would they have mercy on me and try. I was thinking they were going to be not only men’s sandals but several sizes too big for me–at that point I didn’t yet know that UK sizes are the same for men and for women, and that probably they would have fit after all.

    Jen (Never Melts Jen)– They came in this bark color and also in peanut grizzly. Here’s the clearance part of the site: Dr. Martens clearance.

  10. Tessie

    OK, the way the heel is so wavy and so TOTALLY separate from the rest of the sole makes it a SHOE WITH HEEL=WOMEN’S SHOE.

  11. Shelly

    I think they look girly, too, and I definitely could not see a man wearing them. So don’t worry, your Girl Card has not been revoked.

  12. theflyingmum

    Hmmm, my first impression was that they look more like women’s sandals. Yes, it’s because of the curvy sole. But they also look sort of masculine for women’s sandals, so my vote is unisex.

  13. spryngtree

    British Men wear plenty of things that look girly to an American eye…then they charm you with that Hugh Grant thing. I vote for unisex but very cute. I like fisherman’s sandals. I buy boy’s sandals all the time because sometimes the girly stuff is TOO cutsie.

  14. Erica

    I’m going to vote for not girly. They don’t seem particularly manly, either. They’re just, well, there.

    They’re cute, tho.

  15. caley

    No way are those mandals. I don’t know a single guy who would wear something as feminine as those sandals are. Perhaps the good Doc made a mistake?

  16. Lisa

    Im abstaining on the voting. :) Anyway, to the point. Have you ever heard of They offer free shipping AND free return shipping. I live overseas (APO address) and I order from them all the time. I cannot say enough good things about them- their customer service is outstanding. In addition to the free shipping and free returns they also have 110% price match so if you still want those sandals– and zappos has them in the same size and color they will match the price (plus addtional 10% off).

    PS- for a comfortable sandal I highly recommend Keens!


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