I’m getting the feeling from comments on my last post that freezer meals are one of the best things to give a new mom, and I totally agree: one of my favorite gifts after the twins were born was an enormous pan of pasta and meatballs that I ate for about a week, feeling nourished and comforted every time.
I am more a baker than a cook, however. I have a million good recipes for muffins, brownies, cookies, etc., and I will make her some muffins (and maybe some brownies–I’m remembering that the woman who brought the pasta and meatballs also brought a big plate of brownies, which were excellent for morale), but I would also like to make her a good hearty freezer meal. Would anyone like to contribute a good recipe or two? If you’d like to, email me (swistle at gmail dot com) with the recipe and with how you’d like to be credited (name or pseudonym, url if you want), and I’ll post them in a few days.