TO: Whom it should concern
FROM: Swistle, and anyone else who would like to be included
RE: Hormones and moods

Even in hormonal situations such as pregnancy, post-pregnancy, and menopause, women continue to experience normal life and react to it normally. Maybe a woman is angry because of hormones, or maybe she is angry because you have once again left your dirty dishes all over the counter and gone off to play on your computer. Maybe a woman is crying because of hormones, or maybe she is crying because there was a sad part in the book she was reading. Maybe a woman is crabby because of hormones, or maybe she is crabby because she is in a crabby mood such as any other normal human being might periodically experience in the course of normal existence.

If you are not personally equipped with Hormone Vision that allows you to tell the difference between a hormone-based mood and a non-hormone-based mood, it is best to assume that the mood is non-hormone-based. And in fact, even if you are equipped with Hormone Vision, does it matter which kind of mood it is? Is it helpful to speculate aloud that the mood may be hormonally motivated, or to communicate by your attitude that you think the feelings presented to you may be safely dismissed? No, it does not: it does not matter, and it is not helpful, and if you don’t want a frying pan to the face you’d better knock it off.

9 thoughts on “MEMORANDUM

  1. desperate housewife

    Lol! May I have permission to print this post and frame it on my wall? Except maybe first you could add something to it about it being wise not to speculate that such things as PMS and morning sickness are “all in one’s head.”

  2. Trena

    Amen Swistle! This is exactly what I need to whip out when the husband sweetly asks if I’m grumpy because of (and I quote) “the monthlies”. Which is right about the time that I am ready to give him a good swift kick to the shins (or elsewhere, depending on the level of irritation involved).

  3. Bunny

    I have tried and tried to explain this very thing. Hormones may exaggerate the feelings, but it doesn’t mean the feeling is made up by the hormones.

  4. alienbea

    My motto is that while hormones may make my feelings more apparent, it only means that I am being rather more honest about my feelings than normal. If, for instance, I would normally be irritated that you’ve tightened the lid on the sippy cup too tight again, hormones simply mean that I will express my irritation loudly instead of muttering to myself.

  5. Woman with a Hatchet





    Just thought I’d tell you that, since no woman is ever told that often enough. I’m currently reading your archives (a long slow process between nursings) and I like you more and more every entry! You rock!


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