If there is no milk in the house, and you are without a car for the day so you can’t go to the grocery store, and you are thinking, “Well, that’s no big deal: I will eat my own weight in vanilla ice cream, and that will fill my calcium requirement”–then let me be the voice of your own future self saying to you, “Nooooooooooooooooo!”
When I am not pregnant I like ice cream, but it doesn’t occur to me to buy it. When I am pregnant, however, I bring more home every time I go to the grocery store. The other day I was having a bowl of it with some Magic Shell ice cream topping left over from the end of the school year when we did a little sundae celebration with the kids, and I idly glanced at the nutrition information on the bottle of Magic Shell. Do you know what Magic Shell is made of? DEATH.
Still, I wanted chocolatey topping, so today I made some fudge sauce. My homemade version may not be a health food but at least I can make it with LESS DEATH. And it was so, so tasty, I had three bowls of ice cream with it. Okay, four. Four bowls. Four bowls in the afternoon, plus one more just now after dinner. And so I can personally testify, not only as your future self but as my own present self, that it is a poor idea indeed.
I have to say that that does sound oh-so-tasty. I could go for 4 or 5 bowls of ice cream with homemade fudge right now. I’ve never read the shell container and now I’ll be sure never to do so – I will avert my eyes and just squeeze on more next time I visit my mom (the only person I know who buys the stuff). That and the wanting 5 bowls of ice cream could explain why I’m not, *ahem*, a healthier-sized person(how’s that for euphemism?).
Do you know what Magic Shell is made of? DEATH.
I love magic shell, but yes, once I read the ingredient list I just couldn’t bring myself to buy it anymore. ‘Death’ pretty much describes it.