It’s a…


The ultrasound technician was completely certain: she used the word “definitely” three times, and in previous pregnancies the best I’ve gotten is “95% sure”–and usually more like “75% sure.”

We’re so symmetrical! Boy boy girl boy boy. (Elizabeth is 1 minute older than Edward. That counts!)

Elizabeth hates sharing a room with Edward; she will be very glad that she doesn’t have to share a room with the new baby. Edward will go with the new baby, and we will turn our current small computer room into a room for Elizabeth.

Holy crap, it’s a BOY! Finding out is such a shock to the system. It’s a little like seeing the second pink line on the pregnancy test: you have to reorganize your whole brain to deal with the new information.

4 thoughts on “It’s a…

  1. desperate housewife

    Ooh- blow some boy dust my way! I really hope for a boy, (even though of course I not-so-secretly think it’s more fun to dress up baby girls!) just because then we’ll have one of each, and maybe that will help us not be so anxious to get pregnant too fast with the third! If it’s another girl, I know Jim will be getting antsy to try again within a year! See, I have three sisters and no brothers, and he lives in fear that the same fate which befell my dad will befall him- all alone in a house full of women.


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