Honey, You’ve Got To Try It

I came home from shopping today, and the jar of honey was in the kitchen sink. I said to Paul, “Why is the honey in the kitchen sink?” and he said, “Because I was pretty sure it didn’t belong in the SHOWER.”

That logic doesn’t really follow, does it? Besides, if the honey is in the shower, it’s not the same as if it’s in the refrigerator and maybe someone just got a little absentminded. If it’s in the shower, someone must have put it there on purpose. And yes, it was me.

You all have honey in your showers too, right? Or, okay, fine, on your bathroom sinks if you prefer. Because we’re all doing Sundry’s honey challenge, aren’t we? This is exactly the sort of thing I loved to do in high school, and while some women might mourn the hips of their youth or the boyfriends of their youth, what I mourn is the beauty product experiments of my youth: I used to cruise the beauty aisle, babysitting money climbing out of my purse looking for what would be coming home with us today. The facial scrub, with real bits of apricot pit? The peel-away masks, as thrilling as peeling off dried Elmer’s glue? The mud masks, so very very ugly and full of minerals? Did I want to tighten? glow? exfoliate? peel?

I tried the honey this morning in the shower, and Sundry is right that it isn’t sticky and yucky as you’d expect: it went on smooth and nice, and of course it smelled delicious. I rinsed it off a few minutes later, and my face felt just as nice as with any of the other facials I’ve tried over the years. I don’t know yet if this says something about the honey, or if it says something about the other facials.

One of the commenters on Sundry’s honey post says you can mix honey with your hair conditioner, too. Well, count me in! High time we had some fun beauty product experiments around here!

15 thoughts on “Honey, You’ve Got To Try It

  1. Linda

    I tried it on my hair yesterday and damned if my hair wasn’t extra soft and shiny afterwards. Honey! Is there anything it can’t do?

  2. Trena

    My jar of honey (specially purchased yesterday just for the purpose of washing my face with) is on the side of the sink. My husband is out of town again this week, but I am so sure that if he were here he totally would have moved my honey to the kitchen and asked me why on earth it was in the bathroom.
    Speaking of fabulous face things of your youth, I LOVED all things Freeman. Blueberry face wash? Must have. Lemon makeup remover? Another must have. I vaguely also remember dropping lots of the babysitting cash on St. Ives and all their fabulous potions.

  3. JMH

    I am doing the honey experiment (via Sundry) too. Love it!! However, I tired it in my hair, and it didn’t go so well. I had a very sticky spot that didn’t want to rinse out. Did you mix the honey with your conditioner or just put in on your hair striaght?

    Loved experimenting with beuaty products when I was younger and still do today. I would live for the Clinique “freebies” when I was in high school!!

  4. desperate housewife

    I used to spend a truly ridiculous amount of money on makeup and face care, too. I still use St. Ives apricot scrub religiously. Makeup to me is like candy, all pretty and shiny and oh-so-yummy in its nifty packaging. I’m pretty sure I’ve tried the honey thing at some point, and it is good. So are egg whites- great for your skin. Pretty sticky and nasty though. Honey is nicer.

  5. Shannon

    I’ll have to buy some more honey to try this as I have been eating it all with peanut butter on toast. Yum. If it’s good for my tummy it must be good for my face. And pregnancy doesn’t agree with my oil glands. I look like a knocked up cheerleader.

  6. Emblita

    Must buy honey tooo… I am still all about the facial and hair stuff. I can’t resist buying all sorts of expensive (and not so expensive) facial creams, masks, scrubs or oils. Will soon bee (haha) on the honey bandwagon as well :)

  7. Devan

    hmmm, very interesting. I’ve never heard of it. I’m not one for facials and makeup and such really though.
    I can’t remember the last time my face got washed outside of the shower or with anything but water.
    I might have to try it in the conditioner though.

  8. Swistle

    JMH– I put the honey in my hair straight, not mixed with conditioner, but I think I’d mix it with conditioner next time because it didn’t seem to…condition.

    Shannon– Me, too. I’m not sure this is the right time for me to be closely examining my skin for results. I think I could get a second mortgage to get La Mer, and my skin would still look pretty much pregnant and blotchy.

  9. Black Sheeped

    No one questioned the honey on the bathroom sink. I liked it, but I think I like my new facial cleanser better, which is also natural and hippie-ish. Over the last year I’ve switched to almost all Burt’s Bees products, even the make-up, and I’ve never been happier with my skin. For me honey would be great in a pinch though, or as an occasional mask. It was very smooth and tasty. :)

    Jmh, did you have the water very warm? Honey usually melts away in hot water.

  10. JMH

    Black sheeped: Yes, the water was warm. All of it rinsed out except for this one spot by my temple. Thaks for the tip though!

    Swistle: I plan to try the honey in my hair again tomorrow morning, but I will mix it together with my conditioner. I’ll report the results tomorrow!

  11. Penny

    This post strangely reminds me of high school sleepovers.

    I cited you recently in Salon.com tabletalk forums, so you might experience a few extra hits in the near future. I said that your blog was awesome.

  12. JMH

    Ok, so I tried the honey and conditioner combo this morning. It rinsed out MUCH better than just using the honey alone. However, I think it is just OK as a hair treatment. My hair is now soft (almost too soft to style) but no difference with the shine. I think I will just stick with using honey as a facial instead.(Love my skin now!) Thanks for all of the tips!

    BTW, I just read some of my old comments. UGH!! I CAN spell correctly, however, it is hard to type with a 3 yr. old climbing on and off on my lap.

  13. Swistle

    I tried the honey on my face four times, and in my hair twice (once on its own, once with conditioner added). I peered very closely in the mirror, and I don’t think I see any differences. Perhaps I didn’t have a bee vomit deficiency? Or perhaps it is too much to ask of honey to do anything for pregnancy skin or pregnancy hair.


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