Valentine’s Day. It Is Tomorrow.

It does us no good to pretend that Valentine’s Day is not tomorrow: we all know that it is, so we might as well talk about it. I’ve heard complaints that Valentine’s Day is a “Hallmark holiday,” but Valentine’s Day got started in the Middle Ages, so that complaint is right out. Sweetest Day and Boss’s Day, though, I’m totally with you.

My best Valentine’s Days have been when I was single. I’d get together with a friend or two, and we’d pretend to be sad and depressed while we watched romantic movies, ordered pizza, and ate out of a large heart-shaped box of chocolates. Fun. Once–and this was the best of all–I didn’t have a boyfriend, but I got a heart-shaped balloon from a secret admirer, and I never did find out who sent it. Secret admirer + movies/pizza/chocolate = Best Valentine’s Day Ever.

The Valentine’s Days with a boyfriend or husband have always been letdowns. There was the high school boyfriend who gave me a red plush teddy bear with “I Love You Beary Much” on the tummy. The college boyfriend who gave me a bracelet from a gumball machine. The husband who said on Valentine’s Day afternoon, “Oh, uh….hey. Do we do Valentine’s Day?”

Nevertheless, I am fond of the holiday. I like heart-shaped boxes and the chocolates inside them, and I like pretty Valentine’s Day cards, and I liked the card exchange when I was in elementary school, and now I like helping Rob and William with their card exchanges. One of my friends sent me a Valentine’s Day card a couple of years ago, and I thought that was a nice thing to do and so now we exchange them each year, and I do the same with my other favorite friend.

Tell me about your Valentine’s Day history. Best? Worst? Tomorrow I plan to ask you about THIS Valentine’s Day and what your plans are, but for today let’s talk about the past.

12 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day. It Is Tomorrow.

  1. Jamie

    Past V-day’s have always included jewelry… to the point that it became too much. Then having kids, it was jewelry and homemade jewelry. I appreciate all of this, truly I do, but I would much rather have a gift certificate to my favorite store, a massage, or just something that I can use to take a break!

  2. theflyingmum

    Okay, I have been waffling over whether or not to share my “most awesomest homemade valentines ever” – if I can get my act together today, I may post them on my blog. It’s just having to photograph all the supplies… ugh. Lazy.

  3. Kara Marie

    Past Valentine’s Days have never been great, but never particularly terrible. My family exchanges Valentine’s cards, which I love. I do enjoy the holiday, although I feel bad that other people may feel bad during it. I think the worst was when a boy I Did Not Like sent me flowers at the high school to ask me out, and I had to say no. Because I felt bad.

  4. desperate housewife

    Hmm. Worst Valentines Day was probably when I was fifteen, and my boyfriend was in love with me but I had realized that this was a terrible, terrible mistake. And he gave me the whole deal: roses, candy, teddy bear, jewelry. And he told me he loved me, and I felt I had to say it back, but I had this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach all day long. We broke up shortly afterwards, and I threw everything away. It made me feel guilty to look at it.

  5. theflyingmum

    I have posted the afore-mentioned valentine’s on my blog – complete with supplies list, detailed instructions and *pictures*. If it is too late to make them, or you have already spent hard-earned money on cards, don’t despair – they make great birthday cards and gift tags too!

  6. Penny

    Best holiday: eating pizza with my 4 guy pals and watching GI Jane.

    Worst holiday: that same year, one guy friend left early to go on a date and the woman dumped him, telling him he was a horrible person who couldn’t communicate and that she didn’t even want him to contact her. Worst holiday for that guy, not for me. I’ve successfully blocked out all bad romantic encounters.

  7. Mommy Daisy

    I guess I don’t have too many Valentine’s Days that stand out as good or bad. Over the years I’ve gotten flowers, candy, jewelry, and other things. (This is all from my husband, because he’s the only one I ever even dated.)

    Last year I remember pretty well. I was over 9 months pregnant with our son, so we knew it would be our last chance to get out alone for a while. We went to a Japanese steakhouse for dinner. It was a lot of fun. And I remember during dinner that Zachariah was doing flips and turns inside me (which was hugely noticable for as big as he was at that point – probably 8 lbs or more). But we managed to have an enjoyable dinner.

  8. Lisa

    My husband and I met at a wedding on Valentine’s Day 20 years ago. It has turned out to my best Valentine’s Day ever! We try to do something special each Valentine’s Day – usually lunch without children. I enjoy finding silly stuffed animals and chocolates for my kids. Even the teenager likes it (although he will NEVER admit it.

  9. Tessie

    My mom used to do Valentines themed meals for us with heart-cutout sandwiches and jello, and PINK mashed potatoes. I LOVED this as a kid.

  10. el-e-e

    I agree that some of the best valentine’s days occur without boyfriends/husbands, and I posted about it at my blog. :)

    I also remember being a kid in about the 5th grade, having that sort-of ‘hope HE gives me a valentine’ but, ‘yikes, what if he does?!’ feeling. And cupcakes at school, that’s probably the best memory of all.

  11. Emblita

    Hmm Worst Valentines Day was probably the first one I experienced as an adult (we don’t really do Valentines day in Iceland). But anyway at the time I was living in Hawaii and got NOT invited to a Valentines day barbeque by my roommate because I “was not a couple” Ouch. Haven’t really been a fan since. But my husband usually sends me a card (in the mail no less) and/or gives me flowers. Which is nice and uncomplicated!


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