Next month I’m participating in NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write a 50,000-word novel (that’s the size of a thin paperback) during November: you can’t start until November 1st, and you have to stop after November 30th. Expectations are very, very low: quantity is valued much more highly than quality, and loopholes and serious plot problems are assumed. It’s low pressure, it sounded like fun, and I’m hoping it will distract me from my pregnancy queasiness.
This means I might not be blogging much during the month of November, unless I fink out or unless I’m looking for things to do other than work on my low-quality novel.
If you’d like to do NaNoWriMo, too, we can use the comments section of this post as a place to meet up! Meet back here to moan about how bad your book is!
Go to to sign up, or to see more about what it’s like.