It is Christmas Eve! My family always celebrates Christmas on Christmas Eve night, so normally right now we would be back from our Christmas Light Drive and we would be starting to open presents. Instead I am here at my computer, finishing a bowl of soup. This year my brother and his wife are visiting both families, and her family is first this year, so our family is celebrating later this week when they can be with us.
This has given me a funny feeling all day. Everyone else is beginning their celebrations; I am eating soup and it is a regular day. This morning, while Paul was watching the kids in the playroom, I cleaned the toilet and sink and floor in the bathroom. It’s nice to have it all shiny in there, but it isn’t Christmassy.
Well, while everyone else is suffering post-holiday funk, looking dismally at the heaps of trash and toys and listening to the pitter-pat of needles falling off the tree, we will be just starting on our piles of shiny presents. And then joining you in the post-holiday funk.